With 41,000 Christian denominations (1) it is a guarantee that there will be disagreements. To that end, how one acts with the other in disagreement is key to how they are in their real walk with Christ. Only the word of God is final, but it's sin in our lives that blind us from the truth of those words, Eph 4:17-18.
One thing to keep in mind is the fact that the word of God is not only a guide book for our lives, but a book of principles. While computers are not mentioned, if one spends all their time on the computer (even if only on this site) it can make the computer their god. And this will affect your relationship with God. The word of God shows our condition, whatever it is, and points us to Jesus. If anything at all comes first then that is your god, and you'll leave in error. That is a principle. I speak to myself first. All of creations, the word of God, and especially us, are signposts to Jesus. Anything else is ego and vanity.
If you MUST win an argument, then you're here for the wrong reasons, and are filled with yourself and pride. These are not the things of God. Get your emotions in check. God's word will be around long after you're dead along with you "passionate" defence of it. Most people run on autopilot and don't realize even what they do. That's passiveness. God wants us to be in complete control, 2 Tim 1:7, but it doesn't happen overnight (and sometimes it does). It's taken many decades to get jaded and angry. While it won't take decades to fix, most don't realize they have these issues so as to begin the transformational process to perfection, Heb 6:1. Don't bait them, don't attack them. Keep the peace, Psa 133:1. Jesus only spoke harsh words to those who claimed to know the will of God and really didn't. Don't be one of them. Let the mods take care of the hypocrites, use the report button.
It takes practice, but if your heart is pure and wish to help, speak and have a dialog with others that don't agree. But you must use the Holy Spirit to guide you to know if what you're saying is going to be heard. If not, move on, Pro 23:9. Now that's not to say you're right and they're wrong, just that you need to stick to the word of God and the facts, not dogma. Be a sign post. Does the sign argue with the driver who ignores the sign that the bridge is out? No. Present the truth and if they don't wish to bend, move on. Even Jesus had to learn obedience, we certainly do too, Heb 5:8.
God does love everyone. He died for us all. Remember that when in discussions with others that don't agree with your beliefs. Those that stir up strife will be dealt with by the mods.
Colossians 3:23-25 (KJV)
And whatsoever ye do, do [it] heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ. But he that doeth wrong shall receive for the wrong which he hath done: and there is no respect of persons.