Dream Memories

I can see that. I can see how a dream is a combination of life events that are intermingled. I've also read that while a dream might appear to be a long event, it is actually a short event that just appears long.

Another "thing" I see is that actually do remember parks of some dreams; however, I cannot recall when that dream took place.

I have a clear recollection that I had a dream of me doing some work at the office. I know I had the dream, but I do not recall when or what it is that I was doing at work. I think I was writing a rebuttal to a final report I approved (which I do all the time), but I am unsure
Merry Christmas brother!

To answer your question, I think we must remember that the answer is in the brain. Many years ago, I used to have people in the church try and teach and tell others that God had spoken to them in a dream and said to them.........!

It forced me to do a lot of work on this. So what I learned was that dream usually last about between 90minutes. (AMA).

This cycle is divided into different stages.
1. REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. This is when people have the most vivid dreams. The dreams in this stage submerge us into terrifying and fascinating scenarios. Here is where you feel emotions and sensations very acutely. It’s also important to know that the REM sleep stage is the longest and the last. Therefore, it’s common to wake up all of a sudden and only remember the last moments of a dream.

The AMA says that the “sleeping brain” has no memory. That is, we’re not programmed to store data during this stage because, apparently, nothing significant happens that’s useful to us.

It seems that the key to all of this is the hippocampus. This structure in the brain is the “culprit” behind us not being able to remember the dreams we have each night.
Merry Christmas brother!

To answer your question, I think we must remember that the answer is in the brain. Many years ago, I used to have people in the church try and teach and tell others that God had spoken to them in a dream and said to them.........!

It forced me to do a lot of work on this. So what I learned was that dream usually last about between 90minutes. (AMA).

This cycle is divided into different stages.
1. REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. This is when people have the most vivid dreams. The dreams in this stage submerge us into terrifying and fascinating scenarios. Here is where you feel emotions and sensations very acutely. It’s also important to know that the REM sleep stage is the longest and the last. Therefore, it’s common to wake up all of a sudden and only remember the last moments of a dream.

The AMA says that the “sleeping brain” has no memory. That is, we’re not programmed to store data during this stage because, apparently, nothing significant happens that’s useful to us.

It seems that the key to all of this is the hippocampus. This structure in the brain is the “culprit” behind us not being able to remember the dreams we have each night.
I think I am going to try and write down what I dream, as soon as I wake up. Let's see if that helps me recall.

Sometimes, in an effort to turn off the brain to be able to get to sleep, I will go about reliving some past experience. Not sure how that impacts anything else. I do recall that when I include me in a dream, I am pretty much myself and don't give myself any superpowers :)
I have always dreamed in color. I remember a vivid dream from when I was in 4th grade, I dreamt the entire events of the next day (including the pop quiz the teacher sprang on us). That next day felt like deja vu. I aced the pop quiz though! I have never had another dream like that one. I have had other vivid dreams, just not of next day events.
Do you receive divine messages? Or umm..prophesy?
I think I am going to try and write down what I dream, as soon as I wake up. Let's see if that helps me recall.

Sometimes, in an effort to turn off the brain to be able to get to sleep, I will go about reliving some past experience. Not sure how that impacts anything else. I do recall that when I include me in a dream, I am pretty much myself and don't give myself any superpowers :)
Yep.....I do the very same thing.
Yep.....I do the very same thing.
I can't remember my entire dream last night, but it was in color. I was apparently on some space platform that had open sides and looked like a large room. I could see the earth and believe I was trying to re-enter. It did not work. I then realized I would run out of oxygen and then woke up.

I have no words to explain any of this.
There are times I've dreamt of spiritual darkness or demonic attacks. I didn't sense any fear but it was a dark, eerie feeling.

Other times I wanted to shout in my dream but I couldn't release it. My wife had to wake me up because I was moaning out loud.

Last night I dreamt that a smart, educated buddy was asking me to accompany him to a final job interview. We went into an office work area and as he met with the interviewer I went to sit around the corner. Apparently I already had a job there.

Other dreams I was starting a new job and each company felt like I had been there before. I've had recurring dreams of the same companies.

Many times we were getting ready to start Church service but everything was always disorganized.
There are times I've dreamt of spiritual darkness or demonic attacks. I didn't sense any fear but it was a dark, eerie feeling.

Other times I wanted to shout in my dream but I couldn't release it. My wife had to wake me up because I was moaning out loud.

Last night I dreamt that a smart, educated buddy was asking me to accompany him to a final job interview. We went into an office work area and as he met with the interviewer I went to sit around the corner. Apparently I already had a job there.

