Fall of Communism in Europe 25 years ago

So what is your proposed solution?

Er politically? consider your ways and repent. The same applies also to much else in the nations life . For if the church is to be the salt of the earth and a such is there to stop the meat rotting and corruption and if all you see is the emat rotting and corruption growing then the state of the nation reflects but the state of the church . I cant speak for the USA but in the UK we are in a reverse reformation and what is called the Church of England is turning back to those things it once rejected and has it seems forsaken the very foundation of its existence and liberty.

What is happening to date and has been for the last 40 years is that the electorate has been blindly voting for parties and electing people they do not know never seen heard or had a decent conversation with and have no idea whatsoever that the people they have been electing have been people who represent the party not the electorate and therefore 'yes men' ne'er do wells (never do well) corrupt and in some cases perverted men and women who are now in the majority and think by it the truth is what they make it .
Politically ? Christians that is to say real Christians need to start waking up and stop looking to their own prosperity but seek FIRST the kingdom of God and HIS righteousness . and if needs must be as salt in politics .
For as things are going not only are we losing and will lose our liberties in politic law and vitally in religion . But the fires that once burnt so often so long ago will soon be lit again .
"IF my people which are called by my name will (first) humble themselves (then) and pray and ............................. then will I "
The promise has conditions .
But consider Gideon. Who had heard of God but knew not God . He believed and was doing what he could with the means at hand. and his thoughts and meditations honoured God and as the scripture says They that draw near to God or turn to God ,He draws near to them or turns to them.
God is omnipresent .He is everywhere all at the same time ;now. How then can you be far from God? or how then can you draw near to God?
If a son is in disagreement with his father and the son is wrong and the father right .Though they live in the same house while that strife and disagreement lasts they could be as a 1000 miles apart.
The prodigal son albeit was in a "far country" when he "came to himself and began to think thoughts of repentance he was drawing nearer to his fathers heart and his thoughts led to act of repentance . Thus as he walked back to his fathers house . Though he was geographically separated from his father .He was in all senses of the word drawing nearer and nearer to him.
It is of note that the elder brother who was geographically in the same house was in fact further away form his father than the repentant son.
The church does not know God. It has heard of Him. and while it may know him as "little children" 1 john . I do not believe many know Him as young men2 in whom the Word of God dwelleth richly and who have overcome the wicked one"
Let alone "ye fathers ye k now Him who is form the beginning " That's what I mean do not know God . How can it when it seems the majority don't even believe Him as to what happened "in the beginning"?
I don't think we can avoid the storms or the persecution that's going to come to this country of real Christians .which is going to include deaths .
How can we not?
For if we were to reject those things that ahs given us so much stability and liberty in law religion and politic that this nation has tried tested and proved to be true right and good and were to embrace those things that other nations have proved for themselves to be so ruinous wrong and detrimental to their stability and liberty and has given them so little or none at all .
It would be absurd to think we will not escape what they have not .
I have though this certainty. It was not the English who raised up England but God .
and what God starts he will perfect .
What the kings of England had to learn some at great cost and what the people had to learn and once knew sometimes also at great cost .
This Parliament and in particular the House of Commons will also have to learn .
In peace via the elections .Or both history and the Constitution tells me if not it will be at the point of a sword and if then not there will be bloodshed.
Today Christians are defending their rights .Not by the Word of God and that Constitution but on the grounds of that Godless ,wicked and vain assertion of the European bill of human rights .
Which neither can does ,will or even should preserve any.

Be ye separate says the scriptures .
and God ensured that we were geographically separated . But we are now joined via the tunnel .
Legally separated .But we are now joined by that usurper and absurdly named Supreme court .
Religiously separated but are now beign joined via a C of E that like a dog is returning to its vomit.

The children of Israel were given as our ensample . If then we do that which they did. How will we escape what they did not?
For God has not changed he is the same yesterday today and forever .

