Sure we were spiritually dead in sins, but Jesus died for all mankind. The opportunity to be spiritually alive is extended to every human. WE accept or reject it.JACK: Depends what you mean by "free will." My cat is free to act like a cat. He can pur whenever he wishes, dig in his litter box when he chooses, but he is not free to act like a dog. He can't bark or chase cars. We are born spiritually dead (Eph. 2:1) spiritually blind (2 Cor. 4:3-4) and spirituall deaf (John 8:43, 47). Do we have "free will" to accept Christ? You may be interested to know that the term "free will" nowhere appears in the Bible. When God saves us, we become "new creatures" in Christ with a new will and a new nature. We are not free to act like a child of God.
Romans 10:11
11 For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed
Please read my post #16 on free will.
But Calvin is not in the word of God?JACK: I would be very cautious about using Wikipedia for anything especially theology. Our Theology should come from the Word of God.
The disciples had no choice in the matter? They could not reject? Jesus forced them? Need to use some logic! It is rather obvious that Jesus would make an educated decision in choosing disciples, men that would be more inclined to accept His offer, this DOES NOT mean they had no free will to still reject….JACK: Jesus said to them, "You did not choose me, I chose you..." (Jn. 15:16).
1 John 2:2JACK: Nope, He sure didn't! That's why it is called hell.
2 And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.
If Jesus died for all mankind, God is fair and yet people go to hell….the logical deduction is….they rejected Jesus from free will….
1 Tim 2:4JACK: Notice in Mark 10:45 and Matthew 20:28 that the word is "many" not "all." The word "many" is a translation of the Greek term POLLOS meaning a large group but never used for all inclusive humanity. If God knew from eternity past who would accept Him and who would not, why would it be necessary for Christ to pay the penalty for unbelievers? Besides, if He did, wouldn't that mean that God extracted the penalty for sins twice: once on his Son and again on the sinner and is that fair?
4 Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.
It is God's hope that ALL men accept salvation. Jesus would have died even if only ONE person repented.
Ours. The very opening says it clearly ''But as many as received Him''. We accept Jesus and are then grafted into the vine. We humble our hearts to the working of the Holy Spirit to produce Godly repentance. We reject and grieve the Holy Spirit.JACK: Take note of John 1:12-13. "But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even those who believe in His name, who were born [again] not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God." After reading these two verses, whose "will" saved us?
If you were saved when you outright rejected it, don't you think that was the Holy Spirit talking to you? Even baby Christians full of the Spirit know tripe when they hear it. It sounds to me like you have allowed yourself to be brain-washed.JACK: There was a time in my life when I believed what you just wrote and I believed it with a passion. When I first heard a Calvinistic sermon I rejected it and mocked it. I thought no one in their right minds would believe such utter nonsense and I set out on a year long Bible study to disprove it. My Bible study resulted in something quite unexpected. Here I am forty-five years later a committed theologian to the Doctrines of Sovereign Grace teaching in a seminary.
So God is unfair on us and fair on those going to hell? That clearly makes God a respecter of persons, unjust and unfair.JACK: If God treated us all "fairly" we would all be suffering in hell right now. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God and He would be perfectly justified and fair to place us all there without exception. To think that God isn't fair is ridiciulous. Do you really want Him to treat you "fairly"? Grace is treating us unfairly and praise Him for his Grace.
Scripture that says God is good, fair, just and no respecter of persons. It is a logical answer with the given facts. I may be a few degrees out but Calvinism is going in the opposite direction.KINGJ: God in all His power CHOOSES to NOT KNOW the destiny of every baby human He creates. If He did, then He is guilty of not giving all free will and being a respecter of persons… is just that simple… JACK: If this is so simple, where in the scripture does it say this?