DISCIPLE! - Please Read the OP

HERE'S THE RULE FOR YOU TO REMEMBER ALWAYS. Jesus speaks to us (through Paul): 1) "Share my sufferings NOW." 2) "Share my GLORY later!" (click) Romans 8:18. And you're NOT going to have 2. without 1. Clearly this involves a quite MAJOR PHASE SHIFT in our THINKING. The sooner you do this, the sooner you'll be growing towards maturity.

Amen to that.. It was a sad day in a way today. received a call this afternoon from my best friend in high school that her mom passed away last night. This woman Peg was like a second mom to me. I had visited a few months back with the family. Her daughter (my friend) and her had not spoken to each other in months and they live on the same street! Can you imagine. Peg did not have a relationship with her own brother who lived in the same town for over 30 years. I could never understand the bitterness and the hatred going on in this family. I would go to visit my friend and then stop by and visit her mom. We would sit at the table for hours sharing of hurts and pains and her worries about her family.

Last time I was there I commented on a cross she was wearing a round her neck. She took it off and gave it to me. I still have it hanging on my Jesus picture. She explained their members of the church wear them and when someone comments on them, they take it off and give it to them. Well I hung on to the cross. The viewing is tomorrow evening from 7-9 and Sat from 10-11 am with funeral to follow. I called my girlfriend and asked who was doing the service. ( mind you my girlfriends brother and wife are Christians.. my friend is not. .. her mom was. ) I will be speaking at the funeral on Saturday. I called my friend.. whom her and I have had our fallouts to over the years.. I said I would stay somewhere Fri nite.. they offered me a blow up mattress at their house.. so I will stay there.

It will be a 3 hour drive.. after the funeral .. time permitted I will come back to NY and go the wedding of Paul and Bridget's daughter. I feel like I am being pulled in 2 different directions. but I know I need to go home to my home town to be with this family. Concidentally Bondman, I think of the things I feel I "suffer" from.. boy am I learning. and yes there will be sufferings but you are so right! look at the Glory.. the glory and a home forever! Just like Peg.. she suffered alot mentally, physically and emotionally but in the last few years, she did find a relationship with the Lord and she hung on to that and she is now in Heaven! Praise the Lord!

Tonite our street team did the picnic without Paul and Bridget so they could prepare for the wedding. When I got home , my good male friend from the team called ( yes he is the good looking single man.. lol!) but more importantly he is a Christian and saw me hurting tonight. He called to ask me to go out for a fattening dessert! So.. how does a glass of merlo wine and cherry cheesecake and a cup of decaf coffee sound?
We had an awesome relaxing time.. We talked alot about life, God and such.. Got home at 11: 15 PM.. but it taught me this.

I do need to relax in the Lord.. I need to sit still. I need to have fun.. I need to accept the grace and mercy our Lord gives us.. I have learned and continue to learn the sufferings I am going through are well worth it.. Tonite ended up being a glorious nite! My life in eternity will be glorious forever.. and you know me.. I could write all night.. like about the man I shared with tonite.. who was blind completely in one eye, and could only see partially through the other.. he was angry at God, because he said God made him blind.. God gave him cancer.. god did this. etc..
But through what I learned here and in the IR.. I was able to witness how the sin of the world has caused so much.. he believes in a man up above and a man below.. he feels like because of what he did in life, there is no way he is going up... hmmm. excuse me... and then God spoke.. the truth to this blind man right here on the streets. We may all have two perfectly good eyes,, but were we not blind for so many years! Thank you Jesus .. Thank you for the sufferings, thank you for the tribulations.. all Glory and honor to you!

You sure do have a busy and a 'people' life, don't you! And you drive round the countryside like I can't believe. Despite being in a power chair I can still drive our wonderful old automatic car. Easy-peasy. But I can't/don't drive far - just to be safe, and because we've GOT to the place once or twice and then I was not well enough to drive BACK in safety!