I suggest that any child of God starts praying that THY kingdom come my kingdom go. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven ,
For God has not changed either .
In 1940 we was facing utter defeat and ruin and was in danger of beign made subject to another rising power in Europe that sought to subject one and all under the one head .Who though the truth was what he made it and was anti God and it was the spirit of anti Christ that worked and 'inspired' him.
This country began to pray as if its life depended on it .It did for if it had not prayed .God would not have answered.
Gideon wrought a good work of God when his thoughts came into conformity with Gods and then his actions came into conformity with God .
and once the lines of communication had been opened .That is to say a two way of listening and speaking to God and ESTABLISHED .Then things began to change for the better and a whole generation (40 years) knew peace in the land as a consequence .

in Christ
No one loves Prodigal stories more than me - ask anyone who has been here for awhile (grin). The prodigal's brother did what he did because he loved his father. That is not to say he understood his father. He was thinking me me me, not anyone else - including his brother. His brother could have stayed lost, for all he cared. He was blind to the miracle that his brother changed...had learned and returned. If we are our brother's keepers, we all fail if we look only to our own salvation.
I fear that though the appearance of it looked like a good thing . It was not what it seemed .
It is interesting that while the UK celebrated the START of ww1 a strange thing in itself . " better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof " Eccl e 7:8. Germany was celebrating its reunification.
Germany signed two treaties . 'The Basic treaty ' Between east and West Germany in 1975. Which in effect was a treaty with itself .For it had always been assumed and planned for that one day there would be a unification.
In it; it speaks of their borders being inviolate and their right to self determination both internal and external.
Then in the mid 90's the now unified Germany signed the ' Final Settlement Treaty" between the WW2 allies and Germany that effectively signed off the greatest and costliest war the world has yet known .
In that treaty it is stated that Germany must recognise her borders . and that it was for the peace of Europe that they do so .
These two treaties show that Germany cannot be in a union with any other nation without violating those two treaties.
For the EU is not only undermining ever bodies borders but progressively is curtailing every nation with in it their ability of self determination .Both internal and external. While I give no credence to the UN';s authority its own charta states it upholds every nation large or small borders and their right for self determination.
Not only can Germany NOT be in a union legally it cannot be in the union by any other means ,Unless of course you wish her to violate a most solemn treaty that signed off another world war?
The division of Germany then but delayed what she has always thought was her destiny that it is she not France (and before France Spain )who should rule and govern Europe and all should be subject to her head. Despite two world wars showing her or trying to dissuade her otherwise .
Now we have the EU all turning their eyes to Germany to 'save' them . and demanding she over reach herself and her borders again and 'do soemthing' She like some blushing bride seems reluctant and so she should be if she wishes to retain her recent liberty. For she must not LOOK like she is pressing for it .But rather it must be seen to be the demand for others .
Greece, Portugal ,Spain , Italy, France and Germany who have all just come out form under the jackboots of military dictatorships . Seem to have fallen from the pan into the fire . At best Europes 'democracies' are a green and tender plants with roots but a centermetre deep . At worse they are a deceit .
For Winston Churchill once said "Democracy is the worst form of government that there is but every other form has been tried " and by implication does not work., Which is sobering when you think the new magic word is "democracy"!! democracy democracy!
I would add my pennyworth to his statement as to why I think it is so .
Democracy has a fatal flaw in it and a hidden snare to the unwary and it si this. If you can get a majority by any means ;fair or foul and it is increasingly foul and can get a good grip on the legislative process. Then you can delude yourself with the idea that the truth is what you say it is or make it and in the case of the UK can force through bills that have not been tried tested or proved to have any merit let alone true by any debates worthy of the name through Parliament by your majority and thus enable laws to be made to enforce your truth upon one and all .
This applies of course to false religions whether from the east or west who all believe in one form or another that numbers count and if they can ensure they are the bigger population then the truth is what they say it is .
The long history of Europe has been of different individuals and nations who have all tried to subject the whole of Europe under the one head by force of arms . Who thought the truth was what they made it .
It has fallen to the UK and by the grace of God to not only oppose every single one of them, religious and political .But also by the grace of God has not only defended and preserved her liberties but also Europes as well and I dare say also the worlds on at least 4 major occasions .
That then makes this Parliament doing the very thing that no other parliament in all her history pre 1945 has ever done and going in the opposite direction to all others also . Pray for the UK!
For this Parliament has subjected herself and this country to another rising power in Europe that is but seeking the same Godless vain and wicked ambition as all the others before it but this time in a 'union' and by a form of peace
A man once said "if you forget history you are doomed to repeat it " I would add to that ;if it does it never repeats itself in the same way but it is always worse than the time before.

