Amen most believers are struggling and fighting to make things work that they feel is what they are called to do.
Amen most believers are struggling and fighting to make things work that they feel is what they are called to do.
Most of them do not even Realize that there is a difference between His will for our lives and His Plan for our lives.
Sure His will for our lives are the same for each and every one of us. It's His word and how we are to conduct our selves now that we are adopted into His Family.
He has a unique individual plan for each person born. It is up to us to find it and do it.
Picture this if you will. There is coming a day when we will stand before the Father and our life will be examined.
Think of it this way. God has cut out of who you would be if you followed His plan instead of ours. Now then as we stand in front of this cut out.....How Will We Measure Up ?
Just sayen. ...... are you really that sure you are right where God wants you or doing what He called each of us to do?
There is still time to get back on track and get as much done as we can before we stand before Him.
I don't want to be found lacking.....what about you.
Amen and in this time in Christ I truly believe He is looking for those who will truly surrender all unto Him and be willing to be willing.Excellent post. We are HIS workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works that God has before ordained that we should walk in them. The verb for "to walk" is a subjunctive verb, which I think means that it is God's plan for us, but there is a potential for us to fall short of His plan if we are not dilligently following Him. God forbid.
Excellent post. We are HIS workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works that God has before ordained that we should walk in them. The verb for "to walk" is a subjunctive verb, which I think means that it is God's plan for us, but there is a potential for us to fall short of His plan if we are not dilligently following Him. God forbid.
Another thing that walk implies is maturity.
God bless you and your family