End times asteroid (march 5)

In the vision the Lord gave me, government officials try to save themselves. They tell no one anything. The entire world will be in chaos. Ther is no police to protect anyone. It is all out survival. Many are stealing food and water. Others were stealing designer jeans. Store owners were beaten and tossed to the curb. Some hid within the rock's as it is COMING.
REPENT, the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Amen

Trust in the Word of God my sister. Vision's are like dreams and can be fleeting and distorted. The Word of God never changes and it is quick and powerful just as a two edged sword.
Man of lawlessness=Trump? A man full of himself. A rich man who has all he needs, who needs God? An angry rich man at that.

I do not think so. That is a personal opinion more than a Bible conclusion IMO. You of course are welcome to it and I have no political dog in that hunt whatsoever.

I would however add Daniel chapter seven may be talking about such a man and there are many people who believe that he will come from within the Catholic Church (the Pope?) or the European Union which is said to represent the “ten horns“ in Revelation.

The “ten toes” of the image that Daniel saw seems to show a Revived Roman union in the end times. It is an economic, political, and military alliance much like that of the ancient Roman Empire. Revelation chapter 13 also gives the imagery that this man will be a dominant force and will control all buying and selling.

IMO, the Rapture will remove America from being a world leader and an economic power from which the Antichrist would be able to come out of. But that is just me.
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Trust in the Word of God my sister. Vision's are like dreams and can be fleeting and distorted. The Word of God never changes and it is quick and powerful just as a two edged sword.
No, this was not distorted, brother.
The Word state's that men will kill over from fear. We see it coming.
No, this was not distorted, brother.
The Word state's that men will kill over from fear. We see it coming.

I agree..........."The Word state's"!!!!

I did not mean that YOUR vision was distorted, I said that "visions and dreams" can be distorted. There is a difference there.
I do not think so. That is a personal opinion more than a Bible conclusion IMO. You of course are welcome to it and I have no political dog in that hunt whatsoever.
There is a question mark there. Forgive me and my opinion. All I have read has been man's opinion, breaking it down and lining up how it has to play out. No man knows and unless God unveils revelations to us, we just as well as be spitting in the wind. It gonna blow back in our face, leaning to our own understanding.
There is a question mark there. Forgive me and my opinion. All I have read has been man's opinion, breaking it down and lining up how it has to play out. No man knows and unless God unveils revelations to us, we just as well as be spitting in the wind. It gonna blow back in our face, leaning to our own understanding.

Nothing to be forgiven of my sister. I said and say again, YOU have the right to any opinion you might have. I was of course speaking of your thoughts on Mr. Trump and I just do not have any input other than he is not THE antichrist IMO.
I do not think so. That is a personal opinion more than a Bible conclusion IMO. You of course are welcome to it and I have no political dog in that hunt whatsoever.

I would however add Daniel chapter seven may be talking about such a man and there are many people who believe that he will come from within the Catholic Church (the Pope?) or the European Union which is said to represent the “ten horns“ in Revelation.

The “ten toes” of the image that Daniel saw seems to show a Revived Roman union in the end times. It is an economic, political, and military alliance much like that of the ancient Roman Empire. Revelation chapter 13 also gives the imagery that this man will be a dominant force and will control all buying and selling.

IMO, the Rapture will remove America from being a world leader and an economic power from which the Antichrist would be able to come out of. But that is just me.
IMO, America Will be distroyed if the nation does not repent and turn to God. This country has did much evil, if not more then any other. IMO
IMO, America Will be distroyed if the nation does not repent and turn to God. This country has did much evil, if not more then any other. IMO

More than any other? You may be right. But remember that it has been America that has lead the charge in getting out the gospel to all of the world.

I would ask however, what about Germany in WW2? Japan in WW2. Both committed human atrocities that boggle the mind.

The Roman Empire and their conduct toward Christians in the Dark ages was atrocious. I think that there is more than enough blame that can be applied to lots and lots of countries.

But I do tend to Agree with you. America seems to be on the edge of judgment and I pray that we would see a change in leadership that would take a moral stand against sin and evil we see all around us.
Just as in the days of Jonah; Jonah was commanded of God to preach against that great city Ninevah, and when Jonah was brought around to God's way of thinking, Jonah preached against it and the city and their king believed and repented. And God repented of His wrath.

Now, a church on every corner, a lot of high minded, stiff necked people in there. The world veiws the power of God through the church, but there is no power. Things are getting worse and worse and they are looking at the church saying "where is your God?" When will the churches repent? The church has did what it wanted to do and when it wanted to do it, just like everyone else. The Holy Ghost stands at the door and knocks, He hasn't been allowed to come inside the church or the body temple for everyone is good sitting in comfort.