in Christ

I enjoyed your contribution Gerald

Wretched tyrannical-authoritarianism may and has often concealed itself in variance in the many disguises that governments will put to diabolical use. Shall democracy be just one, and offers the world in appearances the virtuous spirit of participation to create a good society; yet democracy is no better than a compulsory oligarchy if the law is riddled with unjust and despotic mandates that will thrash the innocent.

Is it possible that "restraint" in a supreme mandate is able to bind the monster from trespassing unjustly against the innocent and provide tangible protection for a democracy or a republic?

To embrace your narrative, I must agree that Europe on many fronts is still highly vulnerable.
The references I find have it:

“Many forms of Government have been tried, and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed, it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time."​

Besides Winston, let us realize that the Classical Liberal tradition yielded many who would also condemn a direct democracy.

Thomas Jefferson - "A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine."

John Adams - "Democracy... while it lasts is more bloody than either aristocracy or monarchy. Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There is never a democracy that did not commit suicide."

James Madison - ”A pure democracy is a society consisting of a small number of citizens, who assemble and administer the government in person.”
Thank you .For I have never seen the full quote before . It is also good to see that he acknowledged the "sin and woe" of this world.

Though the UK is not a democracy. It is a constitutional Monarchy.
There is a prevailing and thus reigning thought in Parliament on the one hand who think THEY are sovereign . and by the people that Parliament is subject to them. It is not .
For authority never comes from below but from above and you cannot exercise authority unless you are subject to authority .
Thus they who reign cannot be ruled by those they rule. Nor then can they who govern be governed by those they govern.
In matters of GOVERNEMENT then the people are 'below' or subject to the government . Even as the government and parliament is subject to the Crown. For it is Parliament that governs and the Crown that rules and Parliament cannot govern unless they are submitted to the rule.
I speak of course of principle .not present practice.
What then of the people ? The Constitution of Great Britain is a tri-part one. Of Crown People and Parliament. Each in their part are vital for its working and each must be free to do its part .
The elections do not choose the government .Though it is always implied by the present parties that it does because in the main they want to be free from the Monarchies rule and thus you will always hear from their mouths we are a democracy.
The elections give each MP elected the authority and power to represent those who elected them in the debates presented before the house as to what should be made law . Thus in matters of election each and very MP including the PM are the servants of those that elected them.
In matter s of Government the whole of Parliament in general and the executive arm of that house are the servants of the Crown . It is after all called "Her majesty's government"
I speak of course of principles not present day practice .
Why do we have an unelected monarch and house of lords?
There are a number of reasons . One of which is that EVERY nation or tribe must needs a head. Whether a democracy like the USA , a republic like France . A dictatorship . political or religious . A tribe a chief.
One body one head . You cannot have two heads of state or tribe or there will be civil war.
Another reason is historical. If no other the English have found that we must needs a King or Monarch and all others are not to the UK satisfactory .
Perhaps the primary reason is that it is a God given institution. in Principle and the Lord is king of kings and <Lord of Lords.
But there is another more pertinent to these days more than before .
That the truth is not democratic . For it is neither upheld ,undermined or established by how many people 'vote' for it .
In that respect and in the UK, the truth must reign and sit on the throne and no other .

