If you read up on angels a little bit you also see that they're not specific to Christian belief, there are other faiths that have angels and they seem also to figure in pagan circles.
If you read up on angels a little bit you also see that they're not specific to Christian belief, there are other faiths that have angels and they seem also to figure in pagan circles.
But the issue here is the matter of authority. My statement was that for Bible-0nly Christians, there is no authority outside of the Bible. Meaning that you would not be willing to accept a church teaching, for example, regarding angels, if it were not mentioned in the Bible. Not so?
Would you not agree though, that every church, no matter which one, as much as they might like to say they are guided only by scripture or the Holy Spirit, has at its very core a human being through which certain beliefs and ideas are filtered? I offer as Exhibit A of this idea the very fact that we have at last count over 35,000 denominations of Christianity, all slightly different. In that sense, I'm afraid I don't see much difference between the authority of the Pope or a high church figure and an evangelical church leader. I don't think it's possible to lead a church or congregation without putting one's own "spin" on things.We are fully able to being direct by the Scriptures without the intermediate step of the authoritative church.
After a general once-over of this thread I'd just like to make the observation that the differences people have seem to come from whether the person in question is a "Bible-only" Christian and whether they are not. The "Bible-only" people aren't willing to look outside the Bible. I think that is the reason we get deadlocked.
I agree with PLAR, AND what's more, the old adage "proof is in the pudding" REALLY applies. I don't care what any denom says, my question is, what's that information going to do with my life and relationship with God, that's what really matters. If someone tells you "do X and you'll have Y" and if I do X and nothing happens, what's that say about them? If there are 2 billion real Christians on the planet, then why is everything falling apart around the world? Why are people coming here begging for information on what to DO with their situation and when you tell them they don't listen? Why is it people are talking about suicide or blaming God - Whom most don't even know? (This are question I'm not seeking an answer - only to point out the need to see the truth). If Jesus said we can do all He did, then by golly! I want that! If He's the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow, then I want what He's shown was capable of having. We have the SAME Spirit He did, we have the SAME mandate He did, we have the SAME power He did, yet, I don't see it - not in myself or in others. Something is really wrong and it's time to clean house and inspect what we believe but how can you do that without a foundation? If you do not put the word of God as your foundation, you're going to follow some man's ideas and create another 40,000 denominations until no resemblance of the truth exists.
2 Corinthians 13:5 (KJV)
Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?
2 Corinthians 13:5 (ESV2011)
Examine yourselves, to see whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Or do you not realize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?—unless indeed you fail to meet the test!
You bet the angels have a mission on earth today, but they're waiting for us!!!!
You bet the angels have a mission on earth today, but they're waiting for us!!!!
Would you not agree though, that every church, no matter which one, as much as they might like to say they are guided only by scripture or the Holy Spirit, has at its very core a human being through which certain beliefs and ideas are filtered? I offer as Exhibit A of this idea the very fact that we have at last count over 35,000 denominations of Christianity, all slightly different. In that sense, I'm afraid I don't see much difference between the authority of the Pope or a high church figure and an evangelical church leader. I don't think it's possible to lead a church or congregation without putting one's own "spin" on things.
IMO it was when Jesus sent the Holy Spirit after He ascended to heaven. There seems to be no angels ministering in the New Test., however thy are once again prominent in the Tribulation period. The thing missing from the Tribulation is the Holy Spirit so once again angels return to aid the "HEIRS of salvation......Jews. That is just my opinion. No one has to agree. It is just something for everyone to think about. That is way we are here!!
Do you think angel worship as you call it is being done by people who would self identify as Christians?I do look outside the Bible, PeaceLikeaRiver! And when I see these things happening outside the Bible: angel worship, angel guides, and angelology(sp?), I have no doubt many people have been taken in by evil angels while trying to communicate or get to know "their angel". Staying inside the Bible is safer than wandering around outside His fold and losing my way, IMO.
Do you believe this to be realistic? The problem of course being that the word of God is not always as self-evident as it may seem. And anytime someone steps forward to "translate", what he does instead is infuse his own interpretation.I agree it is best to let Jesus alone be the Head of His church. We humans are much too prone to egos, error, and eruditeness (is there such a word?) Perhaps if we stopped filtering our individual walks through the filter of man, we could hear from Him with more humbleness and be more effective.
Do you believe this to be realistic? The problem of course being that the word of God is not always as self-evident as it may seem. And anytime someone steps forward to "translate", what he does instead is infuse his own interpretation.
