Celebrating Church 7th Anniversary


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Dear brothers and sisters at Christian Forum Site;

Psalm 126:3, 3 The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy.

It means a lot to share my joy with you. Our church family in Daly City, California is celebrating our 7th anniversary. It was Tuesday, September 4th, 2011 that we launched our first worship service and tomorrow will hold our anniversary service Sunday, the 9th, followed by a nice lunch at a restaurant.

It has been a wonderful ministry and has had its share of setbacks. We have survived every challenge. God is for real! God is faithful! God continues to grow us as we press on!

These past Sundays after the benediction I stand there and watch my church family congregating with each other, not in a hurry to leave. The core of our church family has been with us for most of the 7 years and its a joy to see how they all have grown in Christ and continue to step up and serve where help is needed.

This is a "nice shot in the arm" because we still have so much work ahead but knowing God is real, He is faithful and we are excited because we know God will continue to grow us.

I want to thank you for your prayers and allowing me to share with you here at Christian Forum Site. I am blessed that two of our closest partners in ministry are also members here, one from NW India and another from Macedonia.

God bless you all and your families.