Other dreams I was starting a new job and each company felt like I had been there before. I've had recurring dreams of the same companies.

Many times we were getting ready to start Church service but everything was always disorganized.
I "drew" an image of the platform I was standing on in my dream last night. I was there but never saw myself. I did see images of a helmet, but it was one of those old copper deep-diving helmets. I also saw me checking my oxygen, but it was an old diving air tank.


The best I can come up with is that I saw an old episode of MythBusters about deal dive decompression:


And the movie "Martian," in which the guy stranded on Mars had to remove all the windows and ceiling cap to make the craft lighter before taking off.

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Do you receive divine messages? Or umm..prophesy?
Hebrews 1:1-2.....
"In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways,
but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom also he made the universe."

That tells us that the way in which God communicates with people today is through Christ via the written Word that God inspired, not through visions or dreams.

It is true that In the past, God spoke to people sometimes in dreams. Examples are Joseph, son of Jacob; Joseph, the husband of Mary; Solomon; and Daniel. There is also a prophecy of the prophet, quoted by the apostle Peter in Acts 2:17, that mentions God using dreams.

However, we must keep in mind that when the Bible was completed, God then had revealed everything we need to know from now until eternity. This is not to say that God does not work miracles or even speak through dreams today, but anything God says, whether through a dream, vision, impression, or “still small voice,” will agree completely with what He has already revealed in His Word. Dreams cannot usurp the authority of Scripture.

That means if we believe that God is speaking to us in a dream, we must then be able to quote the Book, the chapter and verse where it is found in the written Word of God.
Hebrews 1:1-2.....
"In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways,
but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom also he made the universe."

That tells us that the way in which God communicates with people today is through Christ via the written Word that God inspired, not through visions or dreams.

It is true that In the past, God spoke to people sometimes in dreams. Examples are Joseph, son of Jacob; Joseph, the husband of Mary; Solomon; and Daniel. There is also a prophecy of the prophet, quoted by the apostle Peter in Acts 2:17, that mentions God using dreams.

However, we must keep in mind that when the Bible was completed, God then had revealed everything we need to know from now until eternity. This is not to say that God does not work miracles or even speak through dreams today, but anything God says, whether through a dream, vision, impression, or “still small voice,” will agree completely with what He has already revealed in His Word. Dreams cannot usurp the authority of Scripture.

That means if we believe that God is speaking to us in a dream, we must then be able to quote the Book, the chapter and verse where it is found in the written Word of God.
God speaks to me in dreams. Not prophesy like in the old testament,but personal instruction.
I had a dream that I was in a store, looking for something but I didn't know what I was looking for. A person with a white lab coat came up to me and handed me a prescription note with instructions to drink a glass of water and to read Corinthians. I did and God revealed something to me.

I also had a dream in late 2019, that I was walking thru a mall with my family and in each store front there was a funeral and people were weeping and wailing. And the next year, there were a lot of deaths and many businesses closed because of Covid.
Working midnights shifts to the last 17 years of my career, I found it easier on my body to stay on a midnight schedule, which has a multitude of benefits for a hardcore asocial introvert. My sleeping sessions regularly have mid-period wake times where I would use the toilet, eat a snack or what have you.

I found that if I consciously thought of anything, I had difficulty returning to sleep, and my thoughts were usually negative. It is theorized that negative thoughts are the result of low serotonin levels in the brain during the midway point of a sleep cycle. One negative thought led to another, resulting in insomnia.

Negative thinking can trigger the sympathetic nervous system, that fight or flight portion of the nervous system where the adrenal glands are stimulated, and adrenalin flows into the bloodstream.

When we close our eyes, we do not see total darkness- the brain will not or cannot accept this, so blebs of light, or other nondescript shapes are seen due to random firings of the optic nerve and produce images called phosphenes. In studying these phosphenes, I would attempt to make them into something, like the first that I recall was of a puma jumping off of a foiling station rooftop onto a barrel.

I found when I studied the phosphenes, I easily fell back to sleep, but not always. Then, a technique was developed, that if I followed it to a "T", I would definitely fall back to sleep.

First, as my eyes were closed, I rhythmically got into a series of deep breathing, counting to between 8 and 20 on the inhales and exhales. Once the breathing pattern was set, I would repeat a mantra, something which was in my rote memory which I had no troubling recalling. A prayer, or portion of a prayer, like the Lord's Prayer, or the Hali Mary, were my favorites.

