Bill, the more your mouth runs in times like these, the more the picture of the seeking validation self righteous fool's picture gets. Do you like being talked down at like that? I don't you smug arrogant wanna be. Do you like being publicly poked at like that? Does it hurt more because you are exposed in public? Or because you know its true?
Had you ever read scripture to learn, rather than use it like a bat to beat people into submission and proclaim your wisdom, you might have seen things you currently are clueless about. (Does my reflection of your behavior to me sound "true Xian" as you claim to be? This is the same posture and attitude you take at me.... goose, gander, and all that)
If you do not love as you are supposed, then it is proven you aren't in God and He is not in you. And you are the only person Icould see saying He in you isn't important to your salvation. I can't see a person He was not in and that was not in Him being saved. So you had best get the love right. 1 john 4:16
You are saved to be His instruments of righteousness, or, of loving acts, or a tool He uses "instrument" to love His children, which include His enemies. Matt 5 43-48. And He provides for His enemies not campaign to legally abuse them, and Christ demands you love as correctly, as completely as He does. So there is your standard for if you are "His" or not.
If you are not His, then at the resurrection you are not given a glorified body. Pretty straight forward. THE ONLY PRIME REVELANT OF BEING HIS OR NOT IS IF YOU LOVE NEIGHBOR, AND IF YOU DO IT RIGHT! Those who do not know Him can't do it right, no matter how loud they yell, nor how far they stick out their chest yelling they are saved. And, if no one ever shows them, and if they never listen, they likely die thinking they have claim to a kingdom that does not know them.
If you love Him you will be obedient. But no amount of obedience will make you know Him. However through works your knowledge of Him increases, the world comes together in Unity, and you grow in Spiritual maturity , even to the completely mature as Christ was level. I am sure your 22 years of study, (APPEAL TO AUTHORITY/CLAIM FROM WEAKNESS, INSECURITY) has already revealed to you where this is in scripture. Because while paraphrased that is exactly what it says.
So, xian maturity comes through works. Its how you live, not what you know that makes one mature. Its through loving others, an act of charitous works this love is, that you learn to love neighbors/enemies, not reading a book, or idolizing theological arguments. If you don't learn the love, you aren't in Him and He isn't in you, without that, after death you aren't going to receive a glorified body.
So, here is the fewest possible versal supports for my comment. If your 22 years of study had been to learn His word, rather than to learn to use it as a prop for your narcissistic posturing of security, you would have realized this and not spoken in the condescending, arrogant, smug, empty posturing, fashion you did.
It must be burdensome, being the ONLY MAN IN THE WORLD that understands God's message. So many people for you to correct, you had better get busy.