Calling people gross for not wearing socks with shoes or going barefoot is bullying

This has been going on for years now but I get utterly nauseated when I hear biased articles saying that going barefoot and wearing shoes without socks is bad for you and your health. In my perspective, being told to do or not to do something that is considered mundane is utterly ridiculous. For me, I hate wearing socks and certain shoes. And believe me, I’ve looked for all sorts of brands and variants that are considered right for my feet. Most are unhelpful. People keep telling me I need to keep looking for shoes that make me feel comfortable but the reality is i was born with super sensitive feet. I grew up with calluses and bunions and athlete’s foot all my life, and yet I’m still told to always wear socks with my shoes. It’s as if they really don’t care about the conditions I’m in. I’ve been putting on medicine for my warts for months now but it seems like nothing is really working. There is way too much backlash on going sockless and shoeless and told to NEVER go without socks because we are killing ourselves, which I believe is pure rubbish and just a bunch of lies so-called health inspectors and hackers make up just to encourage discrimination:

I’m not the only person who hates wearing socks as there are many others who hate socks too and get extremely uncomfortable wearing them. I can relate with them as I can understand where they’re coming from and I’ve faced similar experiences to theirs. Unfortunately, we get bullied for refusing to wear socks and discriminated for walking barefoot in public places. We have been indoctrinated by society that our experiences with foot problems do not matter to the law and people see us as gross and unattractive when we go sockless or shoeless. Here are some of the responses they give out on why people hate wearing socks:

“People hate socks because they think it's so cool to wear shoes without socks honestly I always wear socks I thinks it's gross to wear shoes without socks I mean come on even kids now a days wear shoes without socks gross I love socks and I would never date somebody that didn't wear socks with shoes.”

“Because they’re stupid. Most have the notion in their head that socks are bad. They have no experience with the sexuality and eroticism of socks. They are just hung up on what “they think”, not what they know.”

“Probably because your mom didn’t put them on you from a young age. It has been trendy since the 2000s to keep babies barefoot because of junk science by the barefoot communities that shoes are bad for kids feet.”

There are also plenty of irritating replies and articles in response to people who wear shoes without socks and go barefoot. I absolutely cannot stand it. People act like they know us better than we know ourselves. I don’t care if they think we’re disgusting for letting our feet rot and making ourselves sick, because I know they’re lying and don’t know what they’re talking about. When we talk about our negative experiences with socks and shoes, we’re told that we THINK that way, and we don’t know the truth about the so-called benefits of wearing these pieces of torture.

I’m tired of being stigmatized for showing discomfort in my body that society forces upon me. We’re called gross and weird because we don’t follow the burdens society places on our shoulders and we’re told to accept the discrimination brought upon us. We’re ostracized for being different, we’re bullied and called stupid and pampered because people fail to acknowledge the struggles we’ve faced. And when they do, they dismiss our feelings and tell us to get over it. It’s disgusting and all that hatred toward sockless and barefooted people is nothing but discrimination.

I want to reach out to the people who are being bullied for simply being ostracized by the rest of society, and let them know that our feelings and voices are valid, no matter how weird they sound. God bless.
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In my perspective, being told to do or not to do something that is considered mundane is utterly ridiculous.
This ^^^

Honestly, perhaps it's time to pull back on the social media. It sounds like you're fighting the world and that just does not work. All it will do is exhaust you. The world will happily grind you to dust and literally never notice you were here. It's a losing battle.
Cultivate an air of detachment, it works for most things that don't really need the time of day.

I had one boy who seem to have adhd, never listens to anything you say, runs around the library, swears, makes rude noises, picks fights etc all the time. He's like that to everyone, so I wouldn't say he's bullying if he's just rude and doesn't know any better. I try to keep him away from others or tell others to avoid him if he does that because it is annoying but I wouldn't take it personally.

I wouldn't say they ostracise him but if you are unpleasant to be around then people tend to keep away from you. I would then try to get him involved in an activity that won't cause a lot of disruption for the class. Its just finding that thing though because he can only do things for a minute and then immediateley forget what you just told him.
The socks vs shoes thing is often a cultural thing. Also if your feet get cold, it's probably better to wear socks. Otherwise I'm not fussed. I live in a land of hobbits where it's ok to walk round barefoot unless there's prickles on the grass. Actually I was the one who got teased for NOT going barefoot because I didn't want to get prickles in my feet.

The one time I went outside barefoot and did a bit of gardening a wasp stung my toe and I couldn't walk, wear shoes, or work for two weeks. So it's more of a safety thing for me wearing shoes.