Creation sequence in NOAH: is it unbiblical?

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...and why does it annoy the heck out of me?
because there are soooo many sheep that follow the wolves, and they're totally unaware of it, but they're totally indoctrinated to have no ear for truth.

Just now on TV here a so called biologist was explaining to an audience that dinosaurs had feathers.
I mean, that's no science, that's religious propaganda under the guise of science.
We should all know that only birds with the total flight package (respiratory system, hollow bones etc..) have feathers as we know them.
Maybe i should stick my head in the sand to ignore these things that people get fed...
Someone who wants the truth will find the truth. Those that don't care about the truth won't find it if it was given to them. Being angry at everything and everyone is anti-God. God is love. He gives everyone the best opportunity over and over to see the truth. But the reality is, they must want it to get it.
Whats nlp?

I fully agree that is where our love for people should compel us to pray and be a shining light wherever we can. For we Are called to be the salt and the light, in a loving way.
Neuro linguistic programming.
Comparable with 'mindfulness'.
Basically fooling yourself (i.m.h.o.)

Yeah, i try to be a loving person, and i do a better job than before i was a Christian.
People are no longer competitors but rather 'fellow victims' of the circumstances of our common reality.
Someone who wants the truth will find the truth. Those that don't care about the truth won't find it if it was given to them. Being angry at everything and everyone is anti-God. God is love. He gives everyone the best opportunity over and over to see the truth. But the reality is, they must want it to get it.
They seem to be allergic...
And i can't blame them, i was the same.
But the reasons for the allergy are wrong most of the times.
People usually have no clue what they dismiss, because the Faith has been (and is) misrepresented to them.
It took a complete breakdown of my person to actually go look what is truth and what is not.
I was on the verge of suicide.
Is it really a lack of faith, or a righteous anger toward the devil for trapping people into a prison that some never get out of?
Here's the thing...
I'm not angry at the devil, he's just a creature.
I'm more angry at the Author.
God has chosen to need our help to minister His voice and truth and love to others so they can be free from the enemy's clutches.
Yes, apparently...
And i've tried. Casting pearls before fellow humans who react like swine...
Here in the Netherlands, in the part of Europe where protestantism was born basically, the faith is as good as dead.
Even the forums.
That's why i'm on American forums.
In the USA there are even quite a few real creationists. :)
But i myself have a problem seeing the Love of God, so how can i share that?
I have no answer to questions like: But why did God allow the serpent to tempt Adam and Eve?
Never mind the atrocities in the Old Testament...

PS: Thanks folks, for letting me rant a little and discussing this with me. (y)
Neuro linguistic programming.
Comparable with 'mindfulness'.
Basically fooling yourself (i.m.h.o.)

Yeah, i try to be a loving person, and i do a better job than before i was a Christian.
People are no longer competitors but rather 'fellow victims' of the circumstances of our common reality.

Thank you for explaining :)

I have to agree I do a better job of loving people or responding in love since I accepted Jesus. I realized that God is the one who put His love in our hearts when we accepted Jesus as Lord (Ro. 5:5) And God is the one who dwells in me and gives me the power and desire to do what pleases Him (Phil. 2:13). Thank God I dont have to try to do this all on my own. shoot I fail everytime, without His help and relying on the power of the Word.

Did you know that you have the power to change your circumstances? You dont have to just take what comes about.
Well, what comes about, comes about, whether i like it or not...
I have no power whatsoever.
I do have a little faith that God will look out for me though.
Well, what comes about, comes about, whether i like it or not...
I have no power whatsoever.

Actually God has given you and I (all believers) the power. We just have to know how to use it and how it works.
If your interested...I'll try to explain after my battery charges.

If you get the chance.... try this video of the believers authority http://

Actually God has given you and I (all believers) the power. We just have to know how to use it and how it works.
If your interested...I'll try to explain after my battery charges.

If you get the chance.... try this video of the believers authority http://

A little too 'word of faith' for me i'm afraid.. :)
They seem to be allergic...
And i can't blame them, i was the same.
But the reasons for the allergy are wrong most of the times.
People usually have no clue what they dismiss, because the Faith has been (and is) misrepresented to them.
It took a complete breakdown of my person to actually go look what is truth and what is not.
I was on the verge of suicide.
Yes, this is true. But until you have nothing, you won't go to the One Who has the truth, finally admitting that He's real. See, sin has us programmed for generations. The world teaches us all day every day. One conversation will change one's life, if it's received. You can't know you need something else until everything is gone. Blessed are those that know before they get to that state.
...and why does it annoy the heck out of me?
because there are soooo many sheep that follow the wolves, and they're totally unaware of it, but they're totally indoctrinated to have no ear for truth.

Just now on TV here a so called biologist was explaining to an audience that dinosaurs had feathers.
I mean, that's no science, that's religious propaganda under the guise of science.
We should all know that only birds with the total flight package (respiratory system, hollow bones etc..) have feathers as we know them.
Maybe i should stick my head in the sand to ignore these things that people get fed...

Or maybe you should speak out more on this and allow those of us that need to hear it learn from your knowledge.
Never the less, my anger indicates i lack faith that God will make everything allright...
I'm clutching at Revelation 7:9.

"Righteous indignation" is a sign of more faith, not a lack there of.

If it was a lack of faith then you would do or say nothing and let life roll on.

Christianity today needs more people who will stand up for the Lord Jesus and do it unapologetically.
A little too 'word of faith' for me i'm afraid.. :)
Everyone speaks their "word-of-faith". You confess what you believe and it's what you become, Pro 23:7. Proverbs says you are what you think and what you think is what you confess and what you confess is what you become. Learn love, speak the truth, and understand they don't have a clue without the Holy Spirit. They can't, no more than a baby can drive a car. As Romans says, everyone is inexcusable when it comes to the truth. All they can see is wishy washy Christians, false Christians, and stories of the church persecuting scientists. You have to rise above all that through the Holy Spirit's guidance. He is the one that prepares the hearts for planting.
Just my opinion, but Burt Lancaster could have been in the movie and give an Oscar performance, but it would still be the worst ever produced "Bible Theme" movie.

I certainly agree that most of the storyline is unbiblical, but the production was quite good.
In Hollywood there is often little regard for truth, and much more regard for attention and money. The desire was to not show forth the glory of the Creator God or Biblical truth, it was to use a familiar story to make a movie along the line of Lord of the Rings. If you approach something as a myth...what's the big deal if you throw a few more myths into it? It seems that even holy scripture is at the whim of artistic license...but if one does not view it as holy scripture then there is nothing to hold you back from making changes.
The last thing I saw that even came close to following the Biblical text was the Passion of the Christ. It did have a little bit of "Catholicy" stuff in it, but it was...overall...well done.
If you approach something as a myth...what's the big deal if you throw a few more myths into it? It seems that even holy scripture is at the whim of artistic license...but if one does not view it as holy scripture then there is nothing to hold you back from making changes.

Seems like this can be applied to many people in how they behave. And believers are not exempt from this. I do pray that there be a great awakening, God opening their spiritual eyes to the truth, and granting them the gift of repentance
I've never seen the whole film, so I can't comment. But from the opening sequence, I feel that the general message is "Oh dear, look what a mess human beings can make when left unsupervised". And I think it's fair to say that we've certainly done that!
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