Does All Preaching Sound The Same?

Unfortunately, Bob, a number of pastors today allow themselves to become too busy to take the time to prayerfully study and prepare 3 sermons per week so they subscribe to sermon preparation services.
not many pastors /churches has 3 services a week. to types preaching expository which is more of teaching ministry. topical which is what i am use to subjects for example last sunday the good Lord allowed me to preached on as in the days of Noah. start out in math 24 we went to Gen 6 what is was like when God said it is enough build the ark .
But Noah found Grace in the eyes of the lord . we looked at few other thing in scripture then went to romans 5:20-21 where sin abound grace abound ever more ..title of the message we made it by grace in reference to the end times coming down the pipe line.. which imo is approaching in a rapid movement .

no two preachers are alike style or method .a old time preacher man use to say preaching wise like eating Chicken eat the meat throw the.

Bones away

when i study for a message i examine from every way i can... last week i did a google search Noah finds grace . i found lots interesting reading and yes some times i will use some of that material .

i know a pastor who only reads the scriptures in study .then the Lord gives him a tittle and that is how he preaches. just like the cowboys drinking whisky in the bar in the westerns straight i will assure you he leaves no stone unturned . one might say he is the just about the last of the Mohican . 71 years old still preaching
Unfortunately, Bob, a number of pastors today allow themselves to become too busy to take the time to prayerfully study and prepare 3 sermons per week so they subscribe to sermon preparation services.

two types preaching expository which is more of teaching ministry. topical which is what i am use to subjects for example last sunday the good Lord allowed me to preached on as in the days of Noah. start out in math 24 we went to Gen 6 what is was like when God said it is enough build the ark.
Hello BibleLover;

I had no idea there were "sermon preparation services." This gives me the impression that anyone can become a pastor by ordering an instant sermon during his "busy" time.

A pastor/preacher's calling in this ministry emphatically makes the time to pray and receive what God prepares him to preach.

Has the pastorate turned from ministry to business in these here and now times?

Hello forgiven;

"the good Lord allowed me to preached on as in the days of Noah. start out in math 24 we went to Gen 6 what is was like when God said it is enough build the ark."

Well said, brother, "the good Lord allowed me to preach"

God bless you both, Pastors, and thank you for sharing.
Maybe a sermon preparation service it's like a sous chef doing all the prep work for the master chef? I don't know.
I thought the Bible was already there all you have to do is read it. Sometimes you just need to eat it raw.
Hello brothers and sisters;

Years ago I used to sit in the pew and while listening to the sermon and I would take notes, and at times a question/comment would pop in my head.

When we listen to our pastor deliver the Scripture and sermon, does it sound the same, or is his preaching the Scripture in many different ways?

For example, if the pastor is preaching on love reference 1 Peter 4:8, 8 Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins.
we may hear it preached with different situations.

It is expected the pastor prays and receives the Word from God for his congregation. But has the pastor lost his love for the Word and instead love the art (delivery) of his sermon?

2 Timothy 4:1-5, I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingdom: 2 preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching. 3 For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, 4 and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths. 5 As for you, always be sober-minded, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.

What are everyone's thoughts?

God bless everyone.

More to come...

Well......once an old pastor preached a sermon.
The 2nd Sunday he preached the same one.
The 3rd Sunday he preached it again.

Then the deacon chairman talked to him and asked him how many times was he going to give the same sermon.

The preacher replied...........untill we get it right!
Hello BibleLover;

I had no idea there were "sermon preparation services." This gives me the impression that anyone can become a pastor by ordering an instant sermon during his "busy" time.

A pastor/preacher's calling in this ministry emphatically makes the time to pray and receive what God prepares him to preach.

Has the pastorate turned from ministry to business in these here and now times?

Hello forgiven;

"the good Lord allowed me to preached on as in the days of Noah. start out in math 24 we went to Gen 6 what is was like when God said it is enough build the ark."

Well said, brother, "the good Lord allowed me to preach"

God bless you both, Pastors, and thank you for sharing.

I wish I had had a computer 50 years ago!!!! Sermons in a minute.........who knew????

I guess that means Seminary work is not needed.....just acting classes!;)