It takes two people to come and rescue us if you stop and think about it, so I drive for maybe 15 or 20 mins max. Used to be able to do twice that long and even get down to our glorious Gold Coast, to sit and look at the rolling waves and white sand under God's blue sky!! We really miss that! *sigh*

Yes, resting and relaxing in the Lord is an essential for us. Our world is SO busy! Crazy!! So to stay cool is pretty hard - but our God is ALWAYS totally relaxed!!! *hehe* So He is the one to teach us how to DO this!! We personally believe that the art of "taking time to smell the daisies" is LOST because of our rush-rush society, and we're all suffering from this!

And why do we HAVE TO FILL OUR WHOLE DAY UP?? Makes no sense to me whatsoever. What's wrong with STOPPING awhile and just "being?" Hey, I'm on a bit of a roll here!! So... what's with the younger generations HATING SILENCE?? There has to be music going from first light to bedtime - and maybe even later. I reckon: try some SILENCE - it really is great for the soul!

Hugs back!

- BM
Discipleship Message #9


The New Testament Love Commandments - Part B

...Continued from Part A

Before continuing, I'm sure that some here would have had pointed out that Jesus' Second Commandment says: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. Umm, "as yourself?" Is He saying to love myself OR to love others same as I love myself? The latter. However... you DO need to love yourself - not hate yourself, or not care about yourself, or keep putting yourself down. Such a situation is MOST UNHEALTHY and seriously needs to be addressed by getting help.

You need to RESPECT yourself for who you are, as a child of the living God. You are important to Him! Note please, that NONE of this is saying to start being selfish and self-centered!! NOT AT ALL! Just to have a good, decent and healthy ATTITUDE and emotions toward yourself - which will, in turn, help your attitude towards God. (A question to ponder: can you really love God if you don't love yourself? And if so, which comes first?)

Then Jesus ups and adds in a third commandment! Very personal this one is, as well as very important! John Ch 13:34 A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. Firstly, this is a NEW Commandment, He says. Secondly, He says that we are to LOVE ONE ANOTHER. But who are "one another"? - our Brother and Sister Christians!! This is at least one reason why Jesus called it a NEW Commandment - because loving other Christians was never POSSIBLE before this, as there weren't any!!! Thirdly, HOW are we are to love them? - same as I have loved you!!! Which was: GAVE HIS LIFE for us. Loves us THAT much!!!

Our love for each other has to be that DEEP and that SERIOUS also!! Anyone who says He loves God but hates his Brother is "a liar!!" Rather puts us on the spot, doesn't it! The Christian life is FOR REAL, people. It is NOT a game. It will COST you, which Jesus has promised, and so if you're not willing to bear the cost then at best you WILL make it to live with God forever, but LOSE YOUR WHOLE REWARD from God!!! (please, please, please don't let that happen!!) At worst, you'll lose EVERYTHING and end up in hell forever - I'm sure I don't need to say any "pleases" about THAT!!

Finally, there's clear evidence in the New Testament that loving each other comes AHEAD of loving others!! Our Brother and Sister Christians are highly important, and come next after loving GOD. Then other people come after that. To end, this amazing verse contains a strong insistance (invocation; command), a statement, two promises, and an implied warning: 1 John Ch 4:7 Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. Can you see them...

To be concluded (with a Short Story!)...

- BM (with his Lady)

Finally, there's clear evidence in the New Testament that loving each other comes AHEAD of loving others!! Our Brother and Sister Christians are highly important, and come next after loving GOD. Then other people come after that. To end, this amazing verse contains a strong insistance (invocation; command), a statement, two promises, and an implied warning: 1 John Ch 4:7 Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. Can you see

Great post Bondman, But I have a question in regards to this. Where you say our Brother and Sister Christians come after God and then others.. how do we truly know whether some folks are Brother and Sister Christians.. I have a few friends w ho say they are Christians but at times I wonder when I see their walk? hmm I know we have talked before about how you will know people by their fruit.. but I was just wondering about this.