But the truth is no tyrant either . Thus we have an elected house and a representative government . But no man is infallible .Though some foolishly claim it .
Thus even though we might have over 400 MP's debating and deciding on a bill or issue . That decision passed by the majority of the elected house . Is then sifted by the unelected house and more than once by both . and if after all that trying testing and proving it is still passed then it is presented to the Crown as the will of the nation as to what laws they wish to be ruled and governed by . Who then graciously signs it and it becomes law.
I speak of course of principle not present day practice .
For the present Houses of parliament and in particular the House of Commons does but give lip service to the Crown ,the Constitution and the nation they say they represent .
Which means that great storms are coming to the UK the like of which we have not seen fro 400 years or more . Indeed the likelihood of a great earthquake is also more likely than not . That will reflect the great contradictions in our national life to date .
"IF my people will humble themselves and pray .............." May change that . But we are so far down the wrong road that it will not be so easy to get back on the right road and is likely to cost us dear.

in Christ
Thank you .For I have never seen the full quote before . It is also good to see that he acknowledged the "sin and woe" of this world.

Though the UK is not a democracy. It is a constitutional Monarchy.
There is a prevailing and thus reigning thought in Parliament on the one hand who think THEY are sovereign . and by the people that Parliament is subject to them. It is not .
For authority never comes from below but from above and you cannot exercise authority unless you are subject to authority .
Thus they who reign cannot be ruled by those they rule. Nor then can they who govern be governed by those they govern.
In matters of GOVERNEMENT then the people are 'below' or subject to the government . Even as the government and parliament is subject to the Crown. For it is Parliament that governs and the Crown that rules and Parliament cannot govern unless they are submitted to the rule.
I speak of course of principle .not present practice.
What then of the people ? The Constitution of Great Britain is a tri-part one. Of Crown People and Parliament. Each in their part are vital for its working and each must be free to do its part .
The elections do not choose the government .Though it is always implied by the present parties that it does because in the main they want to be free from the Monarchies rule and thus you will always hear from their mouths we are a democracy.
The elections give each MP elected the authority and power to represent those who elected them in the debates presented before the house as to what should be made law . Thus in matters of election each and very MP including the PM are the servants of those that elected them.
In matter s of Government the whole of Parliament in general and the executive arm of that house are the servants of the Crown . It is after all called "Her majesty's government"
I speak of course of principles not present day practice .
Why do we have an unelected monarch and house of lords?
There are a number of reasons . One of which is that EVERY nation or tribe must needs a head. Whether a democracy like the USA , a republic like France . A dictatorship . political or religious . A tribe a chief.
One body one head . You cannot have two heads of state or tribe or there will be civil war.
Another reason is historical. If no other the English have found that we must needs a King or Monarch and all others are not to the UK satisfactory .
Perhaps the primary reason is that it is a God given institution. in Principle and the Lord is king of kings and <Lord of Lords.
But there is another more pertinent to these days more than before .
That the truth is not democratic . For it is neither upheld ,undermined or established by how many people 'vote' for it .
In that respect and in the UK, the truth must reign and sit on the throne and no other .

But the truth is no tyrant either . Thus we have an elected house and a representative government . But no man is infallible .Though some foolishly claim it .
Thus even though we might have over 400 MP's debating and deciding on a bill or issue . That decision passed by the majority of the elected house . Is then sifted by the unelected house and more than once by both . and if after all that trying testing and proving it is still passed then it is presented to the Crown as the will of the nation as to what laws they wish to be ruled and governed by . Who then graciously signs it and it becomes law.
I speak of course of principle not present day practice .
For the present Houses of parliament and in particular the House of Commons does but give lip service to the Crown ,the Constitution and the nation they say they represent .
Which means that great storms are coming to the UK the like of which we have not seen fro 400 years or more . Indeed the likelihood of a great earthquake is also more likely than not . That will reflect the great contradictions in our national life to date .
"IF my people will humble themselves and pray .............." May change that . But we are so far down the wrong road that it will not be so easy to get back on the right road and is likely to cost us dear.

in Christ

Please know brother that I offer a rebuttal in the kindest of intentions and only offer perspective. I shall be quick to agree to disagree if you see things differently. For I respect deeply your liberty to disagree.

