Glorifying God With Our Lives - Devotional

2 Thessalonians 1:11-12 (NLT)

11 So we keep on praying for you, asking our God to enable you to live a life worthy of his call. May he give you the power to accomplish all the good things your faith prompts you to do. 12 Then the name of our Lord Jesus will be honored because of the way you live, and you will be honored along with him. This is all made possible because of the grace of our God and Lord, Jesus Christ.

We magnify God by making Him much greater in our lives than what we are. When we 'glorify' Him in our lives, we give Him praise and adoration and reveal God's character through everything that we say and do. It's bringing Him honour in how we live our lives—representing Him well! It's giving praise & worship in every moment of every day—in the mundane moments and in the highlight moments. It's in lifting Him up higher, revealing His splendour and majesty. It's in giving Him full credit for everything we do and for all our spiritual growth—acknowledging that it is God who has given us our gifts & talents. It is God who has given us a brain to use for His purposes and who also helps us train and gain new skills. Our whole being is created by God with all our gifts & abilities, whether in the natural or the spiritual, they have all been given to us from our loving Father. And this is all the more reason to give God all the glory!

Living a life that glorifies God is living a life fully surrendered to Him—exalting Him in every way and in every moment of life, through the highs and through the challenges. Our desire should always be to glorify God with our lives. Even when going through the tough seasons of life, glorifying God in the midst of it by worshiping Him and keeping Him central in our minds and hearts, raises our spirits and ignites our faith so that we can have hope and an assurance that God holds us in His hands—and that He watches over us.

In everything, His name is to be glorified!

© By M.S.Lowndes


All the Poetry, Card Verses, Sentiments, Devotionals and Songs are all the 'Copyrighted Work' of M.S.Lowndes. However, permission is granted for others to use them - for non-commercial use
You may copy & paste the Poetry, Card Verses, Sentiments, Devotionals into any craft project, cards, print them out for yourself or to give away to others, use them on blogs, internet groups, on any other website, recite in church services/meetings and for use in church bulletins/newsletters - keeping my copyright notice with them.
Hello godbe4me;

M.S. Lowndes writes; It's bringing Him honour in how we live our lives—representing Him well! It's giving praise & worship in every moment of every day—in the mundane moments and in the highlight moments. It's in lifting Him up higher, revealing His splendour and majesty.

I'd like to add giving our God all the glory as we surrender to His strength instead of giving in to our strongest temptations.

God is faithful and does watch over us in everything.

God bless you, godbe4me.