So what is your proposed solution?
Er politically? consider your ways and repent. The same applies also to much else in the nations life . For if the church is to be the salt of the earth and a such is there to stop the meat rotting and corruption and if all you see is the emat rotting and corruption growing then the state of the nation reflects but the state of the church . I cant speak for the USA but in the UK we are in a reverse reformation and what is called the Church of England is turning back to those things it once rejected and has it seems forsaken the very foundation of its existence and liberty.
What is happening to date and has been for the last 40 years is that the electorate has been blindly voting for parties and electing people they do not know never seen heard or had a decent conversation with and have no idea whatsoever that the people they have been electing have been people who represent the party not the electorate and therefore 'yes men' ne'er do wells (never do well) corrupt and in some cases perverted men and women who are now in the majority and think by it the truth is what they make it .
Politically ? Christians that is to say real Christians need to start waking up and stop looking to their own prosperity but seek FIRST the kingdom of God and HIS righteousness . and if needs must be as salt in politics .
For as things are going not only are we losing and will lose our liberties in politic law and vitally in religion . But the fires that once burnt so often so long ago will soon be lit again .
"IF my people which are called by my name will (first) humble themselves (then) and pray and ............................. then will I "
The promise has conditions .
But consider Gideon. Who had heard of God but knew not God . He believed and was doing what he could with the means at hand. and his thoughts and meditations honoured God and as the scripture says They that draw near to God or turn to God ,He draws near to them or turns to them.
God is omnipresent .He is everywhere all at the same time ;now. How then can you be far from God? or how then can you draw near to God?
If a son is in disagreement with his father and the son is wrong and the father right .Though they live in the same house while that strife and disagreement lasts they could be as a 1000 miles apart.
The prodigal son albeit was in a "far country" when he "came to himself and began to think thoughts of repentance he was drawing nearer to his fathers heart and his thoughts led to act of repentance . Thus as he walked back to his fathers house . Though he was geographically separated from his father .He was in all senses of the word drawing nearer and nearer to him.
It is of note that the elder brother who was geographically in the same house was in fact further away form his father than the repentant son.
The church does not know God. It has heard of Him. and while it may know him as "little children" 1 john . I do not believe many know Him as young men2 in whom the Word of God dwelleth richly and who have overcome the wicked one"
Let alone "ye fathers ye k now Him who is form the beginning " That's what I mean do not know God . How can it when it seems the majority don't even believe Him as to what happened "in the beginning"?
I don't think we can avoid the storms or the persecution that's going to come to this country of real Christians .which is going to include deaths .
How can we not?
For if we were to reject those things that ahs given us so much stability and liberty in law religion and politic that this nation has tried tested and proved to be true right and good and were to embrace those things that other nations have proved for themselves to be so ruinous wrong and detrimental to their stability and liberty and has given them so little or none at all .
It would be absurd to think we will not escape what they have not .
I have though this certainty. It was not the English who raised up England but God .
and what God starts he will perfect .
What the kings of England had to learn some at great cost and what the people had to learn and once knew sometimes also at great cost .
This Parliament and in particular the House of Commons will also have to learn .
In peace via the elections .Or both history and the Constitution tells me if not it will be at the point of a sword and if then not there will be bloodshed.
Today Christians are defending their rights .Not by the Word of God and that Constitution but on the grounds of that Godless ,wicked and vain assertion of the European bill of human rights .
Which neither can does ,will or even should preserve any.
Be ye separate says the scriptures .
and God ensured that we were geographically separated . But we are now joined via the tunnel .
Legally separated .But we are now joined by that usurper and absurdly named Supreme court .
Religiously separated but are now beign joined via a C of E that like a dog is returning to its vomit.
The children of Israel were given as our ensample . If then we do that which they did. How will we escape what they did not?
For God has not changed he is the same yesterday today and forever .
I suggest that any child of God starts praying that THY kingdom come my kingdom go. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven ,
For God has not changed either .
In 1940 we was facing utter defeat and ruin and was in danger of beign made subject to another rising power in Europe that sought to subject one and all under the one head .Who though the truth was what he made it and was anti God and it was the spirit of anti Christ that worked and 'inspired' him.
This country began to pray as if its life depended on it .It did for if it had not prayed .God would not have answered.
Gideon wrought a good work of God when his thoughts came into conformity with Gods and then his actions came into conformity with God .
and once the lines of communication had been opened .That is to say a two way of listening and speaking to God and ESTABLISHED .Then things began to change for the better and a whole generation (40 years) knew peace in the land as a consequence .
in Christ