I am a bit tired. went to PA for the funeral. I was really nervous and should have prayed more! It still went good, but I felt so uneasy as my best friend was in the front row.. I wanted to make sure I was not d oing the beating of the 4x4 if you know what I mean.. but I also wanted to share so much about forgiveness.. It went good but could have been better.
I then drove back for the Ohlson wedding.

It was really nice, but I will be honest.. I can see where going to weddings as a single person is not really my thing. It might have been different if I had a few close girlfriends to have gone with me as I love to dance.. and the majority of my friends through there are married.. it was just different that's all. Tomorrow I travel to see my son for his birthday.. and THEN I AM STAYING PUT!

ps.. It was also hard being around my single girflriend as she is living quite the sinful life.. the old Faithwoman style with men and such. I see so much with my "old" friends.. one left her husband and children and now is living with another man.. this other one runs around .. I am like so thankful for where God has brought me.. but I will be honest as well.. it is a daily strong battle to fight the old flesh!
But I am standing firm
One thing's for certain after reading your post, I am going to up my prayers concerning 'the old man of flesh' in you! - because we know the power of the world, the flesh and the devil, and what we do NOT want is for you to be overcome. Instead what we want is for you to become an even STRONGER OVERCOMER!! You have come this far: you must NOT allow a victory by our enemies NOW!!!

When you get tired and worn-down as you are, THAT'S the very time the flesh gets stronger against us. But you must be strong, not in your own abilities, but RESTING yourself in He Who has won the victory over ALL of our enemies!! He WILL sustain you via the Holy Spirit of God, Who He sent to us that we could live SUPERNATURAL lives in the Spirit, not still mired in the natural!!

"I'm praying for VICTORY here, Lord. The victory of Your Spirit in Faithwoman's life. She has fought the good fight to reach where she is: I'm asking You for special Power from Your Spirit to get her through this time of temptation, and back onto Victory ground! I do so trust You, and so does she, and so do many here who love you!! BETWEEN US ALL WE CAN SEE A RELEASE INTO A NEW PLACE FOR OUR DEAR SISTER! Thankyou so much, and to You be all the praise and all the glory!!"

About who are true Believers and who not, we can only use Scripture gauges such as I've written in various Messages: like some evidence of agape in their lives; like if they don't love others then they don't love God; like if they are not caring for and about those IN NEED; like CONTINUED and wilful sin in their lives. At the end of the day, if they really aren't caring about God and how they are living, then this shows a rather dreadful ABSENCE of spiritual fruit in their lives, and gives a fair indication of where they stand.

I know you won't judge them, and that only GOD can know a person's heart. But we are told that we can know them by their fruits, Matthew 7:16-20, so I hope above helps you.

Blessings from the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ!

- BM
I'm praying for VICTORY here, Lord. The victory of Your Spirit in Faithwoman's life. She has fought the good fight to reach where she is: I'm asking You for special Power from Your Spirit to get her through this time of temptation, and back onto Victory ground! I do so trust You, and so does she, and so do many here who love you!! BETWEEN US ALL WE CAN SEE A RELEASE INTO A NEW PLACE FOR OUR DEAR SISTER! Thankyou so much, and to You be all the praise and all the glory!!"

Thank you, Thank you! Your prayers are working~ watch for my next post!

Table for Two

Hey Bondman, hoped you and Mrs. enjoyed your brunch today.. yep the two of you were right there with me!

Today was my oldest son’s 25th birthday. I had made arrangements at the Old Library for 5 of us to have brunch. Upon arriving, I only found him on the steps waiting. It seems his brother, sister and girlfriend were busy. We entered the building and I notified the head waiter that our reservation had changed and we needed a table for two.

He showed us to our seats. The buffet was absolutely delicious! We ate and ate until we could eat no more. We had great conversation and got caught up on what was happening in each other lives.