So, I am rhythmically deep breathing, repeating my mantra, and then focus on the phosphenes, sometimes just watching them come & go, floating across the blackboard of my mind, other times seeing images in them.

If I cease any portion of this technique, like start having conscious thoughts, I cannot or will not fall back to sleep, I must breathe, pray, and focus on the phosphenes entirely.

One reason why this technique works is that I'm fooling my brain, as if it could say, "He's not having any conscious thoughts so he must be asleep", so I am. Another reason is relaxation, the parasympathetic portion of the nervous system, the peaceful part. No stimulation of the adrenal glands, nothing to stimulate the body, so, it goes to sleep.

Thanks for this interesting discussion and for allowing me to share!
God speaks to me in dreams. Not prophesy like in the old testament,but personal instruction.
I had a dream that I was in a store, looking for something but I didn't know what I was looking for. A person with a white lab coat came up to me and handed me a prescription note with instructions to drink a glass of water and to read Corinthians. I did and God revealed something to me.

I also had a dream in late 2019, that I was walking thru a mall with my family and in each store front there was a funeral and people were weeping and wailing. And the next year, there were a lot of deaths and many businesses closed because of Covid.
Cocoa......I would never argue with you. You are convinced about this so anything said would not be received in the way it was given so I am not trying to sway you or anyone else about "dreams".

All I did was to post the Scriptures that tell us that God speaks to us through His written Word.

I hope that everyone out there realizes that the problem with accepting a dream as God speaking to you is that you do not know if it was God or something else. You see, the facts both Biblically and in reality is that God works in us and through us, just as God works in and through others in our lives and in our world. However, we have to acknowledge that the devil does the same thing.

We all need to understand that part of our "sin" nature includes the ability to do the wrong thing and go against the life God wants for us.

Here is another sobering fact od life.........we all (Believers) pray and wait for God to speak to us, or through us, and when we do we are opening ourselves up to receive God’s word. That is "what we asked for, right?

Now then, when we open ourselves up, and we wait for God's response, we are then expecting and it’s hard to keep the channels focused on only receiving God’s messages. We are going to receive other messages.

Right there is the problem!!!! Satan is smart and he knows were are expecting to hear something and when our minds are open through sleeping, it is not hard for him to whisper what he wants us to hear.

Think, have you ever looked in the mirror, liked what you saw, and then you find something to criticize?
Have you ever found yourself shouting at other drivers or pedestrians from the safety of your car?
Have you ever looked at what a friend has and thought, how does she deserve that? Why don’t I have that?
Who hasn't??????

Do "you" think that those thoughts are coming from the Holy Spirit within you? I don’t think so.

2 Corinthians 11:14......
"And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light."

The Devil's greatest weapon has always been deception. All humans are easily deceived!!!
The most effective deception is to convince people that what is evil is actually good, that what is dark is actually light.
Politicians do the very same thing and we continue to vote for them every four years always hoping that we are voting for the lesser of two evils!

By coating lies in a veneer of truth, it's much easier to fool people into accepting what is false.

Paul had already compared the work of these false apostles of that day to Satan's deception of Eve in the garden (2 Corth. 11:3 and Gen. 3:1-8.).
Cocoa......I would never argue with you. You are convinced about this so anything said would not be received in the way it was given so I am not trying to sway you or anyone else about "dreams".

All I did was to post the Scriptures that tell us that God speaks to us through His written Word.

I hope that everyone out there realizes that the problem with accepting a dream as God speaking to you is that you do not know if it was God or something else. You see, the facts both Biblically and in reality is that God works in us and through us, just as God works in and through others in our lives and in our world. However, we have to acknowledge that the devil does the same thing.

We all need to understand that part of our "sin" nature includes the ability to do the wrong thing and go against the life God wants for us.

Here is another sobering fact od life.........we all (Believers) pray and wait for God to speak to us, or through us, and when we do we are opening ourselves up to receive God’s word. That is "what we asked for, right?

Now then, when we open ourselves up, and we wait for God's response, we are then expecting and it’s hard to keep the channels focused on only receiving God’s messages. We are going to receive other messages.

Right there is the problem!!!! Satan is smart and he knows were are expecting to hear something and when our minds are open through sleeping, it is not hard for him to whisper what he wants us to hear.

Think, have you ever looked in the mirror, liked what you saw, and then you find something to criticize?
Have you ever found yourself shouting at other drivers or pedestrians from the safety of your car?
Have you ever looked at what a friend has and thought, how does she deserve that? Why don’t I have that?
Who hasn't??????

