Wow!! What a great forum!!
To Help out Let me give some useful things without a long bible study.
1: God's Will is subject to TWO things.
A) What is Written in the Word and can not be changed.
B) Individual lives that can be changed.
John_Jervis is correct.
In fact, Jesus asked if He would find faith on earth. That faith is subject to taking Heed what we hear and obeying the plan of God in our lives. God has a plan for everyone and there are no replacement parts to get the plan done.
Take Jesus for example, He ask for God to take the cup from him and walk away from the cross. No other man could ever take that position so the request for that prayer was denied. Jesus knew God's will anyway, and if there was another way he was all ears. The scriptures say Jesus was Obedient unto death. That means he had a choice and had he walked away or called a whole bunch of angels to save him then you and I would be in big trouble and this World lost.
God needs us to bring the Gospel to the nations. We have a body and legal right to operate on this earth. Satan came another way and is a thief. He has no legal body. Everything God does is though man speaking the Word. He confirms that Word with signs following. We have a choice to obey or not obey. Disobedience not only hurts us, but those the Word could have effected.
1Ti 2:3 This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;
1Ti 2:4 who would have all men to be saved, and come to the knowledge of the truth. (ASV)
It is the Will of God that all be saved. Is everyone going to be saved? NO, even though it's his divine will.
Being Healed, prosperity, sharing the Word is not up to God. We have a roll to play and God will do his part if we step up in the power and Glory of the Lord with all authority and boldness doing our part.
Be blessed everyone.
Thank you very much for that answer and welcome to the forum . We would like to encourage you to stop by the New Members section and tell us a little about yourself and welcome you properly . God Bless.