"From Dry Bones to Filled Lungs" (The Divinity of King Messiah) Bible study Video

I'd like to share this with you, if it is OK with the moderators. I don't know where else to put this. I guess I could say It "IS" a video, I recorded it though I am not very good at technology. This is the beginning of a 16-lesson Bible/Torah study series entitled "From Dry Bones to Filled Lungs" written by our founding rabbi; Gustav Elowitz, who founded Beth Yeshua HaMashiach Messianic congregation, where I attended for 25 years before moving to El Salvador. He is now in the presence of God, and I would like to keep his work going. This is lesson 1 "The Divinity of King Messiah" Please support this ministry of teaching, not with $$ but just your comments and views. Thank you
