I know in the Bible it says that magic that is associated with the occult and demonic forces are evil and that we need to stay away, this makes total sense. But what about the magic that is disney movies, Harry Potter,magicians use, basically magic that is used for entertainment and that are in fairy tales. Am I allowed to like this kind of magic?
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To answer your question... all magic comes from the same source. The devil. It's people choosing to cast some spell or do some incantation to get what they want in their own strength, instead of relying on God, and doing things His way.
The Disney movies and other stuff like Harry potter, use words to manipulate and control the things that they want changed. Those are contrary (oppisite) to God's ways.
Similar in the fact that they use words to bring something into existence (which is God's way... we speak God's Words, and through faith and patience, get God's results... because God's Words are alive (Hebrews 4:12)
Opposite in the fact that God does not try to control people, those ways are devilish. And the devil knows that by getting those things into the minds of young people, by using cute movies and cartoons, causes a person to think that there is nothing wrong with it, and causes us to accept it as ok, which could possibly lead to something later.
And is why we should not be allowing any thing of this nature into our thinking, or into our eyes or ears. For many times God says to guard our hearts (spirit, inner man)... meaning to protect your spirit so that it does not become contaminated with things that are opposed to the Word of God. It's planting seeds that are not of God, that can trip you up later.
Proverbs 4:23
Guard your heart above all else,
for it determines the course of your life.
Even if it's just getting a person in the habit of praying and asking God to change others (which is devilish), or to cause a person to expect things instantly, and when our prayers are not answered instantly then we think that God is saying no, and causes us to doubt God's promises. It can condition us to give up when we need to be standing in faith, patiently waiting for our prayers to be answered.
Hope this helps!
God bless you abundantly