Oh you bet we do!I'd add to the questions " why do christians disagree about the very nature of salvation/resurrection ?" I agree something is very wrong in the Church today but this isn't unexpected imo. Narrow gate and all that.
Watching and waiting yeah. It's interesting that we will judge Angels how do you think this process will work ? It's a curious task that makes me wonder if we have more contact with them than I think.
Oky doky. There were Angels ministering in the NT remember how Jesus was comforted after His tempations ? Ok this was before the Ascension so maybe how about the Angel who freed the Apostles when the Sadducees tossed them in prison in acts 5. Ok this may have been Jesus Himself.
How about the Angel/Spirit that directed Phillip to the Ethiopian Eunuch. ( Could be Jesus again maybe ) There's the Angel who spoke to Cornelius in Acts 10 and the Angel who freed Peter from prison in Acts 12 ( even nudging him to get up) The Angel who killed Herod didn't seem to be minsitering
but the Angel who visited Paul during his voyage to Rome in Acts 27 was a real help. You can see I think Angels are well in the mix down here atm and the Spiritual war is fierce imo.
I've heard of the restrainer being the Holy Spirit before so I suppose the return of Angels during the Tribulation period fits well with that.
I agree with PLAR, AND what's more, the old adage "proof is in the pudding" REALLY applies. I don't care what any denom says, my question is, what's that information going to do with my life and relationship with God, that's what really matters. If someone tells you "do X and you'll have Y" and if I do X and nothing happens, what's that say about them? If there are 2 billion real Christians on the planet, then why is everything falling apart around the world? Why are people coming here begging for information on what to DO with their situation and when you tell them they don't listen? Why is it people are talking about suicide or blaming God - Whom most don't even know? (This are question I'm not seeking an answer - only to point out the need to see the truth). If Jesus said we can do all He did, then by golly! I want that! If He's the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow, then I want what He's shown was capable of having. We have the SAME Spirit He did, we have the SAME mandate He did, we have the SAME power He did, yet, I don't see it - not in myself or in others. Something is really wrong and it's time to clean house and inspect what we believe but how can you do that without a foundation? If you do not put the word of God as your foundation, you're going to follow some man's ideas and create another 40,000 denominations until no resemblance of the truth exists.
2 Corinthians 13:5 (KJV)
Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?
2 Corinthians 13:5 (ESV2011)
Examine yourselves, to see whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Or do you not realize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?—unless indeed you fail to meet the test!
You bet the angels have a mission on earth today, but they're waiting for us!!!!
Would you not agree though, that every church, no matter which one, as much as they might like to say they are guided only by scripture or the Holy Spirit, has at its very core a human being through which certain beliefs and ideas are filtered? I offer as Exhibit A of this idea the very fact that we have at last count over 35,000 denominations of Christianity, all slightly different. In that sense, I'm afraid I don't see much difference between the authority of the Pope or a high church figure and an evangelical church leader. I don't think it's possible to lead a church or congregation without putting one's own "spin" on things.
Do you think angel worship as you call it is being done by people who would self identify as Christians?
Do you believe this to be realistic? The problem of course being that the word of God is not always as self-evident as it may seem. And anytime someone steps forward to "translate", what he does instead is infuse his own interpretation.
Here are a couple of prayers as listed on catholic.org :
A Mother's Prayer to the Guardian Angels of her children
I humbly salute you, O you faithful, heavenly Friends of my children! I give you heartfelt thanks for all the love and goodness you show them. At some future day I shall, with thanks more worthy than I can now give, repay your care for them, and before the whole heavenly court acknowledge their indebtedness to your guidance and protection. Continue to watch over them. Provide for all their needs of body and soul. Pray, likewise, for me, for my husband, and my whole family, that we may all one day rejoice in your blessed company.
Another Prayer to the Guardian Angels
My good Angel, Thou comest from heaven; God has sent thee to take care of me. Oh, shelter me under thy wings. Lighten my path, direct my steps. Do not leave me, stay quite near me and defend me against the spirit of evil. But above all come to my help in the last struggle of my life. Deliver my soul so that with thee it may praise, love and contemplate the goodness of God forever and ever.
What I find troubling is that someone new to the faith may get confused as to who is in charge of your life/safety. As to the analogy that the prayers are only for intercession in the same way we would pray for each other, I can't imagine asking these things of anyone except God.
I do.