I keep thinking about that you "said" a while before.
We know that God created everything in six days; however, not how long a day actually was.
"Go, my people, enter your rooms and shut the doors behind you; hide yourselves for a little while until his wrath has passed by." Isaiah 26:20 (NIV). How long is that "while?" For that matter, is it as long as "A little while, and the wicked will be no more; though you look for them, they will not be found Psalm 37:10 (NIV).
There are instances where the bible is painfully detailed (Ark, Tabernacle, etc) and some where no details are provided. I do not know why this is, but I know it is by design. If it turned out that the six days were really six million, does that matter? I say no it does not.
Maybe, just maybe, the first five days are God days, while all remaining days are post-man creation days. I'm not even sure what that means, but who knows.
Everything we need to know has been written down for us. The rest are details what we would like to know (at least I would), but does not really matter.
Ok, I'll end this with a personal story. On 911, I was stationed at our HQ at Fort Belvoir, VA. This is about 14 miles from the Pentagon. I and 10 other agents were assigned to go to the Pentagon and join in the body/evidence recovery process. On day two, several of us were sitting on some crates and waiting (we could not enter the area, because there were still small fires and the the impacted area was considered structurally unsound. As we are sitting there, one of the fire engine sirens set off three times and every fireman in the area started to run out away from the building. None of the people in my group had a clue as to why the firemen were running. The FBI agent sitting next to me said something like "I do not know what is going on, but I know never to stand behind a running fireman." At that point, we too ran from the area.
Turns out that we had missed a prior briefing in which it was established that the sound of three sirens signaled an incoming airplane. Apparently, a plane had taken off from Reagan Airport (a government plane) and the flight control inverted the tail number. We were not in any danger, but we did not know that at the time. Imagine if it had been a real threat, but we had waited for someone to explain the details.