Ok for some reason I don't know why, when people talk about the Bible and they assert something is fact based on their own understanding but they don't check it with God first and read the Bible right through this really bothers me! If you try to tell them different they just argue more and more, insisting that they are right and the Bible must be wrong!
Some things like --- scholars claim that the Red Sea is really 'the reed sea' and that the Israelites passed through a swamp. Based on a faulty translation of scripture. But actually they did pass through the Red Sea because all the evidence in the Bible points that they did.There's also physical evidence.
Scholars also claim Jesus is the lion of Judah when they don't actually read the bible that John the Baptist AND John the Revelator both declared him the Lamb of God. They read the bible, fixate on one verse and assume the lion and the lamb are one and the same. Actually they are two different beasts symbolising two different notions of power, PLUS the lion slays the lamb, who rises again. It is only the Lamb who is worthy to take the throne. Even the lion (one of the beasts) has to bow down to the Lamb.
Scholars claim Mary Magdalene was totally different person from Martha's sister Mary. But if you read the Bible and compare the gospels the woman who anointed Jesus was actually Mary and they were the same person. They ignore the fact that Jesus was able to change Mary's heart to one of devotion because she was forgiven much.
Scholars claim that the Mt Sinai where Moses spoke with God is in Israel when the Bible says it's actually in Arabia. So there's a monastery and tourist centre on some other mountain!
Some other common misconceptions or assumptions - Eve ate an apple as the forbidden fruit (when the Bible talks about fig trees in the garden of Eden - and it was a fig tree Jesus cursed ).
There were three wise men (Bible doesn't say how many! There could have been ten!)
I'm not posting to pick holes in what people believe but to encourage you to read the Bible prayerfully and ask God and not make assumptions about Him

He is an awesome God and if anyone lacks wisdom He's going to give it to you liberally!