First of all what has leprechauns got to do with God and belief ? Those things just don't exist and are myths , whereas ,God , Jesus and the Holy Spirt are real . I don't even think the come close to what you are talking about here.
If you say you are reading your Bible every day and you have accepted Jesus as your personal Saviour , the scriptures will come alive in your heart and as you keep reading the Holy Spirit will help you to believe . In our Christian walk it is a progression and each day God reveals Himself through the scripture and I don't even have to think if I believe because it is a natural acceptance .
I also have to say my belief is based on my love for Jeus Christ and what He has dopne for me on the cross . He died for me and washed away all my sins . How do I know cause the things I used to do , I do not want to do any more. It is the Holy Spirit in my now directing my life. I have purpose and a plan . I willingly want to serve Him becsue I also know my destiny is to see Jeus one day in heaven because His Word has promised that .
The issue in whether or not you have a relationship with God isn't what beliefs you agree with or what meetings you go to, or what religion you're a part of. The whole issue is, "Where are you placing your trust to get you to heaven?" In your Christianity? In your Christian religion or rituals? In your Christian upbringing or your Christian knowledge? Or even trying to live like a Christian? None of those can save you from the awful death penalty for our sinful rebellion against God. It's got to be Jesus...all Jesus...only Jesus
Romans 10 : 10 ...... For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.
You see you can have head knowledge and think you belive but if it does not travel to your heart , then truly you are not believing and will always question after the fact.
I am repeating my post with my explanation and do not desire to go to the leprecaun scene again . It seems we are just going around in circles and coming back to the same question which I feel if you have read all the answers will give you the answers you are searching for .
So with all due respect I will withdrow from this thread and maybe others can help you . May I encourage you to take out your Bible and start doing a study yourself and you wil be amazed at how the Word of God will show you your answers. There are so many scripture verses here in this thread also that point to why we believe . So in closing I will say that I will be praying for you that yopu find the Truth and when you do the truth will set you free.