I believe a Christian should allow Jesus/Holy Spirit tell him or her what to do, and how to live their lives.Can a Christian spend his time and life on things of the world? For example: Sports, TV, Media, Entertainment, Recreation, Arts, Science, Literature, etc.
Or should a Christian rather spend his life and time on the things of Christ? For example: Ministry, Missions, Preaching, Philanthropy, etc.
Must a Christian fully devote his life to Christ, or can he still indulge in the world and have no shame?
I am curious, because part of me, that is, my mind, knows I should give up everything worldly, like video games and cookies. But another part of me, that is, my body, wants to keep these things and enjoy them.
How should a Christian live?
I intend this thread to be very long, so please, share your thoughts, and God bless.
That said, does not help those who are not aware that the Holy Spirit/Jesus can tell them how to live.
(Romans 8: 4) “He did this in order that the law’s just demands might be satisfied in us, who behave not as our unspiritual nature but as the Spirit dictates