On the way there I had asked the Lord to bless the day. After our second or third plate of food, I told him I was going to go get one more thing. I went to the head waiter and asked if they had a candle. I then grabbled a yummy dessert, topped it with the candle, the waiter lit it and the piano man began to sing Happy Birthday. He remembered the birthday where his uncle took him out and he had to wear a big ole’ sombrero.

After we finished lunch, we headed outside. We hugged goodbye and I got in my car. As I was getting ready to pull out and he was walking to his car, I said Lord I cannot leave yet! I drove and parked next to his car. I said “I forgot to tell you something”. We hopped in his car as it was raining. I then began to get a bit emotional.

I shared with him how proud I was of him and how for many years I have felt bad about so many things. He said I know mom and we talked about all this before and we kids forgave you and you said Jesus had forgiven you. I explained that I want all my children in heaven with me. He replied God is a big part of my life now. I said I know that, but you can have Jesus be your Lord and Savior and you can be assured you are going to heaven. We talked a bit more and right there in that parking lot, my oldest son prayed and asked Jesus into his heart!

My son Travis, age 25, had a new birthday today,his birth day of asking Jesus into his heart. Now that to me is so priceless! As I headed home, I realized I had not given him his birthday card with money. But then I stopped and said Lord- you gave him the best gift of all! Praises to you Lord! The mailman can take care of delivering the card, but only Jesus can take care of delivering him from all things that will keep him on the right path of life!
We all need to have a table for just two. We all need to bask in the glory of our Lord and invite him to our table.


Hon, I simply HAVE to say the biggest 'Whoo-hoo" for that!!!

"Lord, You are plumb amazing! I know You've known all of this would happen for... well an awful long time by our standards!! But sometimes You just blow me away at the things You do IN us, and the things you do THROUGH us. We take no credit for any of this. You are God! You're the One Who does miraculous things like this. We are just Your servants, and often pretty hopeless ones at that!

"I also want to say the biggest THANKYOU for Faithwoman, for all that You've done and are doing in her life. She kindly thanks Beloved and me, Lord, and that's okay because it's part of us loving one another as Christian brothers and sisters, but again this is all You!! I sit here simply gob-smacked at Your love and Your loving activities amongst men.

"The thing that's really struck me today is how You answer earnest believing prayer. Seems like it has to be serious and seems like our trust and faith in You and in the fact that You WILL answer prayer needs to be strong. BOTH of these! Then you're able to answer - and perform wonderful, wonderful things!! Thankyou again!! You're the BEST!!!!"

- BM
Discipleship Message #10


Help From the Holy Spirit - What's OUR Part? - Part A

I'm glad someone wants to know this - because it IS rather crucial!! Do we all realise that we simply cannot live the Christian life? The BIG problem is that in our humanity we constantly TRY TO, maybe without in any way meaning to AND even worse, without realising that we ARE!! A dreadful trap!I I believe most of us do recognise that our only way to go is to turn to God, relying on Him and trusting in Him. Many folks, and maybe even most folks, however, don't realise that God the Holy Spirit is the One Who we need!!

Alright, let's get practical! I'm here, and the Holy Spirit is "somewhere", so what am I supposed to do? First, He dwells (lives) within you, not "somewhere". Man, what a WONDER IS THAT? By His Spirit, God is living IN ME!!! Oh, yeah!!! So... accept it, believe it, revel in it, LIVE IT!! Thus God and me... well, we're together all the time!!

Next is what I need to do. So accepting that I can't live the life, I go to the Holy Spirit for the help and support of HIS power! There is nowhere else to go, no One else to go to. He has the power, you and I do not - end of story!! So doesn't that make it OBVIOUS what we can do, what we need to do, and that there's nothing MORE that we can do but: go to the Lord God, and say to Him: "Lord, I cannot do [naming it]. I desperately need for Your Holy Spirit to help me with it. His power is sufficient. It's all I need!! I'm asking for that now! Thankyou!! I shall keep asking, but in between I'm going to just rest and trust!!!"

