To forgive a sin against us, is to confess their sin to God. As we forgive them so doe's God.
God bless
That's not entirely true.
1. We forgive someone who is not sorry and may even being continuing the sin against us so that it doesn't interfere with our relationship with God.
That doesn't mean we need to place ourselves in a position to make it easy for this person to hurt us or in any way subject ourselves to abuse.
It doesn't even mean we have to go to the person and say the words "I forgive you" while this person is still plotting against us.
It doesn't mean I need to stay in a relationship with a boyfriend whose beatings are progressively getting worse and have already placed me in the hospital - twice!
It doesn't even mean I need to have a relationship with the person.
It simply means I need to let the bad feelings go so that my focus can be on God and His plan for my life.
2. We forgive someone to be reconciled to that person, to heal the hurt and anger between us and to demonstrate God's love toward us to others. No matter what the expected reaction from the other person.
3. It does not mean that God will forgive them. God knows their heart. God will forgive them if they sincerely repent - regardless of whether or not we forgive them.
I can refuse to forgive someone, but God may forgive them anyway, which means my unforgiveness hurts no one but myself.
I may choose to forgive and forget, but God may judge not to forgive their sin and hold them accountable on judgment day.