Friends vs. Neighbors. Help!

I don't feel comfortable. Mostly because I have a young daughter who is picking up habits. I don't know if that's just judgemental or wisdom, but I do feel my first priority is the spiritual well-being of my family.

As it should be. That is the Holy Spirit working on you. There is absolutely nothing wrong with you making judgments. It is Biblical to make judgments of others.

Now consider this...........Do birds of a feather flock together?

Now then..........If something looks like a duck and walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, what are the chances that it is a duck?

We do not gather and party with homosexuals, or witches or drunks etc. We have nothing in common and have no need to be together with them. Someone who advertises their rejection of Christ openly is looking for an argument and or a confrontation.

1 Thessalonians 5:22.......
"Abstain from all appearance of evil".
I'm here aren't I? :D I don't have to go to bars or restaurants or even church buildings to do God's work. The Lord leads and I follow. We go to church buildings when the Lord leads us to go. Many "do" but are not asked to "do". They feel they have an obligation because some preacher said so. We are to be led by the Holy Spirit, not our whims or those of others. If I give a homeless person $100 because I feel obligated, then I'm doing it out of self-righteousness. But if the Lord tells me to give that person my spare room and I don't, which is worse? If I act out of self-righteousness then I have my reward here on earth, Matt 5:46; 6:1-2; 6:5; 6:16. Living in the Spirit and being obedient is far more important, 1 Sam 15:22. If you plant a seed when the ground isn't ready you could create a still born christians just like many "1, 2, 3, pray after me" folks, who are not saved because they trust a prayer and not the One they're supposedly praying to. Christianity is about the truth through God's POWER. Living examples of His POWER. Sadly most Christians are just lip service or self-service people.

Here's an example: You have a friend who has a drug problem. They come to you asking for money, but you do not know they have a drug problem. The Holy Spirit tells you NOT to give them money, and the Spirit doesn't tell you that they're broke so they can be discovered and get help. The Spirit wants you to be obedient. But you do the "Christian" thing and give them $500... now they're set for another two months for their drug habit. God wanted them to get help, but now you've set them back further. What's worse than them remaining in their prison, you maybe even get them killed because they get high and drive and they hit a tree, or worse. You get the point.

The just SHALL live by faith.
Isn't there always a problem when we wait on and expect a voice from God to tell us something?
@KingJ @Major Thanks for your comments. I'm sorry I disagree and you give no leeway for levels of understanding and lessons learned. Even Jesus had to learn obedience too. Again, it's a process. We don't wake up as PhD Christians. :D
@KingJ @Major Thanks for your comments. I'm sorry I disagree and you give no leeway for levels of understanding and lessons learned. Even Jesus had to learn obedience too. Again, it's a process. We don't wake up as PhD Christians. :D
Hello Brother Abdicate,
I believe the point they are trying to make is in line with what I had said as well.
Walking in Love is a command from God and it pleases Him. We should not have to be told to do this for it should be our life style. When we see some one in need we should not have to be told before we help out.

This would include right thinking and understanding and wisdom in Christ in order to make the right choice for the situation. You can feed a homeless person and give them clothes and such when you know they will spend cash on a buzz.

Now then sir, this does not dismiss the leading of the Holy Spirit at all. We may see a need and want to jump in and rescue them and the Holy Spirit quickens us and tells us NO! Then we must obey His leading.

The Holy Spirit may lead you to do many things you were not planning on and yet this does not take away from living as we should and doing good. We should not have to wait to be told to do what he has already given us to do.

Both doing what you are lead to do and doing because you have the love of God in you are correct. I see a lady broke down on the freeway with cars flying by her and almost hitting her. I am in a tow truck - do I need to wait for my boss to schedule me to help her or wait until I see if God wants me to give her a hand ? No sir - I get her car to a safe place and see what I can do. If need be I will square with my boss and pay for it my self. That is walking in Gods Love.

Notice Brother I have Not ever said waiting to be lead is wrong - I just simply said it was incomplete to Only go by this. I think your post reads like that to some...
Cherio mate
James ;)
Hello Brother Abdicate,
I believe the point they are trying to make is in line with what I had said as well.
Walking in Love is a command from God and it pleases Him. We should not have to be told to do this for it should be our life style. When we see some one in need we should not have to be told before we help out.

This would include right thinking and understanding and wisdom in Christ in order to make the right choice for the situation. You can feed a homeless person and give them clothes and such when you know they will spend cash on a buzz.

Now then sir, this does not dismiss the leading of the Holy Spirit at all. We may see a need and want to jump in and rescue them and the Holy Spirit quickens us and tells us NO! Then we must obey His leading.

The Holy Spirit may lead you to do many things you were not planning on and yet this does not take away from living as we should and doing good. We should not have to wait to be told to do what he has already given us to do.

Both doing what you are lead to do and doing because you have the love of God in you are correct. I see a lady broke down on the freeway with cars flying by her and almost hitting her. I am in a tow truck - do I need to wait for my boss to schedule me to help her or wait until I see if God wants me to give her a hand ? No sir - I get her car to a safe place and see what I can do. If need be I will square with my boss and pay for it my self. That is walking in Gods Love.

Notice Brother I have Not ever said waiting to be lead is wrong - I just simply said it was incomplete to Only go by this. I think your post reads like that to some...
Cherio mate
James ;)

Absolutely! We do not have to wait for divine words or even pray about certain things in life. We do them because it is the right thing to do and not because we need to be told by God to do it.

If I see the lady broke down on the highway I would do and have done the same thing and I do not need to pray about what I would do.
@KingJ @Major Thanks for your comments. I'm sorry I disagree and you give no leeway for levels of understanding and lessons learned. Even Jesus had to learn obedience too. Again, it's a process. We don't wake up as PhD Christians. :D

Of course that is true. It is OK that you disagree with me because I am no authority figure and I have done the same thing with you many times.

However, God did give us a brain with common sense and we have the ability to make choices.

For example, I have already decided what I will do if I wake up in the middle of the night with a stranger standing in my living room
holding my dog as a hostage. I do not need to ask God or wait for His directions, I have already determined today what needs to be done then.