christian life

It can be tough brother but Jesus will light your path and show you the way. Draw nigh to God and He will draw nigh to you. Call on Him for help and then walk out your situation by faith in His strength. You will be surprised at the difference there is in going through a situation trusting God each step compared to trying to do it in your own strength. Pray about these situations, seek His will for your life and follow it. i can say with a certainty that you will never find true peace outside of His will and in His will you will be at rest no matter what storm blows your way.
QUOTE: "however i am puzzled why so many are failing in their walk with God, you just have to look at churches to see that many are failing however these people have the best of intentions they really believe in Jesus and are trying to live good lives however they mostly end up in sin of some sort that Jesus said he would give them the power to overcome."

I surrendered my life to Christ in Jan. of this year, and also questioned why Christians seem to stumble back into sin so often. I could not see myself going back to my old habits of sin. . . until I too, did just what I did not want to do. I recently fell back into my old habits and have been slowly finding my way back to Him. He did not leave me, I left Him. It is hard forgiving ones self.

But, I think the biggy I learned from it all is that the Holy Spirit is still living inside us when we sin and He is grieved with it. I will think twice about that one.

Also, I was living according to my sinful desires, not according to the Holy Spirit's direction. People who live according to the sinful nature think about sinful things. I left for vacation and in the process, left Him at home. Or at least I thought I did.

The point is, try to find some Spirit-Filled people to hang around with and let their wisdom and maturity sink into your spirit. I know it must be harder to find a Spirit-Filled church there in your country. I just got back from England and never did find one. I was unfamiliar with England, but I did really try. Maybe just looking in a phone book. . . :confused:

Just try to saturate yourself, soak in the Bible and surround yourselves with other's who are Christians and it should really help. This forum has also been very helpful to me. Keep reading posts and ask questions and learn.

I also think praying to Heavenly Father and realizing what He did for us would really help. Relationship is the key, not religion. And that's sometimes hard to do, share all your hurts with Him and get to know Him more. More Power to ya, Chris!

It would seem as though my sis is getting very wise!:)
Since the Original Poster has not been participating in this thread since March 29, perhaps it might be wise to hold any additional postings until such time as he has a chance to return and to get caught up on things. Thank you.
Oh, my, Pastor Gary, you are just a little stinker! :p We were going along very good there, I thought.

And, Bo, yeah I'm yielding to the Holy Spirit's working in my life at last, again. But, I have to admit that a lot of what I said in that post came straight outa' your mouth to me once. :D I learned it from a Man of God.