I HAVE NOT DEALT WITH UMC THEY HAVE A CONFERENCE sorry caps lol the ucc united church of Christ some.. to be honest i dont need the name Baptist to preach honestly i have seen just enough man made traditions to turn me off . the old timers preached the word . never blinked and eye at any type Baptist Pentecostal etc .. the town i am from back in mid to late 1800 and early 1900 was lumber and mining company town . the owners put in place a congregational church pretty sure that is where big heads of state went.. they built a Baptist church and a Methodist church .
i dont know what type Baptist i doubt it really mattered back then.. in this little town they held revivals in tents packed out attendance, even brush harbor . John 17 Christ prayed for us to be ONE in Him.. not one big umbrella Church where we sing kumbha ya my lord and live happily ever after one Lord faith Baptism works in and through all . if you preach the Bible i will listen to you.. i feel that is what The Lord wants
Micah 6:8
New King James Version
8 He has shown you, O man, what is good;
And what does the Lord require of you
But to do justly,
To love [a]mercy,
And to walk humbly with your God? we follow that we are on the right path.
I too have been in brush arbor revivals, tents, open air meetings , at a time when the word was supreme and needed only to be spoken and not in pc terms. Where ppl were not ashamed to praise and give God his glory !
I can not attend mega nor big churches anymore, everyone except those in control are invisible to the supposed shepherd, and others control the churches............not for me.
The need for preachers, pastors and teachers to preach the inspired word under the anointing is astounding. Not a commentary or what our organization says but what God says. This need is for instructing how to be led of the Spirit that we can sudue the fleshly desires.
We need to hear how we must obey the creator God, and find and walk in his will. The need for words on how to love like He does is great !
When you share the TRUTH and see the need of the TRUTH you realize the churches, pastors, preachers and teachers are failing. We are told the ppl pershish for lack of knowledge, the sheep are scattered and open prey bc the shepherds don't stand in the gap anymore,visit the shut ins ,have prayer services ect. with little to no community involvement.
It is sad as a follower to withess this scattering. Prayer must be lifted with heavy hearts for a lost and dying world !