That's good, please always ensure the link to the website follows the text.I have permission
Thank you, @Fish Catcher Jim.
That's good, please always ensure the link to the website follows the text.I have permission
Actually the copyright issues are the responsibility of the forum owners as they would be the ones facing legal action if things went that way.Copyright Issues
Rule 8: Any time that you "quote" someone else's works, you must be certain that there is a Copyright © Waiver or reposting authorization posted in the original source indicating that you can quote all or part of that original author's work. Text of copyright waivers, author permissions or public domain statements from source pages must accompany any copied materials that members post at CFS, at the bottom of the copied post. If you just copy and paste text randomly without regard for the Copyrighting © of that text, you bring liability issues into the equation and we at CFS will take appropriate action to keep infringement issues out of this forum.
Yep I sure willl.That's good, please always ensure the link to the website follows the text.
Thank you, @Fish Catcher Jim.