mhroy: PM sent...
I'd just like to mention that this thread is filled with information that applies to the GENERAL conditions of a divorce. In my first post I stressed that fact.
Each situation is unique and since NO ONE here at CFS has all the detailed facts of this particular situation, it should NOW be left to a Christian Consultant or Counselor to work with both parties locally in-person and to make certain that they understand the Biblical AND civil ramifications of what they are about to do.
While the information posted here can be of GENERAL HELP, it may or may not apply directly to the situation asked about here in this thread, so I would suggest that this thread end right here. It will NOT be close by me, and I can not speak for other Moderators, but it is my recommendation to just allow the persons in question to seek proper IN-PERSON assistance by a fellow Christian Consultant or Counselor locally. Advice in a forum setting is always incomplete at best as it applies to select situations and may even be misleading at times because it may not apply properly to a specific case. Thank you.