Does All Preaching Sound The Same?


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Hello brothers and sisters;

Years ago I used to sit in the pew and while listening to the sermon and I would take notes, and at times a question/comment would pop in my head.

When we listen to our pastor deliver the Scripture and sermon, does it sound the same, or is his preaching the Scripture in many different ways?

For example, if the pastor is preaching on love reference 1 Peter 4:8, 8 Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins.
we may hear it preached with different situations.

It is expected the pastor prays and receives the Word from God for his congregation. But has the pastor lost his love for the Word and instead love the art (delivery) of his sermon?

2 Timothy 4:1-5, I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingdom: 2 preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching. 3 For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, 4 and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths. 5 As for you, always be sober-minded, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.

What are everyone's thoughts?

God bless everyone.

More to come...
The first church I attended after conversion had a fantastic pastor/preacher! It always felt as if he preached exactly what I needed to hear that day, and I believe it is because He followed the Holy Spirit's direction and the guidance.

I did not experience it in many churches, though, which I find sad.
The first church I attended after conversion had a fantastic pastor/preacher! It always felt as if he preached exactly what I needed to hear that day, and I believe it is because He followed the Holy Spirit's direction and the guidance.

I did not experience it in many churches, though, which I find sad.

Hello paidforinfull;

What a blessing receiving the Word from your first pastor. I experienced the same when my wife and I settled in a church that grounded us in our faith. Pastor had no idea what I was going through yet he preached what was being directed at my circumstances.

I know we can conveniently fit the preaching to our situations but I believe yours/ours was God.

With the other churches you experienced, could it be that the preacher's sermon was not directed at you, but perhaps others in the congregation?
Hello paidforinfull;

With the other churches you experienced, could it be that the preacher's sermon was not directed at you, but perhaps others in the congregation?
Yes, that is/was definitely true in many cases.

I always believed God 'spoils' new Christians, but less so when we become more mature and grow in faith. (Trials toughen us up, and we're going to need to be strong in the times to come.)

I am not a pastor over a flock but I'm sure it's a hard and thankless service. They are on call for ppl 24/7 ( or should be).

My first pastor was a gentle and kind man who loved God and was an humble spirit,plus I had gifted excellent anointed teachers,prayer service ministers and ppl that truly cared.

I do believe God KNOWS every soul that will be gathered to hear his word,and sees the edification,encouragement,rebuke,love and whatever is needed and can have us all graze in the same field ,AND ALL GET JUST WHAT EACH NEEDS.

We may not get it at first but as we meditate on the words given ,the HS can increase us before the Father and meet the demand of our hearts.

We should always be in prayer for our spiritual leaders for they can just as easily lead astray!
We can never receive the same message too many times. It could remind us not to forget to keep up with what we have already learned.
If the preacher tells the same message in different ways we learn something new that we previously missed. I love that.
We can never receive the same message too many times. It could remind us not to forget to keep up with what we have already learned.
If the preacher tells the same message in different ways we learn something new that we previously missed. I love that.
That reminds me of this verse...

Hebrews 2:1 (KJV) Therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard, lest at any time we should let them slip.
Reminds me of the old joke:

A new preacher is hired by a church and he gives an impassioned sermon.
The congregation is impressed and congratulates him.
The next week he preaches the exact same message.
The congregation is less impressed but shakes his hand etc after the service.
The next week he preaches the very same message for the 3rd time.
The deacons take him aside and ask him what this is all about.
The preacher replies that when he sees by their actions that the congregation has taken heed of the message, he will preach something else!
Reminds me of the old joke:

A new preacher is hired by a church and he gives an impassioned sermon.
The congregation is impressed and congratulates him.
The next week he preaches the exact same message.
The congregation is less impressed but shakes his hand etc after the service.
The next week he preaches the very same message for the 3rd time.
The deacons take him aside and ask him what this is all about.
The preacher replies that when he sees by their actions that the congregation has taken heed of the message, he will preach something else!
lol, I think thatā€™s about the 5th time I heard that ā€˜old jokeā€™.
well now, who here hasn't been carried away from the central message?

