Do You Have?

Jesus Freak

Previously DanaCovert68
Do you have best friends? I have two. His name is Ryan. He and I met at the Montana School For a The Deaf & Blind when I went there for a year or so. Why is he me best friend? Because even though we've had one fight in our 18 year relationship, I can talk to him about anything, and he is always there to comfort me.

I also have one named Michael. He is a GREAT friend. He also will help me through anything. We get along, even though a few years ago I ended the friendship, and then decided to reconcile it in 2011. And, we've been GREAT friends since. Only thing with me is that I try to tell him what I don't want him doing, and that's not right. That stops now.
I have several "besties" and one best friend from childhood. Oh and my bf who is my best friend as well...kinda defeats the purpose of the word "best" lol
Yeah, nobody likes being told what to do; rather, 'how can I help' or 'what can I do to help'.

I'm done telling him what to do. I told him one last thing, and that's it. Basically I told him in a nice way not to ramble on about books he's read. He talks for 10 minutes straight and no more will he do that.