Did I Get Saved Yet?

You keep asking "Did I get saved?" Honey, do you BELIEVE you are saved? One repents of their sins, confessing Jesus is Lord and Savior, having FAITH that God raised Him from the dead, BELIEVING you received. You put your faith in Him and Believe, what you have asked for and it shall be given you. Wahoo!!! Ten thousands angels dance around the throne of God over one sinner that repents. Now, you must work. You have to start renewing your mind by washing of water by the Word. Amen. We can have as much of Him as we want. If you will revolve your life around Him, seeking Him with all your heart, all your mind, all your strength, all your soul; your very being seeking Him; He will revolve around you and become your very being. Amen.
lets see what happens? Don't worry I will remove it in a min...;)
This is the first time I have turned on my laptop since this discussion. The whole ratings thing is new to me. I couldn't wait to see who gave me a red X. I had to laugh as soon as I found this. Too funny