I know I have. if some paster is good looking, or extremely charismatic, or does something I find cute, I have many times found myself zoning out to WHATS being said, and being caught in a cult of personality.

I know when that happens.....and I run lol
What do you mean Bob?
Like when a preacher just repeats the same scripture over and over again?
Reminds me of the old joke:
A new preacher is hired by a church and he gives an impassioned sermon.
The congregation is impressed and congratulates him.
The next week he preaches the exact same message.
The congregation is less impressed but shakes his hand etc after the service.
The next week he preaches the very same message for the 3rd time.
The deacons take him aside and ask him what this is all about.
The preacher replies that when he sees by their actions that the congregation has taken heed of the message, he will preach something else!

well now, who here hasn't been carried away from the central message?
I know I have. if some paster is good looking, or extremely charismatic, or does something I find cute, I have many times found myself zoning out to WHATS being said, and being caught in a cult of personality.
I know when that happens.....and I run lol

Hello, Lanolin;

Yes. When you receive the message from your pastor/preacher each week you may notice at different times of the year the Scripture is presented again but with a different sermon. The question is, how are we receiving it?

Hello, Siloam;

When the pastor/preacher repeats a message from the past, attentive members will notice. But the pastor is also attentive to God, that the sheep are struggling with taking heed to the sermon.

Hello Via;

You present a good point and it's our human nature that we take notice of the preacher's appearance and style. That's why when we open with prayer prior to the sermon, are we asking God to give us listening ears?

There is no "preacher correct." It's like a good Bible reader will read how God reminds us over and over regarding obedience, love, submission, humbleness in the Old and New Testaments.

Continued thoughts,

More to come...
The WORD is rich and renews us day by day.

I have read a verse went back again and gleaned something NEW or REINFORCED what i had by repeatedly going back.

The word of God is alive and quick ,sharper than a two- edged sword. It divides the worldly flesh from our hearts by cutting away the displeasing things to God!

I am ever so thankful and hungry for HIS WORD.
The world may have knowledge but the word gives us understanding and wisdom, sweet to the soul as honey........PTL.
The WORD is rich and renews us day by day.

I have read a verse went back again and gleaned something NEW or REINFORCED what i had by repeatedly going back.

The word of God is alive and quick ,sharper than a two- edged sword. It divides the worldly flesh from our hearts by cutting away the displeasing things to God!

I am ever so thankful and hungry for HIS WORD.
The world may have knowledge but the word gives us understanding and wisdom, sweet to the soul as honey........PTL.
You seem very blessed.šŸ˜Š I wish that happened to me.

I am not a regular bible reader. I just dont get anything from reading it daily. I dont know why but, I only tend to pick mine up when there is a problem, or when I am looking for something in particular.
I kinda envy those who can just pick it up and gain multitudes of messages.

do you have any plan or time of day you like studying?
You seem very blessed.šŸ˜Š I wish that happened to me.

I am not a regular bible reader. I just dont get anything from reading it daily. I dont know why but, I only tend to pick mine up when there is a problem, or when I am looking for something in particular.
I kinda envy those who can just pick it up and gain multitudes of messages.

do you have any plan or time of day you like studying?

Thank you ,I am very blessed. My love for Jesus,my Saviour,Lord, and Master is the only gift I have received that NEVER stops giving!

I hunger to know His mind,plan,blessings,promises,what HE HAS DONE for those that worship him.

I just love the KJV for the language and flow of poetry it contains. I find myself returning again and again to feast at His word.

I do not have a schedule nor plan.The HS will bring a topic to mind either by inspiration or someone else's thought and off I am to study until there is no more content or context to add.

My favorites to build myself up and how I interact to others is Psalms and Proverbs!

I am 65 and have been loving God and his word for many years. I have had dry spells,where I read by faith. Valleys are where we listen and learn so we may rejoice on the mountains!

