Daughter's Achievement!


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I could never get my girls interested into sewing. Even being a seamstress and doing custom orders and embroidery.

Today one of my daughters finally took a crack at it!

She did absolutely phenomenal!

I foresee fabric for her birthday in a few weeks lol!

I am so so excited that she enjoyed doing it today. It was awesome to teach, guide and instruct her to sew. It brought back many fond and happy memories for me doing what I loved.

Enjoy the bag she made!


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Hello TransformedinChrist;

That is great! If possible I'd like to place an order for two bible covers using denim fabric when she is ready.

Here's an idea for material and labor 👇


God bless you, TiC.
Well done girl ❤️
and mum for the encouragement ❤️❤️

My daughter bought herself a sewing machine and began to make things but she since has left it all behind because she has a new full time job and enjoys creating logos for websites.
But I remember my first thing I made on a sewing machine....a pair of trousers at school. I thought they were awesome but others just looked at me funny 😂
I could never get my girls interested into sewing. Even being a seamstress and doing custom orders and embroidery.

Today one of my daughters finally took a crack at it!

She did absolutely phenomenal!

I foresee fabric for her birthday in a few weeks lol!

I am so so excited that she enjoyed doing it today. It was awesome to teach, guide and instruct her to sew. It brought back many fond and happy memories for me doing what I loved.

Enjoy the bag she made!
Can I place an order for a black suit with with pin stripes in 46 Reg.
I think boys these days are getting into sewing and cooking too.
Thinking of all those chef shows on tv, and fashion shows.

I know a lot of girls are into woodwork and engineering now.

Some people might think that's a bit off or non-traditional, but its equal opportunity now. I like gardening, which in the commercial world can be very male dominated. Girls CAN mow a lawn if their dads ever let them. But I know men tend to hog the machinery.

However I didn't learn any of that from my parents. What I did seem to get was the 'collecting' from my Dad. Which is probably why I am a librarian. What he used to do was buy me stamps so I could have a stamp collection. I wasn't that interested in the stamps but he was.

In the end I gave all the stamps to the missionaries.
My daughter's second time making a bag! She's doing fabulous! Photo below!

She's actually going to do another one tonight - only this time she's going to do embroidery on the fabric first [as a front panel for a bag]. Then sew a bag 🎒 with the embroidery done first.