You are right...we are very closely aligned. Thank you for the "layman's language" explanation! I agree with you that we are to obey ruling authorities unless they contradict Natural Law given by our Creator.
Its my pleasure to contribute anyway I can
Question: Does this mean we are to obey ruling authorities completely up to the point of their contradiction of Natural Law; or do we take action BEFORE it gets to the point of contradiction, if we see the trend going that way? (By "action", I am talking politically. Peaceful demonstrations, civil disobedience, informed voting and actively informing/persuading the public are all ways I would include here.)
Speaking for me only, I find all of those strategies can be acceptable if they are strategic to demonstrate “ethics” and not organized political means; for if these methods are scriptural reflecting the example of Christ to always shun despotism and advocate for the innocent, then tangible change is possible. Can we agree that our every action should not be to support any kind of organized political means, but to support sound ethics in scripture. For an ethical political structure is void of “all” arbitrary violence, and organized political means must invoke legal violence to support arbitrary seats of power. Thus this is why I personally believe that only a “strictly classical liberal state” void of all socialistic violence is scripturally justified.
Can it be agreeable that protestant political aims is an old game of frustration, and unheard-petition which is nearly always delivered to obtuse ears in seats of power who most often have their own interests at heart for their own advancement. For the competition of politics is most certainly gamed in advance by those who will finance a loss to any upcoming political faction. For politics has no ethical shield, save some individuals who adhere within the movements themselves. Thus ethics demonstrated from the church is far more superior for change, as it will without parties and political factions simply call out for justice for those who suffer from despotism.
However, I do think the providential liberty of every American will require sobriety to take action “before” despotism mutates to poverty and death, thus I don't think it precipitous of you at all to reinforce yourself with vigilance seeking recourse for our countries restoration before calamity matures. You simply wish for action, to protect what is good, and if all of the body of Christ is to reside where you stand, also in one accord, I believe restoration would be attainable and even possibly expedient. For it would be reasonable in my opinion for us to embolden our care, that we resist despotism from causing its slaughters, or its impoverishing of the innocent, and make this a worthy Christian goal; yet its not by our might but by the Spirit of the Lord that moves our security into position.
May I suggest that a new strategy of ethics which are rarely used by the church today is in order, and that ethical strategy is the one our Lord and Savior used? For I would advocate that ethics from Christ are quite radical, but move to exceeding superior results regarding restoration of our country. Yet it would require the striking boldness of Christ, and repeating His exemplar display of courage to verbally stand up and be counted using harmless but bold ethics that advocate for the sinner who chose no aggressive trespass. Yet not with malice, contempt or with hostilities, but with calm and meek fortitude to simply display advocation for the innocent as Christ exampled.
Can a united voice stand up in courage and say to all those in proximity that will hear, that violence to the non-aggressor is immoral, save when God Himself will judge in His time. For the drunkard, the prostitute, the drug-user, the homosexual, the adulterer, the gluten, the sex addict, and the gambler are often in their fixes void of any aggression; yet afflicted by addiction that harms their own soul. For only God is worthy to judge the non-aggressor with violence and only He upon His glorious throne is able. For any man, woman, church, or government that would cut the non-aggressive sinner down, they shall reap an equal harm upon themselves. Thus let us remove ourselves from any political faction that will support the slightest amount of despotism.
We once in a large way were a nation of natural rights where the ambiguous sinner in wisdom would often straiten out his or her issues on a church alter, and now we are a nation that suffers them a quick incarceration, a financial attack, and even at times extreme violence to the body. Though Natural Law from the throne will not suffer any acts of aggression in society where some might steal, kill and destroy, it is however blind to the the drunkard passed out at the base of a tree. For Natural Law is blind to the non-aggressor, yet God is not blind to any soul and will move his church to find the drunk and administer the power of the Holy Spirit if the drunkard is willing. For the Spirit leads and knows the heart of both.
I would ask, when is the church ever guided, or charged in New Testament scripture to endorse legal violence to the non-aggressor? I should say never and I am most guilty in my political past to support every manor of politician that would incarcerate all that move about incorrectly. I am ashamed but forgiven and now am giving proper attention to warn the willing to adhere to ethical non-aggressive Christian principles. Yet C1oudwatch3r your spirit is humble and full of meekness with every post and I certainly do not accuse you or no other here directly of any evil thing. For I am in debt to many here including yourself, who contribute to my spiritual dexterity. Yet our country is burdened with arbitrary violence on every side.
For if our country and the church supports widely the evils of legal judgment that would financially and physically assault every kind of ambiguous sinner with legal violence, then it is my concern that this financed and supported assault by many in the church may fabricate our own demise. For the same despotic vipers that assaults the sinner assaults the church secondly. Thus Christ give warnings of pearls that may be trampled by swine. Can we agree that “we in the body” are the pearls and the sinner is a pearl-prospect? For all of us were sinners of the world first before our reconciliation, and if despotic legal assault replaces the restoration power of the Holy Spirit then hope for the churches survival in this place is most volatile.
Thus C1oudwatch3r I advocate that we the body come together in non-judgment, integrity, obedience and full of motivation to hear our Lords call to advocation in a spirit of love, forgiveness, and courage. Then as we move to integrity through obedience, we also equip ourselves with the fundamentals of Natural Law, spiritual intercession, and evangelism. Upon these success' our unalienable rights from the throne of God will manifest as our natural security. I will contend that all these things in most all denominations of Christ “can” be in one accord within our denominational autonomy.[/QUOTE]