You've now done YOUR part! - let Him get on with doing HIS!! God may well come back to you, interacting with your re. something else He needs you to do (because this is RELATIONSHIP between the Lord and you!!) But please make quite sure that you do NOT mess this all up by YOU trying to "HELP", or to DO the Holy Spirit's work for Him!! JUST TRUST HIM!!! And finally, I never ask the Holy Spirit Himself for help, i.e., addressing/praying to Him. I'm sure it's okay to, but I've not found this done in the New Testament, so I do all my requsts via The Father or Jesus.

Continued in Part B - "When We Need the Holy Spirit to Be Active in Our Lives" ...

- BM (with his Lady)

Next is what I need to do. So accepting that I can't live the life, I go to the Holy Spirit for the help and support of HIS power! There is nowhere else to go, no One else to go to. He has the power, you and I do not - end of story!! So doesn't that make it OBVIOUS what we can do, what we need to do, and that there's nothing MORE that we can do but: go to the Lord God, and say to Him: "Lord, I cannot do [naming it]. I desperately need for Your Holy Spirit to help me with it. His power is sufficient. It's all I need!! I'm asking for that now! Thankyou!! I shall keep asking, but in between I'm going to just rest and trust!!!"

You've now done YOUR part! - let Him get on with doing HIS!! God may well come back to you, interacting with your re. something else He needs you to do (because this is RELATIONSHIP between the Lord and you!!) But please make quite sure that you do NOT mess this all up by YOU trying to "HELP", or to DO the Holy Spirit's work for Him!! JUST TRUST HIM!!! And finally, I never ask the Holy Spirit Himself for help, i.e., addressing/praying to Him. I'm sure it's okay to, but I've not found this done in the New Testament, so I do all my requsts via The Father or Jesus.

Awesome awesome awesome,

I heard someone say today that the Holy spirit does not want to deal with your past, he wants to deal with your future.. the past is gone.. the old me.. now the new is here! When I heard that, I pondered for a bit.. the past does need to be left in the past, but those old things are what are Lord is changing.. praises to him.

We can be pitiful or we can be powerful!

I will watch for that message.

Honestly, I do not know how you do it. I am learning how to do a website for the ministry.

I worked on it and uploaded it tonight

here it is so far: www.cavministries.org

It is alot of work! I have a long ways to go!

What are you talking about! - I had a quick squiz and it looks GREAT!!

If you can do that well with no background in webpages, I'll be seriously thinking of passing all my website work over to you!!! *hehehe!*


- BM

Discipleship Message #11


When We Need the Holy Spirit to Be Active in Our Lives - Part B

... Continued from Part A - "Help From the Holy Spirit - What's Our Part?"

... Faithwoman's post HERE. Yesterday, now, tomorrow... I agree can be a bit tricky.The New Testament does tell us to always live in the now! Which seems pretty reasonable as we can hardly live at any other time than now! *hee!* Matthew Ch 6:34 So do not worry or be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will have worries and anxieties of its own. Sufficient for each day is its own trouble.

If we're living as serious Christians before God, then we WILL be people who confess and repent, who REFUSE to leave a single thing we've done wrong without going to the Lord about it asap (this concerns sin He makes us aware of, either that we failed to do or sin we committed - often referred to as "sins of omission" and "sins of commission").

Seems to me that sin we confess and repent of is always stuff from the past!! - and we sure need the Holy Spirit to help us to now STOP the sins of the past we've just repented of!! Which is sort of an ongoing present - about past sins!! (And I suppose we also could consider this as "preparing" for the future.)

The old me is NOT gone! What we must do before the Lord is to consider our old man of sin to be DEAD according to His Word, and our new man to more and more be bringing us into NEW LIFE in Christ. Romans Ch 6:11 Likewise you also, reckon yourselves to be dead indeed to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord. That is reckon or consider your old man as DEAD!! And I find it interesting that it then says, not that we're just "alive" but "alive to God," i.e., ONLY with Him can we BE alive!! Romans 6:1-14 is really good to read about all of this. There will ALWAYS be an ongoing conflict between the old and new - but the further you're moving UP the ladder towards MATURITY, the fewer problems you'll be having with your old self!!