Is it possible that “government” is charged by God to be “just?” For does scripture offer a template for “unjust-government or just-government?” For I contend that “government” is mandated to be good and just according to scripture, yet it does not require a crown. Thus where does scripture say that "government" must be ruled by a earthly crown?

Is there a place in scripture that says people do not need an earthly king and should be content to have God as their king?

Also is it possible that “government” can be decentralized and be restrained by a constitution? Thus cannot a country decide for themselves to live with federalized and decentralized autonomy? For what person is scripturally just to say people are forbidden to do so? Also where is decentralized autonomy condemned in scripture? For where is a constitutional compact condemned in scripture?

Must there be a king, or a centralized head in government with final authority for all things in society?
The use of the term left and right is not of God . It first came up I believe by the French during the revolution.
If you follow the left and right argument I gave. Though it is not easy I admit. You will see or understand how foolish it all is and why we have gone so far off the rails ; For every one is doing right in their own eyes .

In Christ

Left and Right did start in France

If you were for less government (political liberalism) or for even anarchy you sat on the left side of the main chair in the assembly.
If you were for more government (political conservatism) you sat on the right side of the chair

I believe left and right are missing two polar directions (top and bottom) to ascertain someone political position.
Besides Winston, let us realize that the Classical Liberal tradition yielded many who would also condemn a direct democracy.

Thomas Jefferson - "A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine."

John Adams - "Democracy... while it lasts is more bloody than either aristocracy or monarchy. Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There is never a democracy that did not commit suicide."

James Madison - ”A pure democracy is a society consisting of a small number of citizens, who assemble and administer the government in person.”

Potentially and in principle the UK Constitution has under God been constructed that it has the ability to not only produce good and Godly laws but maintain the liberty of the people of parliament and the Crown that all three may fulfil their functions .
The UK is not a democracy. But MP's keep saying we are . I long wondered why when we are not.
The only answer I came up with is that if you say we are democracy and all the countries of Europe are democracies then clearly we are all the same and can be one big democracy.
This is a false logic as an inverse pyramid built on a grain of sand is unstable .
For as I said before ;Greece ,Portugal, Spain, Italy ,France and Germany have all just come out from under military dictatorships .
Their democracies at best are but green and tender plants with roots but a centermetre deep . Englands liberties however have foundations over a 1000 years deep and therefore many feet deep .
Religious liberty nigh on 2000 years when the gospel reached these shores with in a hundred years of th death and resurrection of Jesus Christ .and by the grace of God found good soil and took root long before the emissary of Rome set up their seat in Canterbury to 'convert the country . Our liberties were established at the reformation.
Legal liberty the foundations laid by Alfred the great who translated the Bible and clearly was a Christian in the true sense of the name by his understanding of Biblical kingship that was so manifest that even Norman kings conformed to it .
Political liberty .by the signing of the Magna charta by King John who tried to wriggle out of it later but could not and every nation under the sun ;inclusing the USA who has sought polital liberty has looked to that signing as a foundational principle to political liberty and good government . Our political liberties were established at the civil war.

In matters of PRINCIPLE the EU and Europe should be conforming to the UK .Not the UK conforming to it .
As it is now this Parliament is doing the very thing that no other has ever done in all its history .

in Christ
Potentially and in principle the UK Constitution has under God been constructed that it has the ability to not only produce good and Godly laws but maintain the liberty of the people of parliament and the Crown that all three may fulfil their functions.