If permissible I will pray that God stir us ALL deeply here for a hunger to plant our roots DEEP in the word. I will lift you up in special prayer,sister that the Holy Spirit get to your core of belief and faith and BLOOM upwards and outwards to fill you with a hunger so mighty that your thirst cannot be quenchedā¤

He is such a good good Father!
The WORD is rich and renews us day by day.

I have read a verse went back again and gleaned something NEW or REINFORCED what i had by repeatedly going back.

The word of God is alive and quick ,sharper than a two- edged sword. It divides the worldly flesh from our hearts by cutting away the displeasing things to God!

I am ever so thankful and hungry for HIS WORD.
The world may have knowledge but the word gives us understanding and wisdom, sweet to the soul as honey........PTL.

Hello, D3v;

Thank you for sharing your post. This means we can look forward to discussing Jesus more with you.

Here's my testimony. I didn't pray yesterday and could offer many excuses but all would fall short with God.

This morning I took my wife to have a colonoscopy. While sitting in the car I closed my eyes and went into sorrowful prayer to the Lord.

Luke 18:1-8 came to my heart. It teaches about incessant prayer. If I didn't believe
God's Word is alive and quick, I probably would have taken for granted that I can pray when it's convenient for me.

God bless
you, D3v, and your whole family.
Hmm well.
If a preacher has repeated their sermon from last week I might go hold on haven't I heard this before?
If a preacher has repeated their sermon from last year I might think..hold on when have I heard this before? (my brain has to work a bit harder going back)

But I don't really mind because if I HAD heard it before it's just reinforcing that I remembered it.
As for scripture, it's often used in different ways illustrated by a different sermon that may explore a different aspect of it, plus no two preachers are going to preach with the same scripture and present it the exact same way.

Also, people being deaf, or falling asleep or maybe just distracted the first time might get it the second or third time. lol

If you worried, the only bad thing (which is not the end of the world) is that I might think..hey they preached on this last time! Have they run out of ideas. If you find yourself going a bit stale then maybe it's time to pray for fresh inspiration. Of course the Word does not change. It's timeless.

You won't ever please everybody. I've had people complain that I post too much about certain topics. Well those are the ones that interest me that I can talk about! I relate things to what I've experienced of course. I only really write about what I know. If that bothers you there's lots of other threads other people have created. Nothing to stop you reading them or appreciating different ones.

I think with some churches having guest speakers/preachers is good as it mixes it up a bit from a familiar routine.
Hello, D3v;

Thank you for sharing your post. This means we can look forward to discussing Jesus more with you.

Here's my testimony. I didn't pray yesterday and could offer many excuses but all would fall short with God.

This morning I took my wife to have a colonoscopy. While sitting in the car I closed my eyes and went into sorrowful prayer to the Lord.

Luke 18:1-8 came to my heart. It teaches about incessant prayer. If I didn't believe
God's Word is alive and quick, I probably would have taken for granted that I can pray when it's convenient for me.

God bless
you, D3v, and your whole family.
praying for you both bob...

Gods got this.
Hello brothers and sisters;

Years ago I used to sit in the pew and while listening to the sermon and I would take notes, and at times a question/comment would pop in my head.

When we listen to our pastor deliver the Scripture and sermon, does it sound the same, or is his preaching the Scripture in many different ways?

For example, if the pastor is preaching on love reference 1 Peter 4:8, 8 Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins.
we may hear it preached with different situations.

It is expected the pastor prays and receives the Word from God for his congregation. But has the pastor lost his love for the Word and instead love the art (delivery) of his sermon?

2 Timothy 4:1-5, I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingdom: 2 preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching. 3 For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, 4 and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths. 5 As for you, always be sober-minded, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.

What are everyone's thoughts?

God bless everyone.

More to come...
Unfortunately, Bob, a number of pastors today allow themselves to become too busy to take the time to prayerfully study and prepare 3 sermons per week so they subscribe to sermon preparation services.