Can Satan read minds?

An excellent thread Mykuhl. I have considered exactly that same question many times.
When you think, or dream in bed, you imagine all sorts of conversations going on, or at least I do.
I don't necessarily "hear" someone speak with a specific sound or accent, but within me I "know" its them because of other non specific signals. I might hear someone address me from behind, and in my dream I know its my wife, or a teacher from my first school. The former voice would obviously be familiar, the latter, being from 60 years ago, not a chance. But within me, I know who both are.

I believe this is because in the realm of the spirit, sound is not the medium. Word sounds are just a code system to transfer our inner thoughts or concepts. The real language is the concept itself, from which the word springs. When we enter the heavenly realm, I believe that we will converse by thought concepts addressed one to the other.
I believe that this is what happens right now when we hear God speak. There are times when I have heard God speak with great clarity. Then when I try to write it down, I find there is a conflict within me as to what the exact words were. I then realise that there were several phrases overlaying each other spoken simultaneously, rather like several overhead projector transparencies on top of each other. They all convey the vision separately, but amplify it together. You can see this with some of the prophetic scenes in the bible.

Back to your inner thoughts. Demons merely have to convey concepts direct to our inner man and it is we who label them as ours because they are so like our thoughts because they are communicated at thought level. Being subtle, Satan is quite able to match thoughts, just slightly off track but still sounding very reasonable. Then once we start an inner conversation going with those thoughts, I believe that he, or his demons are able to clearly read our responses because we have established the lines of communication.
I hate the thought that he has such access, but that is the only logical conclusion that matches experience. It also ties in with the scripture that has already been quoted.
2Cor10v3For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. 4The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. 5We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.

Those thoughts that we take captive are not therefore necessarily our own thoughts, even though they float around our heads and keep repeating themselves. I have many times treated them as demonic, cast them out and seen them silenced.

If demons didn't have the ability to commune with us in such ways, there would be no need to issue warnings about doctrines of demons would there?
Hmmm that is very interesting Francis, it sounds very plausible, It sounds a bit like what I have been considering. Something for me to ponder over. Thanks for that.
I would like to know if there is anywhere in the bible that says that either satan can or can not read minds? I don't remember reading anything either way. If he can't read minds then how can he speak words into your mind and have them sound like your own thoughts, when you and God are the only ones that know what the voice of your thoughts sound like?
The Bible is not that detailed about such things. Whether or not a demon can read your thoughts is very much dependant on what is going on in your thoughts.
They can read what is their own. They can also poke around in any place they already own. Or to put it more plainly, devils can read devilish thoughts, but have difficulty with pure thoughts, because purity is not part of their nature. They can also put thoughts into devilish/impure minds. So, keep your mind on Jesus and they will have a very difficult time getting into your head.
Back to your inner thoughts. Demons merely have to convey concepts direct to our inner man and it is we who label them as ours because they are so like our thoughts because they are communicated at thought level. Being subtle, Satan is quite able to match thoughts, just slightly off track but still sounding very reasonable. Then once we start an inner conversation going with those thoughts, I believe that he, or his demons are able to clearly read our responses because we have established the lines of communication.
I hate the thought that he has such access, but that is the only logical conclusion that matches experience.

I think perhaps that inner communication is a way to give the enemy permission into our minds, where he can take more and more ground(If we don't resist) until eventually that person become totally overcome. This could be how demon possession takes place. If we think about could a demon(s) take possession of a body and control it if they cannot enter into the mind? It is our mind that controls our body.
I think perhaps that inner communication is a way to give the enemy permission into our minds, where he can take more and more ground(If we don't resist) until eventually that person become totally overcome. This could be how demon possession takes place. If we think about could a demon(s) take possession of a body and control it if they cannot enter into the mind? It is our mind that controls our body.
That spells it out quite succinctly.
Do you think our abilities or potentially afflicted condition is an accurate reflection of what we are on the other side?
By the other side, I presume you refer to our spiritual nature? If so, then absolutely I do. The condition of our spirit completely controls our physical being.
Proverbs18v14The spirit of a man will sustain his infirmity; but a wounded spirit who can bear?
I think its essential not to let Satan enter our minds; block him out, he is powerless.
I think its essential not to let Satan enter our minds; block him out, he is powerless.

You need to be more precise as to how we block satan entering our minds.
As Jesus said, The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. The thief that Jesus mentions here is an allusion to Satan and he doesn't sound that powerless to me.
Satan has power because we allow him access to us; we all do it. If we always concentrate on Holy thoughts and have God at the forefront of our minds, Satan will have to take a back seat.
If Satan is lying to you, tempting you etc. just pronounce "Ye of all evil, get behind me"!
Just a thought, if I may.........

There's Oppression, and there's Possession. Satan (like in the example of Job, and how God allowed Satan to mess with Job's life) can mess with us too if God allows it. Our thoughts, the temptations we have...........we know the difference between "whatsoever things are pure, lovely and of good report" and those things that are unholy, ungodly, and sinful.

Satan was given allowance to tempt Christ Himself. How did he do it? He introduced ideas, thoughts, suggestions, that were obviously meant to trap Him.

I have seen and experienced Satan's oppressive tactics. I have seen Satan's possession of others. Our response should be as Christ's response. Scripture (Just like Christ did).

Can he (Satan) pre-know our responses. Nope. He is not Omniscient (all knowing). Only God is that.

God wins!!