The churches has done such a wonderful job at going out to the people and being a light unto all the world. There is so much darkness, we need a flashlight to get through the day hours. Very sad indeed. My heart greives for us all.
Just as in the days of Jonah; Jonah was commanded of God to preach against that great city Ninevah, and when Jonah was brought around to God's way of thinking, Jonah preached against it and the city and their king believed and repented. And God repented of His wrath.

Now, a church on every corner, a lot of high minded, stiff necked people in there. The world veiws the power of God through the church, but there is no power. Things are getting worse and worse and they are looking at the church saying "where is your God?" When will the churches repent? The church has did what it wanted to do and when it wanted to do it, just like everyone else. The Holy Ghost stands at the door and knocks, He hasn't been allowed to come inside the church or the body temple for everyone is good sitting in comfort.

The churches has done such a wonderful job at going out to the people and being a light unto all the world. There is so much darkness, we need a flashlight to get through the day hours. Very sad indeed. My heart greives for us all.

Amen sister!
More than any other? You may be right. But remember that it has been America that has lead the charge in getting out the gospel to all of the world.

I would ask however, what about Germany in WW2? Japan in WW2. Both committed human atrocities that boggle the mind.

The Roman Empire and their conduct toward Christians in the Dark ages was atrocious. I think that there is more than enough blame that can be applied to lots and lots of countries.

But I do tend to Agree with you. America seems to be on the edge of judgment and I pray that we would see a change in leadership that would take a moral stand against sin and evil we see all around us.
A moral stand against sin and evil...sounds good, sounds biblical, however that has not happened because the people of the houses are entangled with this life's affairs.

The people in the houses need to REPENT, as well as the nations.
A moral stand against sin and evil...sounds good, sounds biblical, however that has not happened because the people of the houses are entangled with this life's affairs.

The people in the houses need to REPENT, as well as the nations.

No argument from me. You are preaching to the choir.
No argument from me. You are preaching to the choir.
That's the same thing I told my Son, who wanted to tell me from behind bar's, "mom, your not listening to me." yep, I told him the same thing.

Most will not listen, especially to someone clothed in rags.
It seems to me that for there to be a 7 year peace treaty to be made according to Daniel 9:27, there must be a conflict/war.
That would make Ezekiel 38 fit in right at the Rapture or there abouts.

To me, timing the Gog-Magog Battle just before or at the very beginning of the Tribulation can best fulfill these prerequisites and makes the most logical sense in my mind and allows all the prophetic directions to fit without using a show horn.

1. The Rapture of the Church removes the Restrainer. (2 Thessalonians 2:4-12).
2. Israel subjugates their surrounding neighbors in fulfillment of Psalm 83.
3. The Gog-Magog Battle destroys the Russian and Muslim influence in the Middle East, makes the world aware of God’s presence, and restores Israel’s belief in the God of the Torah.(Ezekiel 38-39).
4. The Antichrist conquers what’s left of the Middle East and makes a peace covenant with Israel to complete the Revived Roman Empire. (Daniel 9:24).
5. Israel spends the seven years of the Tribulation burning the weapons. (Ezekiel 39:9).
6. Jesus returns at the end of the seven years to defeat His enemies at Armageddon resulting in Israel acknowledging that Jesus is God’s Son. (Revelation 19).
7. Jesus gathers the people from all over the world for the Sheep/Goat Judgment, which results in only believers entering the Millennial Kingdom. (Revelation 20:11-15).

Time will tell when the Gog-Magog Battle will truly take place. But, the players are already in place and the scene is just about all set for this epic battle to be waged in the not-too-distant future.
No arguments there :)
I believe we will see it coming. The entire world will see it, least the Word be a lie; God forbid. Men die of fright at it's coming.

May God have mercy on us, I never got any revelation from the Lord but I do believe we are running out of time!

Let's keep an eye on the march 5 asteroid.
How is our oil lamp going? Is the flame flickering and starving for spiritual fuel?
Are we not yet ready to drop everything for Everything?
Forget the asteroid! Do you think we are immune to a car accident, or falling out of bed and breaking ones neck?
Is not our heart and soul on the ready to be judged?
As Jesus would say, 'Do not be afraid, do you not believe in me, where is your faith? (my words)'
Spiritually immune to death, yes.
Physical immunity to death depends if God wants it that way or not.
You didn't say anything about death, well break the neck.... but I don't have to have a car accident or fall out of bed. When I go, it'll be either the rapture or He takes my breath away.