
Good morning, 2404;

David prayed that God would bring shame on his enemies.

When I was 16 years old in high school, I was riding on the yellow school bus and sitting in the back with all the cool kids. I saw 4 students, (2 guys and 2 girls) that I had known since grade school / junior high sharing the same seat near the front. I went up to them and knowing they were Christians asked them about being "Jesus freaks" and attending youth group each week.

I was being a wise guy with a tone of arrogance in my voice. They didn't answer me right away but I'll always remember the pure look in their eyes. They looked at me with happy, upbeat looks on their faces, almost like 4 angelic beings.

I don't remember what their answer was, but I walked back to my seat with my tail behind me. I felt ashamed, I couldn't focus on my cool friends and it stayed in my head all the way home on that bus ride keeping it to myself.

I myself was a Christian at a young age, attended youth group each week and played with the praise team on Sundays.
I just wasn't so visible about it and for some reason I was trying to maintain my image of a long haired, guitar player and again, hanging out with the cool kids.

When we are in a daily relationship with God He already brings shame on those who transgress on His followers. I will always remember that day 51 years later.

God bless
you, brother, and thank you for sharing Psalm 25:3.
I think we all have past things that haunt us.
I too was raised in a Christian home, my basic needs being met but the spiritual element was floundering. So a person/child tries to fill the void with worldly stimulus, and of course that only goes so far. A person feels they have got to be the biggest and best and eventually reality sets in lol. What a relief to let off the pressure and know that all is well regardless of my short falls. I still struggle with my ideas of how I think things should play out, so I'm still trying to learn that it is not my game plan but His that matters. As Paul says we need to die daily.
God bless you my friend.
I think we all have past things that haunt us.
I too was raised in a Christian home, my basic needs being met but the spiritual element was floundering. So a person/child tries to fill the void with worldly stimulus, and of course that only goes so far. A person feels they have got to be the biggest and best and eventually reality sets in lol. What a relief to let off the pressure and know that all is well regardless of my short falls. I still struggle with my ideas of how I think things should play out, so I'm still trying to learn that it is not my game plan but His that matters. As Paul says we need to die daily.
God bless you my friend.

Good morning, 2404;

Well said, brother, "What a relief to let off the pressure and know that all is well regardless of my short falls."

Your post ministers to me, thank you.

God bless you, and have a blessed day with your family.