Do you believe that man-made law can reflect “Natural Law” from scripture.
I agree, if the church signs a contract that says, “I am subservient to the compulsory State to “legally” fulfill all things in this contract, then the contract holds the church accountable to “honor and fulfill any/all “just or unjust” mandates in the contract. Thus a church must read the fine print, and they must “realize who they are contracting with, which again forces the church to consider “ethics.”
If the contract puts the church in an indebted position, then scripture admonishes the church regarding debt. Also again if the contract violates Natural Law, or the contract of salvation, then the church engages in a sinful contract with the compulsory State.
Yet what of violence to contract? What if the law says you “must” contract with the compulsory State or not have a church? What is right then?
Is it possible that a “license” is a “permission slip from authority to perform an action or own property?” We must ask, when does “authority to give permission become legitimate.”
Thus if a government said, “You must have a “license” to preach the gospel publicly, then by what authority does the government “issue the permission.” For surely it isn't God's authority; for Christ already commissioned us to go forth two thousand years ago, thus by what authority is left to obstruct what God has already ordained to action?
We could of course find every rigid opportunity to disobey government but I would contend that we miss our greatest mandate from scripture which is to love, and that would include those in authority over us. Thus for me personally, I do not seek to protest every license, or law, but instead communicate the "morality" or "ethics" of the precedent of the law, so that we might avoid unjust law and compulsory licenses coming from illegitimate authority in the future; for our political participation unto ethics is a natural defense for our posterity. For we do have in place a defaulted premise to honor the apparatus of the law, even when its perverted, yet we are also given grounds to reject despotism as the Spirit leads.
Yet you mention that you would “do these things.” which are good, and wholesome which move to restoration, yet what if the church and the businesses wont or is also unable to budge in Smith-Town?
Analogously you are a Christian citizen in Smith-Town and are faced with a decision to “support” or “reject” the city-council's lawful intervention or inaction one way or the other? How would you support, reject, abstain or admonish regarding the city-council's intervention or inaction either way? Will you “involve” yourself politically on any level, whether by engaging kind communication to your friends, your church or the public; will you vote, protest, or admonish the City? Will you remain silent and benign to only pray?
For we could always admonish the businesses or the church in play, yet that avoids societal ethics. I propose, “what is good in the confines of the law according to Natural Rights Theory from scripture?”
Yes, man-made law can mimic Gods' law and IMO how man-made law has a beginning, but then man-made law diverts into evil.
A lot of it has to do with trickery and deception by turning words into terms and fabricating definitions within the law to suit those that would bring about tyranny on the masses. Here is an example: in America under the premise of freeing the slaves, law makers fabricated amendments to the constitution. The slaves were freed from private ownership, but by using one word, 'citizen', it did away with the masses being sovereign people and enslaved everyone.
Contracts: no one or a church should have to contract. When anyone or a church is told they have to do it, that is coercion and constitutes fraud. Again, trickery and deception. Ever notice how a contract will say, 'you agree to these TERMS?', that's a clue that should set off an alarm to watch out.
Violence to contract, or not have a church? The church, or a better word might be congregation, are a body of believers and they should be allowed to freely assemble. Now take note, there is an illusion that abounds in America, that we are given rights by a piece of paper(constitution), but it only applies to congress and the residents of D.C.. How can we know this is true? Just look at what is going on with churches and Christians in America. Those fabricated fictional rights are being violated.
Government has no authority, but it uses intimidation to reign in tyranny. It is actually a corporation posing as a government, but through coercion the masses bow down through acquiescence and ignorant consent. A big part of how they get away with this is through main stream mis-leadia and control of the public fool system.
Those that win the wars, write the history.
Licenses = great fiction, literally, not a jab at you GF. Licenses were brought about for control/power and as a way to get mammon from the masses. It only works if people acquiesce.
I posted this in another thread, but it applies here too. Ex 20: 2 “I
am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the
house of bondage."
God doesn't want man to be lorded over by other men to the point of bondage.
As for myself, I would not engage the city counsel. It is like a court. Man-made court as we know it in America is likened to witch-craft. Again, using language as trickery. Just the word, 'summons', as to be summonsed to court is like summonsing evil.
I know many will object to what I have posted here, but I have been doing a great deal of searching for truth as to what is going on. I've been reading definitions in law dictionaries, constitutions, statutes, court cases, treatise, minutes from congress, etc. etc.
As to my decision about feeding the people at a local park - I myself at one time needed food from others because I was homeless. I looked forward to Saturday because a church would have a service in the park and they would feed and help clothe people. If said 'Smith-town' church did so, I believe they wouldn't be with-out help to do so. I myself after being able to support myself have helped in such efforts. I, in no way, mention this to bring any attention towards me. It's not about me.
Phew! Okay, I'm done for now. Thanks for your time and attention. No laughing. (just kidding about the no laughing part