I was wondering if you can give us scripture to confirm your statement: “God still uses ALL things for His Glory-in His time.“
I just don’t see God using sin for his anything.
(Romans 8:28) “We are well aware that God works with those who love him, those who have been called in accordance with his purpose, and turns everything to their good.”
(John 14: 23) “Anyone who loves me will keep my word and my Father will love him, and we shall come to him and make a home in him.”
I Said" Only if you deny the source: deny the Holy Spirit and say 'look what I did' for such and such cause..
Which happens all the time. God still uses ALL things for His Glory-in His time.
God will use the sin of one to benefit the other, example: unsaved parents have a a child, the child gets saved and does a work for the LORD. Out of the parents sin, God can make use of that soil...."
Which was probably not the best way to word things and yes saying that "God uses sin" does not sound all that Biblical to me either-for that let me apologize. God will not 'tempt us into sin' but will allow us to be tempted. (We in turn choose to sin or not-God always leaves us an out if we will take it).
Let me further clarify the statement I made earlier by saying this: God will allow us to sin and suffer the consequences. In that suffering; if the heart becomes repentant (whether it be the first or fourth generation); God will lead that soul to salvation and overcoming of said sin. I am trying to make this statement as universal as possible because we could do the 'what if' game on this for eternity and it will make no difference.
The point I was trying to make is that people generally do 'good' for their own benefit and disregard the Owner of that Good. But God can make 'good' come out of any mess that we create if He so chooses. Else their wouldn't be anyone 'saved from sin'. Does that sound better?
As for the OP: James 1:17; Matthew 19:17/Mark 10:18; Luke 6:27-36; John 9:1-7
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