God Goes Too!

God Goes Too!
But the person who is united to the Lord becomes one spirit with Him.
– 1 Corinthians 6:17, The Amplified Bible

I once heard about a great man of God who looked in the mirror every day when he put on his suit and said, "Suit, everywhere you go today, God goes in you." And you know, he's right. If you have united yourself to God by receiving Jesus as Lord, everywhere you go today...God goes too!

As believers, we need to start becoming more conscious of that. We need to train ourselves to be constantly aware of God inside of us, talking to us, teaching us, counseling us, empowering us and enduing us with Himself.

We need to continually remind ourselves that we are one spirit with Him. That means that every time we face a problem, every time we face an evil spirit that tries to influence and hinder our lives, God is facing it too. When we meet those things, God meets them. And He's already overcome them!

Let me encourage you when you get dressed today to look in the mirror and say, "I am united to the Lord and I have become one spirit with Him. Body, everywhere you go today...God goes. God is in you. The power of God is in you. The wisdom of God is in you. The victory of God is in you."

Say that to yourself every day—many times a day. Keep doing it until you begin to develop the habit of thinking that way. Cultivate a constant awareness of the reality of God living in you!

Scripture Reading: 1 Corinthians 6:17-20
© 1991 Eagle Mountain International Church, Inc. aka: Kenneth Copeland Publications All rights reserved
This is the day that the Lord has made, and today, as usual, He has shown how He is with me in it.

For longer than I care to remember, having accepted the Holy Spirit, I have appreciated the way that I have been steered away from any wrong target I had. I often could not understand why my intentions were thwarted. Then it would occur to me that I would later see that there was a better thing I should be doing.
I so often had to remember Paul's experience when he said "The Holy Spirit would not let us go there, so we waited....". Yes, if we are obedient, we can do God's will through His promptings.

But this idea of realising His presence within myself is different. Instead of stopping my intentions, the result is that I am inspired and led into wonderful experiences. I feel led rather than restricted.
Yesterday, having failed to achieve what I had been trying to do for a week, I felt guided into a positive result by a different route, and now I don't even need to look in the mirror. I know He is "talking to us, teaching us, counseling us, empowering us and enduing us with Himself".
Inspiration...means having the spirit INSIDE of you.. this is how we get to do the great works God calls us to do, if we take the time to listen to His still small voice.

It can only come from God, and he gets the glory. How many times do we try to copy someone else and it just doesnt work? Or say looking in the mirror, we try to make ourselves look like someone else?? You can only ever look like you, unless you are an actor and trying to fool someone into believing you are not you! Because God created us as individuals and unique for His purposes. He knows whats best for us. He knows what will work.
Inspiration...means having the spirit INSIDE of you.. this is how we get to do the great works God calls us to do, if we take the time to listen to His still small voice.

It can only come from God, and he gets the glory. How many times do we try to copy someone else and it just doesnt work? Or say looking in the mirror, we try to make ourselves look like someone else??

Inspiration is being inspired.
We can be inspired by or through many things and people.
Yes the Holy Spirit and God's Word Can Inspire us.