well..1 corinthians 3:11 Paul writes, when I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought as a child, I understood as a child, but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
I remember when first starting out as newbie christian this verse was important to me as I knew He wanted me to change...and I could see a lot of the things I thought and were obesessed with were childish. Some things like...collecting and spending all my money on Garfield (who was fat and lazy) comics, other fictional books, pop music, etc. I was a big fan of these things but after following Jesus found these things less interesting, even infantile. I gave them up, and don't go back. God's Word is more important and eternally significant over these passing fads.
Other things like occult books and practises that I was kinda interested in, saw was really foolish and also spiritually dangerous. I didn't need these things after Jesus found me. His way was THE way, I didn't need to go on searching and going down all those (expensive) rabbit trails.