I am quite fond of the Uk, England especially; for since the Magna Carta going forward it was with much unfortunate bloodshed that the innocent raised a standard against all manor of tyrants and despotism. For feudalism, absolutism and merchantilism ruled the western world with England as its better champion; yet through the bondage there were many like the mighty Levelers and some Puritans who would challenge the status quo. It was also upon the back of the Glorious Revolution that Locke moved his pen to forever change history with an infused understanding of liberalism, Natural Law, and Natural Rights Theory.

For where would Jefferson, Adams, Franklin, and Madison be without Locke. Where would the U.S. be today without the Magna Carta, the English Civil War and the Glorious Revolution? For I see the U.S. constitution providing the greatest bill of rights of all time thanks to Locke. For this I owe a great deal to many who gave their lives for liberty in Europe.

The UK is not a democracy. But MP's keep saying we are . I long wondered why when we are not.
The only answer I came up with is that if you say we are democracy and all the countries of Europe are democracies then clearly we are all the same and can be one big democracy.
This is a false logic as an inverse pyramid built on a grain of sand is unstable .

Though the UK has a parliamentary democracy I do not accuse it of having a “direct democracy.”

Can we agree that evil majoritarianism will and can invade many prescriptions, and constitutional sobriety is lacking in every country? For supreme restraint is needed in many fronts in order to dis-empower arbitrary wicked intentions.

For as I said before ;Greece ,Portugal, Spain, Italy ,France and Germany have all just come out from under military dictatorships .
Their democracies at best are but green and tender plants with roots but a centermetre deep.

Perhaps a constitution full of restraint would be the answer, yet not with violence but with infiltration that organically grows from a wise, vigilant and strategic educational campaign? Shall prayer, hard work and faith also be required?

England’s liberties however have foundations over a 1000 years deep and therefore many feet deep .
Religious liberty nigh on 2000 years when the gospel reached these shores with in a hundred years of th death and resurrection of Jesus Christ .and by the grace of God found good soil and took root long before the emissary of Rome set up their seat in Canterbury to 'convert the country . Our liberties were established at the reformation.

Legal liberty the foundations laid by Alfred the great who translated the Bible and clearly was a Christian in the true sense of the name by his understanding of Biblical kingship that was so manifest that even Norman kings conformed to it .

Political liberty .by the signing of the Magna charta by King John who tried to wriggle out of it later but could not and every nation under the sun ;inclusing the USA who has sought polital liberty has looked to that signing as a foundational principle to political liberty and good government . Our political liberties were established at the civil war.

The great people of the UK are privileged and punished for having an uncodified constitution, for on one side the disengaged quagmire of law written in a myriad of documents provides a buffer against despotism, yet on the other side a buffer that fails to protect natural rights.

I find my U.S. constitution more loved, yet not perfect, but indeed a manifested reality due to the valiant works and sacrifice of Locke, Anthony Ashley Cooper, the Levelers, John Lilburn, and all those who would stand against the tyrannical concepts of feudalism, and the Hobbsian grandiose solutions of absolutism.

In matters of PRINCIPLE the EU and Europe should be conforming to the UK .Not the UK conforming to it .
As it is now this Parliament is doing the very thing that no other has ever done in all its history .

in Christ

I find the entire western world to be in dire economic trouble.
I am quite fond of the Uk, England especially; for since the Magna Carta going forward it was with much unfortunate bloodshed that the innocent raised a standard against all manor of tyrants and despotism. For feudalism, absolutism and merchantilism ruled the western world with England as its better champion; yet through the bondage there were many like the mighty Levelers and some Puritans who would challenge the status quo. It was also upon the back of the Glorious Revolution that Locke moved his pen to forever change history with an infused understanding of liberalism, Natural Law, and Natural Rights Theory.

For where would Jefferson, Adams, Franklin, and Madison be without Locke. Where would the U.S. be today without the Magna Carta, the English Civil War and the Glorious Revolution? For I see the U.S. constitution providing the greatest bill of rights of all time thanks to Locke. For this I owe a great deal to many who gave their lives for liberty in Europe.

