Giving of Self

Bob Wille (Family)

Passed on, November 6, 2022
The generous will prosper;
those who refresh others
will themselves be refreshed
Proverbs 11:25

If you give what you do not need,
it isn't giving.

[Mother Teresa]
Naturally, God Speaks
Web 882.JPG
I do not know how true that is what Mother Theresa said. We should give to others, but notice that John the baptist and Jesus says if someone has TWO coats he should give one to the one who needs it. We do not have to give away our only resources but we should give spare resources to those who need it.
You are right about what Jesus and John the Baptist said.
But I've read the life story of Mother Theresa, and this dear lady really did "give it all".
And because so many recognized her gifts of mercy, she won the Nobel Peace prize one year.
Sidelight story to the Peace prize award: She was on her way to the building where the

ceremony was being held. Just outside the building there was a begger who obviously had almost nothing but what he was wearing. She stopped, assisted him in some way. Helping others, to her, was far more important than receiving the award to be bestowed upon her.