Its not accepted practice anymore to do this - rape and kill and steal and destroy. I'm not 'glad' that the British invaded Australia. But at least they are now apologising for the horrific stuff they did to the Aboriginal people and are now only realising they have killed the Great Barrier Reef.Lanolin ancient Empires did what they did to establish their authority and their prosperity it was accepted practice to lay claim to the riches of others who they conquered including the booty which was often us. Agreed. The colonial empires certainly done many bad things to in rich themselves be that privately or in the name of her majesty's government . But also under the umbrella of Christianity the colonial empires brought a much better way of life. Including introducing the gospel of Jesus Christ and the gift of eternal life to the far reaches of the world I do believe. Which was a far more favourable empire than any other pagan empire would have given and permitted bordering on extermination for less populated continents or islands . Even before the age of colonial empires the tribal warfare amongst clans and tribes was universal as it was in Australia and NZ too. Perhaps Ernie Dingo a Australian Aboriginal summed it up best in one of his documentaries ( I’m really glad that it was the British that invaded Australia and not someone else ) As to man subduing the world. We do find in Genesis 2: 26 Genesis 2:28. It be a Divine directive to do so . And not only to have dominion over the animal kingdom but for us to go forth and multiply and to have dominion over the entire earth as well. .
It wasn't under the umbrella of Christianity to ruin peoples lives and their environment though, and to treat animals cruelly. This is why SPCA, hospitals for the sick and dying and schools for children were created.
People forget we have a NEW Testament in which Jesus said to feed the sheep and lambs, not slaughter them. Jesus already made that sacrifice.
Christians need to realise God's kingdom is not of this world and was not ever related to human empire building, whether tribal or colonial.