It's very easy now days to get angry.. believe me I've seen how people are fueled with anger and rage due to the simple fact that we allow the enemy to fuel this wasted emotion. Be angry, but don't react. Something I remind myself everyday because it's not about attention seeking or looking cool in front of guy friends or impressing the ladies. Matter fact the only ladies that loved me fighting were my exes who were borderline manic depressive, schizophrenic.. and I sometimes joke about me being skitzo because my wild side will have men in prison shocked.. but that was then. I entertained myself.. but more than anything else the devil was smiling thinking he has me where he wants me.. but I remind myself that God needs me somewhere much more important. Down there.. only tragedy.. only weeping.. only pain.. regret.. only bad things happen on the bottom floor.. and I want to be the man that earns his way to walk through Heaven's door! Not the bottom floor with you know who!