Do "you" think that those thoughts are coming from the Holy Spirit within you? I don’t think so.

2 Corinthians 11:14......
"And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light."

The Devil's greatest weapon has always been deception. All humans are easily deceived!!!
The most effective deception is to convince people that what is evil is actually good, that what is dark is actually light.
Politicians do the very same thing and we continue to vote for them every four years always hoping that we are voting for the lesser of two evils!

By coating lies in a veneer of truth, it's much easier to fool people into accepting what is false.

Paul had already compared the work of these false apostles of that day to Satan's deception of Eve in the garden (2 Corth. 11:3 and Gen. 3:1-8.).
I understand what you're saying. I don't entertain open channel's and "others".

Satan will certainly disguise as an angel of light. He would never lead someone to God or God's his Word. Test the spirit and see.

I don't encourage anyone to box God into a limited function. He speaks to us thru scripture but He can lead us there thru a dream, a small still voice or a by a wise word from another believer.
In addition to dream memories, I have noticed artificial thoughts. That is to say thoughts that pop into my head yet don't originate from me. For example: a few years ago I was lying in bed, halfway between waking and sleeping, when a thought jumped into my head, waking me up. Upon awakening, I thought it was strange that I would think what I did but then realized that I did not think it but that it was placed in my stream of thoughts with the expectation that I would adopt it as my own. This shot me awake! I had seen for the first time one manner by which etherial beings, whether angels, demons or others, push their ideas onto us. Why would we we resist an idea that we thought was our own, after all?

Here is another sobering fact od life.........we all (Believers) pray and wait for God to speak to us, or through us, and when we do we are opening ourselves up to receive God’s word. That is "what we asked for, right?

Now then, when we open ourselves up, and we wait for God's response, we are then expecting and it’s hard to keep the channels focused on only receiving God’s messages. We are going to receive other messages.

You are exactly correct! But it does not have to be asked for. Such communication can (and will) happen all the time if the conditions are right.

This is why we need to regularly audit our own thoughts by comparing them against what we know is good. I recommend using the Bible as a guide. Throw away any thoughts that do not attain the standard. Better to lose a few bad ideas than corrupt an entire mind.
In addition to dream memories, I have noticed artificial thoughts. That is to say thoughts that pop into my head yet don't originate from me. For example: a few years ago I was lying in bed, halfway between waking and sleeping, when a thought jumped into my head, waking me up. Upon awakening, I thought it was strange that I would think what I did but then realized that I did not think it but that it was placed in my stream of thoughts with the expectation that I would adopt it as my own. This shot me awake! I had seen for the first time one manner by which etherial beings, whether angels, demons or others, push their ideas onto us. Why would we we resist an idea that we thought was our own, after all?

You are exactly correct! But it does not have to be asked for. Such communication can (and will) happen all the time if the conditions are right.

This is why we need to regularly audit our own thoughts by comparing them against what we know is good. I recommend using the Bible as a guide. Throw away any thoughts that do not attain the standard. Better to lose a few bad ideas than corrupt an entire mind.
Thanks and I agree.

I would add that the Bible is the "only" guide that will help us as it is the only perfect thing in this world we live on.
I understand what you're saying. I don't entertain open channel's and "others".

Satan will certainly disguise as an angel of light. He would never lead someone to God or God's his Word. Test the spirit and see.

I don't encourage anyone to box God into a limited function. He speaks to us thru scripture but He can lead us there thru a dream, a small still voice or a by a wise word from another believer.
I am blessed that you do not think I was aiming anything personal at you. My only goal was to help your understanding and be helpful.

Yes....I actually do agree, however, that small still voice and a wise word "must" also be found in the written Word of God, or it then opens the door to deception.

We all need to be aware that not all things we hear or receive are from God. As I stated, we pray and we ask so it places us in a position of expectation. There are many voices vying for our attention at any given time, but the three big ones are: ........
1. God,
2. Satan and
3. Ourselves.

I know I am repeating myself, but when God speaks to us, it will never be contrary to the Word of God nor contradict His character or nature. In order to know these things about God, we need to know what the Bible says about who He is and what His character is. If we are in the Word and know what it says about God, then we can confidentially discern we are hearing from God.

2 Timothy 3:16-17......
"Every Scripture has been written by the Holy Spirit, the breath of God. It will empower you by its instruction and correction, giving you the strength to take the right direction and lead you deeper into the path of godliness. Then you will be God’s servant, fully mature and perfectly prepared to fulfill any assignment God gives you".