The next section in the New Testament, from Ephesians to 2 Thessalonians, brings out
our standing in Christ.
All spiritual blessings are in Christ, our acceptance is in the Beloved, in whom we have redemption, forgiveness, an inheritance, & `the eternal purposed is purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord.` (Eph. 3: 11)
The spiritual significance of the 12 loaves of the showbread table is revealed as Christ the Bread of Life.
From the highest station of sovereignty, `the form of God,` He descended to the lowest state of submission, `the form of a bond servant.` And although He made Himself of no reputation in His humanity, He is now entitled to a name above every name, (Phil. 2: 6 – 10)
This self – abnegating service is a sweet savour to God & is represented in the incense altar, (Phil. 4: 18)
This is the one who has the preeminence in all things, in whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom & knowledge, for in Him dwells all the fullness of Godhead bodily. And because we are in Him we are filled to completion. So when Christ who is our life shall appear, we shall appear with Him in glory, (Col. 1: 18, 2: 3, 9, 10, 3: 4)
The ark of the covenant had its crown of gold expressing sovereignty,
- A mercy seat, sympathy
- The rod that budded & pot of manna, sufficiency of Christ`s priesthood in resurrection.
In the light of our Lord`s wonderful character we can look with hopeful expectancy His coming descent from heaven. The word of the Lord affirms it, (1 Thess 4: 14 – 18)
The veil which is His flesh, in which we expect Him to be manifested