I saw a post on here earlier that apparently was deleted.... I think it was kinda headed in the direction of "Catholic bashing".... It's a shame that this is where we take accounts like this.... Bash the other guy....
There is an account of a Catholic nun Charlotte Keckler - who escaped out of a "Closed Cloister", found Jesus, and spoke openly and wrote about what she experienced... Utter hell and torture for years.... (You can google it up if you are interested...)
I certainly do not want to make light of what she experienced - no person should have to experience the sort of things she did... No doubt she would have preferred execution because it would have ended the pain... I also have no desire to excuse the responsibility of those who DID these things in the Name of Jesus....
At first - when you read such an account and allow the horror to sink in - there's a strong temptation to launch into "Church Bashing".... Saying in effect "God, I thank you that you have made me RIGHTEOUS - unlike those Sinners over there" (Luke 18:9-14)
BUT - there's a GREAT danger in this sort of attitude.... See - we ALL have blind spots - places where we often completely MISS God and His nature.. Places where we "Put the name of God upon things".....
For example, how Keckler ended up where she did... The doctrine of "Mortification" - the destruction of the body to attain a holier, more spiritual state.... It was COMMON practice in the Western Church for well over 1,000 years... It was based on a very COMMON Greek/Pagan belief that the Flesh was EVIL and the Spirit was Good... and so punishing and abusing the flesh - even to the point of torture and death was a GOOD and Godly thing - and thus it would bring you into more close contact with God....
We really only STARTED to put a stop to it with Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation.... but all those people who practiced it - they THOUGHT that was The Way to God..... AND - it still goes on to some extent or another, though it is not nearly as common as it was....
BUT... This should seriously make us step back for a moment... Just as THEY were blind and didn't see it - so are WE... We say "Those men were evil - WE would never do things like that..." but remember - this is part of OUR "Christian Heritage"... If we ignore it or brush it off as "Other people's problems" - we won't be able to overcome it.... AND - we won't truly ever gain any "Repentance"....
See - the Pharisees said Exactly the same thing in Matt 23:29-36... The issue is that they were blind to HOW stuff like that gets traction... Blind to the PROCESS of how they made the mistakes... BLIND because THEY thought they possessed The Truth... Of course - the errors of the past are clear to us now... BUT - the only thing History teaches us is that we don't learn anything from history....
We are just as blind - we just like to point fingers at everybody else... Instead of Mortification, we make a mockery of "Saved by Faith" - that since you "Believe" - you can do anything you want... Behave any way you want... Impugn, besmirch, abuse, lie, destroy, revel in all sort of flavors of sexual sin and drug abuse, split off another church so we can do whatever we want in our church, and EVEN put the Church's stamp of approval on such things... That because we are "Saved by Faith not Justified by Works" - that any "Good works" are meaningless, so therefore, to be hated or at least made light of.... and we DON'T DO ANY WORKS AT ALL..... We do stuff NOW in the name of God that would make those "Evil Men" practicing Mortification BLUSH and GASP In horror!
Just as blind... STILL don't see... Strain out a gnat and swallow a camel..... Declare myself Righteous - it's the other guy with the problem.... AND - it's why WE still NEED JESUS... Not just for the Warm Fuzzy feeling - but to be OUR KING.... OUR MESSIAH... to CORRECT the wrong things.... To bring US out of The Curse....
There is an account of a Catholic nun Charlotte Keckler - who escaped out of a "Closed Cloister", found Jesus, and spoke openly and wrote about what she experienced... Utter hell and torture for years.... (You can google it up if you are interested...)
I certainly do not want to make light of what she experienced - no person should have to experience the sort of things she did... No doubt she would have preferred execution because it would have ended the pain... I also have no desire to excuse the responsibility of those who DID these things in the Name of Jesus....
At first - when you read such an account and allow the horror to sink in - there's a strong temptation to launch into "Church Bashing".... Saying in effect "God, I thank you that you have made me RIGHTEOUS - unlike those Sinners over there" (Luke 18:9-14)
BUT - there's a GREAT danger in this sort of attitude.... See - we ALL have blind spots - places where we often completely MISS God and His nature.. Places where we "Put the name of God upon things".....
For example, how Keckler ended up where she did... The doctrine of "Mortification" - the destruction of the body to attain a holier, more spiritual state.... It was COMMON practice in the Western Church for well over 1,000 years... It was based on a very COMMON Greek/Pagan belief that the Flesh was EVIL and the Spirit was Good... and so punishing and abusing the flesh - even to the point of torture and death was a GOOD and Godly thing - and thus it would bring you into more close contact with God....
We really only STARTED to put a stop to it with Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation.... but all those people who practiced it - they THOUGHT that was The Way to God..... AND - it still goes on to some extent or another, though it is not nearly as common as it was....
BUT... This should seriously make us step back for a moment... Just as THEY were blind and didn't see it - so are WE... We say "Those men were evil - WE would never do things like that..." but remember - this is part of OUR "Christian Heritage"... If we ignore it or brush it off as "Other people's problems" - we won't be able to overcome it.... AND - we won't truly ever gain any "Repentance"....
See - the Pharisees said Exactly the same thing in Matt 23:29-36... The issue is that they were blind to HOW stuff like that gets traction... Blind to the PROCESS of how they made the mistakes... BLIND because THEY thought they possessed The Truth... Of course - the errors of the past are clear to us now... BUT - the only thing History teaches us is that we don't learn anything from history....
We are just as blind - we just like to point fingers at everybody else... Instead of Mortification, we make a mockery of "Saved by Faith" - that since you "Believe" - you can do anything you want... Behave any way you want... Impugn, besmirch, abuse, lie, destroy, revel in all sort of flavors of sexual sin and drug abuse, split off another church so we can do whatever we want in our church, and EVEN put the Church's stamp of approval on such things... That because we are "Saved by Faith not Justified by Works" - that any "Good works" are meaningless, so therefore, to be hated or at least made light of.... and we DON'T DO ANY WORKS AT ALL..... We do stuff NOW in the name of God that would make those "Evil Men" practicing Mortification BLUSH and GASP In horror!
Just as blind... STILL don't see... Strain out a gnat and swallow a camel..... Declare myself Righteous - it's the other guy with the problem.... AND - it's why WE still NEED JESUS... Not just for the Warm Fuzzy feeling - but to be OUR KING.... OUR MESSIAH... to CORRECT the wrong things.... To bring US out of The Curse....