HERE'S THE RULE FOR YOU TO REMEMBER ALWAYS. Jesus speaks to us (through Paul): 1) "Share my sufferings NOW." 2) "Share my GLORY later!" (click) Romans 8:18. And you're NOT going to have 2. without 1. Clearly this involves a quite MAJOR PHASE SHIFT in our THINKING. The sooner you do this, the sooner you'll be growing towards maturity.
Amen to that.. It was a sad day in a way today. received a call this afternoon from my best friend in high school that her mom passed away last night. This woman Peg was like a second mom to me. I had visited a few months back with the family. Her daughter (my friend) and her had not spoken to each other in months and they live on the same street! Can you imagine. Peg did not have a relationship with her own brother who lived in the same town for over 30 years. I could never understand the bitterness and the hatred going on in this family. I would go to visit my friend and then stop by and visit her mom. We would sit at the table for hours sharing of hurts and pains and her worries about her family.
Last time I was there I commented on a cross she was wearing a round her neck. She took it off and gave it to me. I still have it hanging on my Jesus picture. She explained their members of the church wear them and when someone comments on them, they take it off and give it to them. Well I hung on to the cross. The viewing is tomorrow evening from 7-9 and Sat from 10-11 am with funeral to follow. I called my girlfriend and asked who was doing the service. ( mind you my girlfriends brother and wife are Christians.. my friend is not. .. her mom was. ) I will be speaking at the funeral on Saturday. I called my friend.. whom her and I have had our fallouts to over the years.. I said I would stay somewhere Fri nite.. they offered me a blow up mattress at their house.. so I will stay there.
It will be a 3 hour drive.. after the funeral .. time permitted I will come back to NY and go the wedding of Paul and Bridget's daughter. I feel like I am being pulled in 2 different directions. but I know I need to go home to my home town to be with this family. Concidentally Bondman, I think of the things I feel I "suffer" from.. boy am I learning. and yes there will be sufferings but you are so right! look at the Glory.. the glory and a home forever! Just like Peg.. she suffered alot mentally, physically and emotionally but in the last few years, she did find a relationship with the Lord and she hung on to that and she is now in Heaven! Praise the Lord!
Tonite our street team did the picnic without Paul and Bridget so they could prepare for the wedding. When I got home , my good male friend from the team called ( yes he is the good looking single man.. lol!) but more importantly he is a Christian and saw me hurting tonight. He called to ask me to go out for a fattening dessert! So.. how does a glass of merlo wine and cherry cheesecake and a cup of decaf coffee sound?
We had an awesome relaxing time.. We talked alot about life, God and such.. Got home at 11: 15 PM.. but it taught me this.
I do need to relax in the Lord.. I need to sit still. I need to have fun.. I need to accept the grace and mercy our Lord gives us.. I have learned and continue to learn the sufferings I am going through are well worth it.. Tonite ended up being a glorious nite! My life in eternity will be glorious forever.. and you know me.. I could write all night.. like about the man I shared with tonite.. who was blind completely in one eye, and could only see partially through the other.. he was angry at God, because he said God made him blind.. God gave him cancer.. god did this. etc..
But through what I learned here and in the IR.. I was able to witness how the sin of the world has caused so much.. he believes in a man up above and a man below.. he feels like because of what he did in life, there is no way he is going up... hmmm. excuse me... and then God spoke.. the truth to this blind man right here on the streets. We may all have two perfectly good eyes,, but were we not blind for so many years! Thank you Jesus .. Thank you for the sufferings, thank you for the tribulations.. all Glory and honor to you!