Unless I am missing something, this discusion is on Genesis 3:22 ---and the subsequent "sub points," which answer that question ----and Pilate, etc.., to the extent he is being debated, is a side point, which is distracting from the original question, and debate, ---and thus should be a seperate thread: as the original debate here has:
1) So far it has been established that, God knows evil ---because God is all knowing ---but that does not imply God is evil!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2) How can it imply God is evil, simply because God understands evil?????? And again the same answer is no ---it does not even imply God is evil, if one were to "retort" the 1st objection as not going far enough,
3) I brought up the point, that God so stated in Isaiah 29:11-12, that His word would not be handled propery given the state of the world, which by the way is also reinforced in Amos 8:11-12, etc..,
4) And I in so bringing up that point, I also discussed the possibility that the passage could even read: "The man has become a divided, and even compound being, knowing good and evil, as if from the mind of Us," ----showing for example ---that even though we were created for the "Indwellings" of the Trinity, as man was intended to be God's temple of obedience to God ( thru the Intended Indwellings of God ), and not man's own temple of himslef!!!!! And the mind, heart, and soul ---(also centered at the heart): were meant for the indwellings of the Trinity ----which satan corrupted, by creating gnosticism, which is the warfare of mind, heart, and soul ---between themselves ---as well as the war of the sexes, as men and women each believe in gnostic coruption, that they are their own gods and goddesses ---and are the pure form of their pseudo-god's creation, needing to convert the other, etc.., ---and thus in the sin of the garden of eden, satan introduced the sin of trying to divide mankind into complex "compound unities," ---if we so "take the bait," ---to cause a complex "fight" from that point foward within us ---so as to perpetuate many stages of seperation, in which the lost fight against God, and continue to do so, in their ongoing rebelion ----all while God is still reaching out to them ----and is reflected in the progression of man's "art" ---thru to, and including movies with heavy metaphysical themes, and rock, when it does the same, etc.., etc.., etc.., and
5) Even if I were wrong, and thus by showing "possibilities," were still somehow incorrect in My conclusions ---My point now is that this debate is becoming sidetracked, from it's original questions on Genesis 3:22.