Another good example is the company No Boundaries.Daily my eyes see, and my ears hear the ways of the world, which are a reminder of the warnings of our the Lord our G_d Yeshua of the last days that approach quickly. So many things people don't see and turn a blind eye too. The symbols, the slander of Yeshua, the persecution of the believers and followers. Satan has his hand in everything to deceive even the elect.
My journey started with wanting to look into Mormonism and Jehovah's Witness. This led me to Freemasonry, and on to the occult, symbols and how brainwashed we are. I latched on to one strand of the never ending spider wed Satan has weaved. I have become a watcher and analyzer. A man who has come to see the symbols, and deceptions through Media, news, music, Christian denominations, and so on. It is EVERYWHERE bombarding the mind to follow the beast in the coming days.
Yeshua said seek and you shall find, knock and it will be open, ask and you shall receive. Study and show yourself approved. See I have studied the History of the churches we know today. We are up roughly 41,000 denominations who believe they are the correct way. We have only two paths to chose from. Good or Evil. I have had many struggles with my life and MANY trails and tribulations through my journey to understand.
There are many ways of deception. Example the theory of evolution Charles Darwin, and the first woman the Neanderthal having 40% of fragment of a skull found in Ethiopia. Interesting enough they named her LUCY. I find it interesting that "Lucy" means: Light. Lucifer means: " bringing light". See where I am going with this. So mans evolution is from Lucy? I think not...
Also if you look into the music industry. The untrained eye doesn't see the symbols they flash. There are the obvious ones like the devil horn hand sign. There are others like the 666 hand sign. which looks like what we were told to be the Okay hand sign. There is the pyramid hand sign also, or the covering of one eye. It is everywhere I look. Example Google Chrome logo is the 666. Apple computer with the bite out of the apple of knowledge of good and evil, and I (eye) phone. The first Apple computer they were selling for $666. (look it up)Interesting huh? Then we have Disney and the mind melting world of MAGIC brainwashing us as children and our children/grandchildren. Ever wonder why we call out children kids? (kid is a young goat) hmmmm. Let's look at the movie Maleficent with Angelina. I find it interesting that Angelina was the daughter of Hermes. Hermes is the messenger of the gods. Angelina also mean: divine messenger, a messenger of god. She played a demon looking like Baphomet (goat headed, hermaphrodite demon) in the movie. So many links to go with.
I am just brushing the surface on so much out there... I have been led to see this through the Spirit. I give Yeshua the praise and Glory, forever and ever. Hallelujah.

Notice the satanic seal.
Black Girls Rock from BET is another one.

Once again, notice the seal. Black girls rock also promoted "learning as much as you can", meaning study hard in school. The same school that teaches evolution and that homosexuality is normal (please don't start a discussion on homosexuality). It also teaches the big bang. Crap like that drives me to anger.
People in my class who claim to be Christian take the Lords Name in vain constantly. They still live in sin. I know that they are not saved. It saddens me.