Though the UK has a parliamentary democracy I do not accuse it of having a “direct democracy.”

Can we agree that evil majoritarianism will and can invade many prescriptions, and constitutional sobriety is lacking in every country? For supreme restraint is needed in many fronts in order to dis-empower arbitrary wicked intentions.

Perhaps a constitution full of restraint would be the answer, yet not with violence but with infiltration that organically grows from a wise, vigilant and strategic educational campaign? Shall prayer, hard work and faith also be required?

The great people of the UK are privileged and punished for having an uncodified constitution, for on one side the disengaged quagmire of law written in a myriad of documents provides a buffer against despotism, yet on the other side a buffer that fails to protect natural rights.

I find my U.S. constitution more loved, yet not perfect, but indeed a manifested reality due to the valiant works and sacrifice of Locke, Anthony Ashley Cooper, the Levelers, John Lilburn, and all those who would stand against the tyrannical concepts of feudalism, and the Hobbsian grandiose solutions of absolutism.

I find the entire western world to be in dire economic trouble.

The European bill of human rights is a Godless and most wicked and vain document .
It is Godless because its assertion that "man has the right to life" (the first commandment)
is but an echo of those words whispered in the ear of Eve . "thou shalt not surely die"
and because it denies the fact that not only is God the author and giver of life and life is a GIFT not a right .
But that a mans life as to what he was born with is but in his nostrils and the only liofe he has is the breath that fills his lungs . That is his .and what he says and does with it is up to him.
But the next breath is neither his by right or is guaranteed.
When a man goes to work he ahs the right and the expectation to receive some form of recompense or wage .On the foundation of Gods Word that says "every labourer is worthy of his hire"
But while a man holds his breath and wonders what he is going to say or do with it .He should ask himself this question. The next breath that is not mine .Wherein did I ever work for it or laboured? That I can say it is mine by right?
In very truth .His very first breath he took was at his mothers labour expense . She had to labour and work to bring forth the child.,
He is then in love debt to his mother for his first breath.
How much the more then is he in love debt to God for every breath he has ever breathed and given as a gift by God?

The Constitution is written bit I thank God it is not written by men nor on parchment.
But on the indelible history of this nation and while it is yet to be 'perfected' each part that we do have has been tried tested and proved to be true right and good in the fires of great adversity .
and given that it has given us so much liberty it would be folly of the highest order to reject it for one constructed by men .
For while men may reject it .That still would not change what ahs been written .
About Locke Ill get back .

In Christ
Fascism is where corporations run the government, communism is where the government runs the corporations.
Both are equally evil and always run by completely corrupt men.
The "left versus right" paradigm is false, the two hands are shaking each other behind the back.
Like in the US, the Dumbocrats and Repugnicans are the two sides to the same coin.
The European bill of human rights is a Godless and most wicked and vain document .
It is Godless because its assertion that "man has the right to life" (the first commandment)
is but an echo of those words whispered in the ear of Eve . "thou shalt not surely die"
and because it denies the fact that not only is God the author and giver of life and life is a GIFT not a right .
But that a mans life as to what he was born with is but in his nostrils and the only liofe he has is the breath that fills his lungs . That is his .and what he says and does with it is up to him.
But the next breath is neither his by right or is guaranteed.

I am not in support of UK law quite often, but I must be in quick disagreement for context has gone amiss regarding rights, yet let my words fall to reason and not condemnation. For though the grand Owner of all things is our Lord and Savior, it is also His clear scriptural delegation from creation and from the delegation with Noah that mankind is delegated three things. His natural life, his natural liberty, and the natural earth and all things in it. For the delegation comes from God in the form of Natural Law. For our Natural Rights are conceived on this natural primordial foundation that flows from our Lords throne.

Yet our delegation of life, liberty and property is not eternal, and is not guaranteed here on earth, for God is an interventionist as He will see fit. Yet from man to man, man to woman, woman to man, and woman to woman, no matter their creed, their color, their origins, their beliefs, this is the delegation that God has set forth, and we have no right to take life, liberty or property from another using force.

