Disagreements In Christianity

I have noticed a lot of different beliefs among Christians due to all the different denominations in Christianity. I can understand when someone doesn't know something, but once they are taught and still don't understand I start to become concerned. The Holy Spirit is given to believers and is suppose to teach its recipients all things (John 14:26) so i'm confused why Christians would be having different interpretations. I have been trying to just accept that I shouldn't judge because that is up to God, and that if the person claims they believe in Jesus as their savior then that is all that really matters and I shouldn't bother with lesser important arguments (Romans 14:1-23). But then I also believe in correcting a brother... I am confused because if all believers are indwelled with the Holy Spirit then shouldn't we all be agreeing?

I always felt that too. Why the different interpretation of scripture? It's all very confusing. And then I want to learn and understand the scriptures. But how do I do that with all these different interpretations?

I always felt that too. Why the different interpretation of scripture? It's all very confusing. And then I want to learn and understand the scriptures. But how do I do that with all these different interpretations?


I believe this comes from what is a misunderstanding of what it means to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Being filled does not indicate either infallibility (I am protected from error) or omniscience (I understand everything), it simply means that you will produce the fruits of the Holy Spirit.

When confronted with a difference of interpretation, I usually look and see what Christians have traditionally believed those verses have meant. Fortunately, most denominations agree on the important things. And those that deviate are usually pretty evident.
I always felt that too. Why the different interpretation of scripture? It's all very confusing. And then I want to learn and understand the scriptures. But how do I do that with all these different interpretations?

Yes, it would be nice if we all agreed. But ideas of what makes sense and what is too burdensome or that's just silly, become part of the decision making as to what we believe.
Take baptism for example. Some say you have to immerse, because that is the way Jesus was baptized and all other examples tend to back that up. Then some wonder, "what about someone with a physical problem and they can't be immersed?" So they make exceptions for sprinkling. Some are afraid of water, so more exceptions. Some believe it washes away original sin, so we can't go around dunking babies under water and making them cry. That would make for a horrible event.
So you see, on a multitude of issues, scripture can infer or directly spell out doctrine, but our own ideas and convenience will cause us to change things ever so much so as to make hard things easier, and to make things make sense to us. Some see in Romans that a man should not have sexual relations with another man. So some take that seriously and are against gay marriage and lifestyle. Others say, "But they love each other and love is beautiful and besides they can't help it, they were born this way, and we shouldn't stand in their way of happiness." So then they must explain away the places in the Bible which warn against men with men, so they can hold this view, and affirm their beliefs.
This will never go away, and it will be used by the Antichrist to confuse and sway the many.
To lighten up things a little :D :D :D

We always see this circulated among people in software industry.. Bottom line, humans are bad interpreters :D

Question for all here..........How do you respond to someone who has corrected you using scripture? Exactly what is your thought process and how do you go about responding to them?
For me, I check the context of the scripture to examine if I am wrong. It has happened, lol. If I was missing something, I let them know I didn't know this and will have to rethink my position.
If it is out of context and/or other scripture contradicts their position, then I try to reconcile the scripture to include that which they posted. This way I am not just saying, "No, your wrong!", I give them the pieces of the puzzle so they may see. I know it is frustrating sometimes, especially when they are relying on their own ideas and emotions to formulate their position. At some point they show with their attitude that they don't have a strong grasp of the scriptures, so I back off. After that I will only give food for thought and let them question for themselves. I have found most only learn if they find it for themselves.
@Big Moose -- Most writers here just ignore my scriptural corrections of what they write, no matter how obvious the Scriptures are. But that's the way it goes. If everyone started agreeing with me, I am sure the world would get knocked off its axis, and we'd all be in trouble.
@Big Moose -- Most writers here just ignore my scriptural corrections of what they write, no matter how obvious the Scriptures are. But that's the way it goes. If everyone started agreeing with me, I am sure the world would get knocked off its axis, and we'd all be in trouble.
But are the Scriptures you cite really obvious to everyone?

That being said, you do a very good job of using Scripture to back up your beliefs.
In my experience, on this forum (because I don't go to others, there are as many reason for disagreement as there are disagreements. I have seen two people who start out agreeing, wind up in a flame war, because they read each other wrong and boom - pride takes over. And we forget, sometimes thatt words can hurt. We should be able to have our say without rancor and people are going to disagree. I come to learn and understand and that never seems to occur on nasty scripture swap eswords swinging pride fests. My mind is open enough to learn and I do want to know if maybe I am heading down the wrong path. We are typing as we think and sometimes we screw up what we are trying to say. Give people the benefit of the doubt and ask exactly what they mean. When it's clear, be civil - disagree and say why. And try not to assume what others mean - they may not mean what you think. No one but God has all the answers.

I think that everyone can agree with that Silk and admit that they are just as guilty.
Ideally, you would have both the Holy Spirit and a good education. However, if someone is going to be a pastor or minister, I would want to know they had some formal training in it. I also like to see some form of apostolic succession, which is suppose to determine if someone has the Spirit of God in them.

I for one do not believe there are any apostles today simply because of the Biblical requirements can not be met by anyone.

However, in most Christian denominations there is a form of accountability whether it be a forum of administrators or other pastors who ask questions to determine if a man is truly a saved man who is seeking a position of authority.

The problem comes when a man opens a up a building and calls it the "Way to God Church" and sets up his own church with no accountability to anyone. He then begins to preach and teach what HE believes truth is and it may be a far cry from what the Bible says truth is.
That leads to all kinds of doctrinal problems and wrong teaching and once learned, it becomes very hard to unlearn.
@Big Moose -- Most writers here just ignore my scriptural corrections of what they write, no matter how obvious the Scriptures are. But that's the way it goes. If everyone started agreeing with me, I am sure the world would get knocked off its axis, and we'd all be in trouble.

A scripture may be obvious to you. But unless we consider all scripture on isolated scriptures we will likely disagree.

For example: Scripture says 'God knows the beginning from the end', yet it also says 'I will that all be saved'. Does that mean He knows who will be saved? or He wills to not know who will be saved?

An interesting example I found: “I never said she stole my money” has seven different meanings http://factinator.com/i-never-said-she-stole-my-money/.
A scripture may be obvious to you. But unless we consider all scripture on isolated scriptures we will likely disagree.

For example: Scripture says 'God knows the beginning from the end', yet it also says 'I will that all be saved'. Does that mean He knows who will be saved? or He wills to not know who will be saved?

An interesting example I found: “I never said she stole my money” has seven different meanings http://factinator.com/i-never-said-she-stole-my-money/.

I think I am attractive and cute, then I look into the mirror! Truth hurts!