
To forgive a sin against us, is to confess their sin to God. As we forgive them so doe's God.

God bless

That's not entirely true.

1. We forgive someone who is not sorry and may even being continuing the sin against us so that it doesn't interfere with our relationship with God.
That doesn't mean we need to place ourselves in a position to make it easy for this person to hurt us or in any way subject ourselves to abuse.
It doesn't even mean we have to go to the person and say the words "I forgive you" while this person is still plotting against us.
It doesn't mean I need to stay in a relationship with a boyfriend whose beatings are progressively getting worse and have already placed me in the hospital - twice!
It doesn't even mean I need to have a relationship with the person.
It simply means I need to let the bad feelings go so that my focus can be on God and His plan for my life.

2. We forgive someone to be reconciled to that person, to heal the hurt and anger between us and to demonstrate God's love toward us to others. No matter what the expected reaction from the other person.

3. It does not mean that God will forgive them. God knows their heart. God will forgive them if they sincerely repent - regardless of whether or not we forgive them.
I can refuse to forgive someone, but God may forgive them anyway, which means my unforgiveness hurts no one but myself.
I may choose to forgive and forget, but God may judge not to forgive their sin and hold them accountable on judgment day.

Just as an off shot questioin, have you considered while you are waiting for someone to ask for your forgiveness...they may not even know they have done anything to offend you? What causes offense in one person may not be any kind of big deal in another.

That is an excellent point. People often offend unintentionally. Rather than dwelling on their comment or actions we should let them know we were hurt. Maybe we were the ones who misunderstood and will find relief in knowing the truth.

That is an excellent point. People often offend unintentionally. Rather than dwelling on their comment or actions we should let them know we were hurt. Maybe we were the ones who misunderstood and will find relief in knowing the truth.


Excellant answer Ginger . It is always better to go to the person and tell them in love how they have offended.

However there are also instances of extreme hurt ( Domestic Abuse ) where it is not possible to go to the other person unless you have been led by the Holy Spirit to do so.

But on the other hand we have an all mercyfull Heavenly Father where we can always go and tell everything and ask forgiveness on behalf of that person . That is very powerful and so uplifting but as I said before is a process and does not always liberate the other person .

The final process of forgiveness comes when the person can forgive themselves. Unless and untill that is done , satan will have you bound in the blame game , feeling sorry for yourself and thinking you are the cause of the abuse . Satan wants the person to feel guilt and shame .

But , Hallelujah, we have a Saviour who is able to set us free and when we are free we are free indeed.:dance::dance::dance::dance:
There are a lot of good insights here!:) Thanks I have enjoyed reading this thread.

He who is forgiven much loveth much. Love covers a multitude of sins. How much has the Master forgiven each of us for? He forgave us an unpayable debt so we should follow His footsteps and forgive those who are in such debt to us. It is a small price to pay to please our Father and is part of our calling to embrace the cross and die daily to ourselves.
Only in death to the old self can we experience the power of His ressurection life in the hear and now- selah.
I agree, this thread has been a real pleasure to read and a good learning curve for me:groupray:

God Bless you , Techie May God give you the strength to look after those children of yours .:groupray::groupray:
Whilst preparing a different talk on David, I was reading Psalm 51, and particularly noted Psalm 51 vs. 4 "Against you, you only, have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight".

Just consider! David had committed adultery with Bathsheba. He had in effect murdered her husband Ahab, by arranging for him to be put in the heat of the battle. But he recognised that when we sin it is rebellion against God, and it is from God that we must seek forgiveness, then from any injured party (if that is possible) and then make restitution. What really stands out in the psalm is David's deep repentance.

God forgave David, but the child conceived in adultery died, and if we read the life of David we find that when God said "the sword shall never depart from your house, because you despised me...." 2 Sam. 12:10 he meant it.

Perhaps it might be interesting if someone opened a file on "Repentance" and the Results of sin.

I have studied this particular passage many times, but I was particularly struck by the fact that God looks upon sin as "despising" him. What a dreadful thought.

God Bless as we learn together
if they continue in sin.. there no longer remains a sacrifice for them... (just look that one up and give it a few seconds to marinate)

my perspective on forgiveness: it must be absolute; without regret. it will never show it's face again. it will react as if the offense never occured.

(note that there are consequences to actions and we should do what is necessary to protect ourselves and our family from some things and so there should be things done on that end for some offenses - but never as a revenge)
Matthew 18:21-35

Introduction - Vss. 21-22 - Peter asks how much forgiveness needs to be given to others. Jesus tells him that forgiveness is always to be practiced. The number 70 x 7 would indicate an unlimited number of times we need to forgive. Now, Jesus follows with a parable all Christians should take very seriously.

UNPAYABLE DEBT - Vss. 23-24 - The debt for the Christian's sin is greater than he could ever pay.

UNBELIEVABLE DEFERMENT - Vss. 25-27 - The payment for our sins on the cross by Jesus Christ makes this forgiveness possible.

UNACCEPTABLE DECORUM - Vss. 28-31 - If Jesus forgave us for so much, why shouldn't we forgive those who have done relatively so little against us?

UNDERSTANDABLE DECREE - Vss. 32-35 - Of course, a true Christian can not lose salvation, but can experience the Lord's hand of discipline upon his life.