Could a 4 hour work week work ?

true but they couldn't really afford to take them cos they had a HUGE student debt to pay off
It would have been better to leave school at 12 years old and not spend 6 or more years on further education and THEN find out what you trained for wouldn't take you.
Couldnt afford to take them? I would think some money would be better than nothing.
I think working in what you enjoy doing is important though for many people they are only seeing it as a means to an end.
It's important that you work WELL and doing the good works that God has for you to do.

The thing with God is he'll place this in your heart the work that He wants you do to. He won't have you become a baker if He didn't place that in your heart and you had an aversion to flour or kneading dough for example. He won't give you dreams if there was no way that they would come true.

Aside from that, no matter what you do, it's all for His glory.

A lot of people grow to dislike 'working for the man' and that is can be just as demoralising as depending on the nanny state. But being self-employed is not wonderful either because if you just doing it for yourself - you not really seeing the bigger picture of how your own work affects others. Keeping a clean house for example isn't just cos you like to be clean. Its so other people can comfortably visit too.
Spot on lan.
I don’t remember what I wanted to do when I was younger to have followed any dream God placed in my heart Because I think I think it got drowned out by what other people/ society thought.
Couldnt afford to take them? I would think some money would be better than nothing.
its usually more parents pride thats hurt when their graduate can't find a job in their field.
But they have to pay back the loan somehow. Most went overseas where they actually could find work in the profession they trained for.

Otherwise, their education would have been wasted.
I do hear of people being sucked into prostitution and dance clubs cos its easy money to pay for their college. Or McDonald's is calling you. If that's what you think a good decent job is.

Or you can work in the mines, I hear they are still open for exploitation.
P.s I don't think anything wrong with working at McDonalds if you love fast food..if you actually get to own the business it will keep you busy (and fed) for sure.

The only thing about mcD's I really don't like is the huge amount of trash it generates with all the wrappers, cups, bags, trays straws etc. Its not the most nurtritious food, but I suppose like people say, it's 'better than nothing'

I always had people say of my job, like they looked down on what I was doing 'it's better than nothing'. As if being a librarian is not worthwhile. Well, I happen to like books, but it took me a while to find the right job in the right library.

The weird thing I'm finding is that in a lot of books I've been reading, everyone that is rich is a lawyer. Like the world needs more lawyers? I don't know. It doesn't really sound like a useful job to me but since there's so much litigation and legalism these days and the rules are always changing, I suppose it keeps lawyers in business. I've never really had to use one, but I do recall when the family did need one they charged per mintute or something so you didn't really want to ask them for advice.