To be continued ...

- BM (with his Lady)

Good morning, afternoon, evening (what ever you are in!)
Just checking in and letting you know I am still around!

Faithwoman, I am just amazed at the work God has done in you. Even I can see the changes just from your posts! You are growing into a mighty woman of God! Hallelujah!

Bondman, still praying for you and your lady. Still waiting for the post on how the two of you jumped up and did the jitterbug! Yep, the conviction is still there!

My oldest daughter is thinking about joining me in a Christian Conference next week. (She has yet to decide which side she is on. The Lord's or the enemy's) It all depends upon her schedule. Please, if the Lord lays it on your heart, pray that she gets to come! And that I get an opportunity to speak into her life (again!) about Jesus. Or that she is touched by God during that conference.....ok, lets be honest here...I want a miracle! Hey! It could happen! :}
Hi dear one!

Okay, I'm in! Praying for daughter specially and specifically (I've already been praying as you know, and y'know what? - I BELIEVE IN PRAYER!!!) Doesn't matter how it happens, or when, but we believe for salvation for your gals!!

As for miracles on OUR side of the Pacific, oh yes, THE JITTERBUG IS COMING!!! Every day is one day closer to our miracle healing and money for ministry. I've already had a little healing this year which was God's direct intervention. One thing that changed was my need to use laxitives for the past 50 years, which I've now been able to STOP!! Pretty amazing, hey!!!

I guess that sounds fantabulous, and I should be more excited, but with over 50 things still wrong with me which I live with every day of the year, it excites me in my spirit seeing this evidence that God is still God, but the other things kinda dampen any human excitement. I dunno if that made any sense...

God bless ya heaps, Fluf!!

- BM

MANY times here I've told you Inner Roomies (yep, anyone on the IR or Disciple are Inner Roomies - cos Disciple was a spin-off from the IR, just like on TV!! *hee!*) - I've told you that I've never had earnest and good Spiritual help from anyone in my 52 years as a Believer.


I now have a Mentor!!! - and I'm so rapt with that I could easily burst!!! (and spill out all over the fl... oh, sorry!!!)

He is an Englishman and is older than me. He's been a writer and teacher of the Scriptures, and world-wide speaker for most of his adult life.

I've never met him and it's unlikely that I will on this earth. He doesn't know that I exist. It's funny, but I've known about him for some years, but God ALWAYS has His timing: recently I kind of re-found him, the timing was perfect - and man oh man, does he ever know the Bible message!!!! He is soft-spoken, but speaks clearly and specifically and concisely about God's Word!! HE REALLY, REALLY KNOWS WHAT HE'S TALKING ABOUT!!

As I let him do to my heart and mind and sprit what you lovely guys do concerning my teaching, I will slowly start sharing with you things that I get from him that I'm also convinced are in the Word of God. At the moment I am just being HIS DISCIPLE!!! Life really can be quite amazing, can't it? Who'd have thought? - well, NOT ME, that's for sure!!!

Please REJOICE with me that 52 years along the track God has finally given me a Mentor!!!

Love you all so very, very much!!

- BM *excitement!!!!*

P.S. I'm pretty sure he's done most, if not all of his Biblical "discovery" via the Holy Spirit, same as me. And here's the thing: so far he and I agree on everything!! - he simply knows MORE than I do, hence able to Mentor me!!!

I don't want anyone confused, but Part 1, Part 2, etc., are ALREADY confusing - including to me! So it can be really hard in an Index, for example, to see which particular Part 2 belongs to which particular Part 1!!

So instead I'm trying Part A, Part B, etc. - but to CONNECT them to their initial Message am writing them like this:

Part B (starts in #7)

That way we can't ever lose which part belongs to which.