For much of the context you give is from “eternal” foundations, which is true, but is not in context to our Natural delegation. For the earth is given to “mankind on earth” who is made in Gods image. Only God has a right to intervene as a legitimate “Owner,” and scripture is full of warnings that evil actions will in variance congeal to deadly outcomes. However it is not delegated to me to force your righteousness, nor support any laws of violence that will make you holy. For your right to liberty from the foundations of the world is a matter between you and God alone, and only if a person commits an act of despotism (a trespass against life, liberty or property) which would infringe upon another persons life, liberty or property, can we as a society engage those trespasses with the law “ethically.”

Can we agree the that all things change when we enter into a contract with God? A contract or covenant of “salvation” which no longer allows us to have life, liberty or property from the delegation, for we must give all that are and all that we have to Him; we become His bond-servant to serve Him with no ownership of any kind. However in our custodial role of property, Gods delegation is quite fixed in place when we are confronted by other people. For salvation does not nullify our Natural Delegation with men, but with God only.

I should say that after an earthly or natural death then all bets are off my friend; for we exist not under Natural Law but under Eternal Law where we will live forever with Him or suffer the dreadful lake of fire. Can we agree that Natural Law is a sub-construct of Eternal Law and is understood through Divine Law; also that Human Law is often times in conflict with Natural Law?

Yet I agree that we have nothing before God, not even one breath my brother. Ultimately in the grand context of Eternal law I agree; yet Natural Law was not addressed.

When a man goes to work he ahs the right and the expectation to receive some form of recompense or wage .On the foundation of Gods Word that says "every labourer is worthy of his hire"
But while a man holds his breath and wonders what he is going to say or do with it .He should ask himself this question. The next breath that is not mine .Wherein did I ever work for it or laboured? That I can say it is mine by right?
In very truth .His very first breath he took was at his mothers labour expense . She had to labour and work to bring forth the child.,
He is then in love debt to his mother for his first breath.
How much the more then is he in love debt to God for every breath he has ever breathed and given as a gift by God?

You have a most humble and vigilant dissemination of Gods grace; for I must agree with enthusiasm that we owe all things to our Lord.

The Constitution is written bit I thank God it is not written by men nor on parchment.
But on the indelible history of this nation and while it is yet to be 'perfected' each part that we do have has been tried tested and proved to be true right and good in the fires of great adversity .
and given that it has given us so much liberty it would be folly of the highest order to reject it for one constructed by men .
For while men may reject it .That still would not change what ahs been written .
About Locke Ill get back .
In Christ

I believe the law is most twisted, most of the time, yet I honor it with Gods charge. I shall hope that many in my country and others will embrace the principles of Natural Law and remain out of conflict with our God given Natural Liberty. Yet I embrace educations, legal infiltration and influence, while rejecting all manor of immature hostility, revelry and angry protest.
Fascism is where corporations run the government, communism is where the government runs the corporations.
Both are equally evil and always run by completely corrupt men.
The "left versus right" paradigm is false, the two hands are shaking each other behind the back.
Like in the US, the Dumbocrats and Repugnicans are the two sides to the same coin.

May I also add a slight addition?

Would you agree with me that Communism "owns" production abolishing capitalism and corporatism, while Socialism "runs" or highly "regulates" production to diminish capitalism and empower corporatism? Also that Socialism is nearly always Communism's and Fascism's forerunner?

I agree with your premise completely and find it exceedingly wise that you allocate both sides to work the middle, while offering society division and chaos. Two sides aligned pretending a fictitious divide. For each side scratches the others back in almost every piece of legislation till a nations liberty is lost.
One of the peaceful demonstrations in Prague, 26th November 1989. About 750 000 people came.

(you can also see some video if you are interested: www.youtube.com/watch?v=yxmthRAIrGM)