Did you feel it?

We had a party/praise evening to celebrate the summer camps and share what God had done, then at the end of the evening just as things were finishing something happen,

I spoke to someone else who was there and asked, “I know it sounds a strange question, but last night, did you feel it?…

Seeing the reaction on her face, I was not the only one!

Did you feel it?

Did you feel it
Has something really special
Just happen
Or was it just me?
‘Twas at the end of the
Celebration party
We’d just finish praise the Lord,
Thanking Him for the summer camps
And the things He had done.
It started on the platform
Then flowing through the hall
It was like a refreshing shower
A soft gentle breeze
Was it the Holy Spirit flowing throughout this place…
Settling on everyone
Assembled in this room
“We’ll done good and faithful servant
Father’s proud of what you did”…
“You’ve been faithful this summer,
Here’s to next year!”
You just had to be there…
Did you feel it?
Or was it just me?