Cloud of Family Members!

The more one enters into understanding (via the Spirit and His Word) the presence of the enmity God has placed between believers and unbelievers (chiefly between Christ and His, and Satan and his, which are unbelievers - Gen 3:15), the more potential there is for the tendency of loneliness, due to that fact that there will always be less of the former in comparison of the latter (Mat 7:13, 14).

Little is it realized but truly it is so, that only those who are believers are literally connected with many others, which includes the Sovereign Trinity and all who are reborn now in heaven and still on earth! Knowing and understanding this is a significant enablement against vulnerability to loneliness. Sadly though, this also means that unbelievers are not connected to any other single soul—in heaven nor on earth—which makes it a big universe in which to be alone.
Hello netchaplain;

I enjoyed your message and after reading it through is a good, beneficial lesson for all believers.

Unbelievers will hide their pride of despair, desperation, loneliness and unrighteous compromise. I feel we all have been there but as you wrote;

"that only those who are believers are literally connected with many others, which includes the Sovereign Trinity and all who are reborn now in heaven and still on earth! Knowing and understanding this is a significant enablement against vulnerability to loneliness."

Thank you, Bob, and may God bless your family.
Hello netchaplain;

I enjoyed your message and after reading it through is a good, beneficial lesson for all believers.

Unbelievers will hide their pride of despair, desperation, loneliness and unrighteous compromise. I feel we all have been there but as you wrote;

"that only those who are believers are literally connected with many others, which includes the Sovereign Trinity and all who are reborn now in heaven and still on earth! Knowing and understanding this is a significant enablement against vulnerability to loneliness."

Thank you, Bob, and may God bless your family.
Hi and thanks Bob for your comments! God bless!!