The slight downside, which I need your feedback on please, is where it's:

Part A (starts in #7) as part of the heading ON Message #7. That seems a bit silly, and may confuse. We just can't come up with a better system... Please click HERE and you'll see what I mean. Scroll to the bottom to see the "Continued" message there also.

SO... is this going to be LESS confusing, or still no good? Please tell me.


- BM
Please, if the Lord lays it on your heart, pray that she gets to come! And that I get an opportunity to speak into her life (again!) about Jesus. Or that she is touched by God during that conference.....ok, lets be honest here...I want a miracle! Hey! It could happen! :}

They do happen Fluffy.. look what happened when my daughter went.. we had an awesome time and she asked the Lord in!

and hey Bondman.. Great on the Mentor! I love it! I am so happy for you! We all need a mentor ..
Enjoy.. keep learning then you can share with us!

Love ya all!
Preparation Part 1

Ok, first of all thank you, thank you, thank you Bondman! Thank you for preparing me to go forth and have the life God has waiting for me.
I try not to share lenghty stories of my daily life here as I do not want to take away from the messages of God that is given to Bondman. But this story below is a prime example of how God will use us when we allow him.
I could never have done any of this a year ago. It is by the hunger in me that wants to continue to learn of Jesus and to go forth and take the message to others.

I encourage all that are reading here and on the Inner Room to grab ahold of the messages, share the links with your friends, encourage them to continue to learn how to mature in their Christian walk! Bondman has been and continues to be an awesome Mentor in my life!


My journey of faith has been quite amazing this past year. God has really been preparing me for great things. He has been preparing me for his plan, his will, not my plan nor my will, thank goodness! My will and plan was leading down to a road of death, emotionally physically and spiritually.

It was a busy day at work today. I was to go and visit a girlfriend tonight to see her new car, but the Lord had other plans. Upon arriving home I called her and we decided a different day would be better.

I grabbed a cup of coffee and contemplated what to do for the evening. I started to think about all the preparations that needed to be finished for this Friday. You see, Care-A-Van Ministries is partnering with a local dentist to provide a Free dental clinic to the folks here in our community that have no dental insurance. It is going to be a busy day! We even have Continental Beauty School coming out to provide free hair cuts along with other organizations to help us out. There will be a prayer table as well.

I opened my email and saw where the beauty school is bringing out 8 students to help with the day. I decided to make a flyer about the free hair cuts and head out to some of our neighborhoods to pass them out along with the dental flyer. I arrived on State Street which was bustling with activity, kids and families out enjoying the sunshine. It was then that I met a new mom to the neighborhood. Her and her family had lost their home to a fire a few towns from here and was just blessed with their new apartment. We chatted and I prayed with her.

I headed out down the street and walked through a crowd of people. Right then, I heard a voice say “we will ask her”! Hey Robin, I turned around and replied yes? This young mom began to speak. “Have you heard of the guy who predicts things in life? He predicted 40 years ago that the Twin Towers would fall and look it happened. Now he is predicting that the world is going to end in 2012! There was an ad on TV where you can now buy space in a shelter for that! I really had to chuckle inside.

Years ago, I would have been so caught up in all of that. My reply “there is only one shelter that you will ever be safe with and that is Jesus. I sauntered back over to stand in front of her. “Melissa, let’s say the world ends tonight, do you know where you are going? Are you going to heaven or hell? Her reply” I sure hope heaven. Hope? I replied. Do you not want to be there for sure? Right then Jesus opened the door for the story of salvation. I ended with the choice is all yours. You can go on and keep hoping or you can no for sure. As I was about to turn away, in her excited voice, she replied I want to be sure and I want to go there and I really do need God in my life totally! I don’t want to wait. Two other young voices hollered out, me too! So right there, on that busy street with kids hollering in the background, cars rushing by, and these three souls prayed and asked Jesus into their hearts. Praise the Lord!

Go to next message Part 2 of Preparation