Evangelicals v fundamentalists

Evangelism simply means spreading the gospel. It's a biblical term.
Eg 2 Timothy 4:5
King James Bible
But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.

Fundamentalism is something else and is not particularly biblical though they claim to interpret scripture or whatever book they deem holy extremely literally. I mentioned Mormons, well they also have fundamentalism in their religion. i.e FLDS practices polygamy. Apparently it's because Jacob had 2 wives and 2 concubines..?!

FLDS stands for Fundamentalist Latter Day Saints.

Yea not sure why they are 'Latter Day' saints...as opposed to what...Early Day saints?
Mormons are a Cult, same as the JW, both have false Jesus and false Gospel!
Mormons are a Cult, same as the JW, both have false Jesus and false Gospel!
yep but to many that don't know the truth, they appear to be Christians. There's also Unitarians, though I don't think they are in quite so big numbers as they used to be, wanting religion without Jesus.
yep but to many that don't know the truth, they appear to be Christians. There's also Unitarians, though I don't think they are in quite so big numbers as they used to be, wanting religion without Jesus.
There are also a large Unitarian group within the church, as many see Jesus as less than fully God!
My intent was to point out that meaning of 'Evangelical' has shifted in the minds of many from a religious term related to spreading the gospel to a social/political term manipulated by party politics.
to some degree your correct religion has turned politics
Really? I don't know people who do that..tolerate maybe but they are so different in their beliefs that they cannot worship or fellowship in the same church.
A Christian may enter a JW Kingdom Hall or a Mormon church just for a visit or their family member is part of it but they won't ever feel comfortable in it.
A JW or Mormon may enter a Christian church and then realise what they were taught in their sect was not the truth. I don't think a church would bar them from visiting but they would not be allowed to teach or bring their watchtower magazines/books of mormon into the church and start protelysing.
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